
Name: utils

Owner: Big Data Genomics

Description: General (non-omics) code used across BDG products. Apache 2 licensed.

Created: 2014-09-24 15:07:01.0

Updated: 2017-08-24 16:50:27.0

Pushed: 2017-10-26 16:08:07.0

Homepage: null

Size: 532

Language: Scala

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General (non-omics) code used across BDG products. Apache 2 licensed.

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The bdg-utils project contains functionality for instrumenting Spark operations, as well as Scala function calls. Function calls can be recorded both in the Spark Driver, and in the Spark Workers.

The following is an example of some instrumentation output from the ADAM Project:

                        Metric                           | Worker Total |  Driver Total  | Driver Only |  Count   |      Mean      |      Min       |      Max       |
 Base Quality Recalibration                              |            - | 2 mins 36 secs |   644.45 ms |        1 | 2 mins 36 secs | 2 mins 36 secs | 2 mins 36 secs |
  ?? map at DecadentRead.scala:50                        |            - |        6.72 ms |           - |        1 |        6.72 ms |        6.72 ms |        6.72 ms |
  ?   ?? function call                                   |   21.45 secs |              - |           - |   747308 |       28.71 µs |              0 |      183.24 ms |
  ?? filter at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:71         |            - |       20.09 ms |           - |        1 |       20.09 ms |       20.09 ms |       20.09 ms |
  ?   ?? function call                                   |    170.74 ms |              - |           - |   373654 |         456 ns |              0 |        1.37 ms |
  ?? flatMap at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:71        |            - |        9.88 ms |           - |        1 |        9.88 ms |        9.88 ms |        9.88 ms |
  ?   ?? function call                                   |   46.17 secs |              - |           - |   363277 |      127.08 µs |          69 µs |       54.42 ms |
  ?? map at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:82            |            - |        5.37 ms |           - |        1 |        5.37 ms |        5.37 ms |        5.37 ms |
  ?   ?? function call                                   |    6.58 secs |              - |           - | 33940138 |         193 ns |              0 |       44.63 ms |
  ?? aggregate at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:83      |            - | 2 mins 35 secs |           - |        1 | 2 mins 35 secs | 2 mins 35 secs | 2 mins 35 secs |
  ?   ?? function call                                   |   34.49 secs |              - |           - | 33940139 |        1.02 µs |              0 |      510.07 ms |
  ?       ?? Observation Accumulator: seq                |   26.91 secs |              - |           - | 33940138 |         792 ns |              0 |      510.07 ms |
  ?? map at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:95            |            - |       71.76 ms |           - |        1 |       71.76 ms |       71.76 ms |       71.76 ms |
      ?? function call                                   |   57.08 secs |              - |           - |   373654 |      152.76 µs |          89 µs |       39.02 ms |
          ?? Recalibrate Read                            |   56.85 secs |              - |           - |   373654 |      152.14 µs |          88 µs |       39.01 ms |
              ?? Compute Quality Score                   |   51.48 secs |              - |           - |   373654 |      137.76 µs |          75 µs |        34.4 ms |
                  ?? Get Extra Values                    |   19.01 secs |              - |           - |   373654 |       50.88 µs |          22 µs |       33.31 ms |
 Save File In ADAM Format                                |            - | 2 mins 33 secs |     89.8 ms |        1 | 2 mins 33 secs | 2 mins 33 secs | 2 mins 33 secs |
  ?? map at ADAMRDDFunctions.scala:73                    |            - |       30.45 ms |           - |        1 |       30.45 ms |       30.45 ms |       30.45 ms |
  ?   ?? function call                                   |     126.9 ms |              - |           - |   373654 |         339 ns |              0 |          65 µs |
  ?? saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile at ADAMRDDFunctions.scala:75 |            - | 2 mins 33 secs |           - |        1 | 2 mins 33 secs | 2 mins 33 secs | 2 mins 33 secs |
      ?? Write ADAM Record                               |   12.22 secs |              - |           - |   373654 |       32.71 µs |              0 |      359.63 ms |

k Operations
quence |                      Operation                      | Is New Stage? | Stage Duration |  Driver Total  | Stage ID |
       | map at DecadentRead.scala:50                        | false         |              - |        6.72 ms | -        |
       | filter at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:71         | false         |              - |       20.09 ms | -        |
       | flatMap at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:71        | false         |              - |        9.88 ms | -        |
       | map at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:82            | false         |              - |        5.37 ms | -        |
       | aggregate at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:83      | true          | 2 mins 35 secs | 2 mins 35 secs | 1        |
       | map at BaseQualityRecalibration.scala:95            | false         |              - |       71.76 ms | -        |
       | map at ADAMRDDFunctions.scala:73                    | false         |              - |       30.45 ms | -        |
       | saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile at ADAMRDDFunctions.scala:75 | true          | 2 mins 32 secs | 2 mins 33 secs | 2        |
Basic Usage

First, initialize the Metrics object and create a Spark listener:

rt org.bdgenomics.utils.instrumentation.Metrics
rt org.bdgenomics.utils.instrumentation.{RecordedMetrics, MetricsListener}
metricsListener = new MetricsListener(new RecordedMetrics())

Metrics collection is turned on by calling the Metrics.initialize method. Calling the initialize method also resets any previously-recorded metrics, so it is advisable to call it at the start of every Spark job. It is currently also necessary to create a Spark listener and register this in the Spark context (though this requirement may be removed in future versions).

Then, to instrument a Spark RDD called rdd:

rt org.apache.spark.rdd.MetricsContext._
instrumentedRDD = rdd.instrument()

When any operations are performed on instrumentedRDD the RDD operation will be instrumented, along with any functions that the operation uses. All subsequent RDD operations will be instrumented until the unInstrument method is called on an RDD. For example, consider the following code:

array =
writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
ics.print(writer, Some(metricsListener.metrics.sparkMetrics.stageTimes))

This will result in output like the following:

               Metric                  | Worker Total | Driver Total | Driver Only | Count |   Mean   |   Min    |   Max    |
 map at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26        |            - |     82.84 ms |           - |     1 | 82.84 ms | 82.84 ms | 82.84 ms |
  ?? function call                     |       321 µs |            - |           - |     5 |  64.2 µs |     8 µs |   284 µs |
 keyBy at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26      |            - |     11.52 ms |           - |     1 | 11.52 ms | 11.52 ms | 11.52 ms |
  ?? function call                     |        63 µs |            - |           - |     5 |  12.6 µs |     7 µs |    34 µs |
 groupByKey at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26 |            - |     41.63 ms |           - |     1 | 41.63 ms | 41.63 ms | 41.63 ms |
 collect at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26    |            - |     354.3 ms |           - |     1 | 354.3 ms | 354.3 ms | 354.3 ms |

k Operations
quence |               Operation               | Is New Stage? | Stage Duration | Driver Total | Stage ID |
       | map at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26        | false         |              - |     82.84 ms | -        |
       | keyBy at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26      | true          |         124 ms |     11.52 ms | 0        |
       | groupByKey at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26 | false         |              - |     41.63 ms | -        |
       | collect at BdgUtilsTester.scala:26    | true          |          53 ms |     354.3 ms | 1        |
Timings Table

The “Timings” table contains each Spark operation, as well as timings for each of the functions that the Spark operations use. This table has 3 columns representing the total time for a particular entry, as follows:

For an explanation of the difference between the Spark driver program and worker nodes see the Spark Cluster Mode Overview.

Spark Operations Table

The “Spark Operations” table contains more details about the Spark operations. The operations are displayed in the order in which they were executed, and are labelled with the location in the driver program from which they are called. In addition, the following columns are shown:

IMPORTANT: When using bdg-utils instrumentation it is not a good idea to import SparkContext._, as the implicit conversions in there may conflict with those required for instrumentation. Instead it is better to import MetricsContext._ and import only the specific parts of SparkContext that are required for your application. Avoid importing rddToPairRDDFunctions and rddToOrderedRDDFunctions from SparkContext as they will conflict with the corresponding methods in MetricsContext.

Instrumenting Function Calls

As well as instrumenting top-level functions used Spark operations, it is possible to instrument nested function calls. For example, consider the following code:

ct MyTimers extends Metrics {
l DriverFunctionTopLevel = timer("Driver Function Top Level")
l DriverFunctionNested = timer("Driver Function Nested")
l WorkerFunctionTopLevel = timer("Worker Function Top Level")
l WorkerFunctionNested = timer("Worker Function Nested")

rt MyTimers._

erFunctionTopLevel.time {
iverFunctionNested.time {
val array = => {
  WorkerFunctionTopLevel.time {
    WorkerFunctionNested.time {

writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8"))
ics.print(writer, Some(metricsListener.metrics.sparkMetrics.stageTimes))

This will result in output like the following:

                 Metric                     | Worker Total | Driver Total | Driver Only | Count |   Mean    |    Min    |    Max    |
 Driver Function Top Level                  |            - |    604.27 ms |   168.11 ms |     1 | 604.27 ms | 604.27 ms | 604.27 ms |
  ?? Driver Function Nested                 |            - |    497.71 ms |    61.55 ms |     1 | 497.71 ms | 497.71 ms | 497.71 ms |
      ?? map at NestedTester.scala:40       |            - |     75.39 ms |           - |     1 |  75.39 ms |  75.39 ms |  75.39 ms |
      ?   ?? function call                  |    173.29 ms |            - |           - |     5 |  34.66 ms |  30.84 ms |  35.71 ms |
      ?       ?? Worker Function Top Level  |     166.5 ms |            - |           - |     5 |   33.3 ms |  30.79 ms |  33.99 ms |
      ?           ?? Worker Function Nested |    103.54 ms |            - |           - |     5 |  20.71 ms |  20.21 ms |  20.83 ms |
      ?? collect at NestedTester.scala:48   |            - |    360.78 ms |           - |     1 | 360.78 ms | 360.78 ms | 360.78 ms |

We can see that a tree structure representing the nested function calls, along with their timings, is displayed.

Note that the “Worker Total” column is populated only for function calls within RDD operations, and the “Driver Total” column is populated for RDD operations themselves, and any operations outside them. The “Driver Only” column is populated just for function calls outside RDD operations. See the description of the “Timings” table above for further details on these columns.

Instrumenting File Saving Operations

It is possible to instrument file-saving operations in Spark by using a custom Hadoop OutputFormat. For example, consider the following code:

rt org.apache.spark.rdd.InstrumentedOutputFormat
s InstrumentedAvroParquetOutputFormat extends InstrumentedOutputFormat[Void, IndexedRecord] {
erride def outputFormatClass(): Class[_ <: NewOutputFormat[Void, IndexedRecord]] = classOf[AvroParquetOutputFormat]
erride def timerName(): String = "Write Avro Record"

This class extends the InstrumentedOutputFormat class to add instrumentation around the AvroParquetOutputFormat class. Every record written will be instrumented with the timer name returned from the timerName method.

After extending InstrumentedOutputFormat the regular saveAs*HadoopFile methods can be used on an instrumented RDD:

assOf[java.lang.Void], manifest[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]], classOf[InstrumentedAvroParquetOutputFormat],

Note that the RDD must have be instrumented (see “Basic Usage” above).

Unfortunately it is not currently possible to instrument file reading, only writing.

Additional Spark Statistics

It is possible to get additional metrics about Spark tasks. For example, consider the following code:

rt org.bdgenomics.utils.instrumentation.{RecordedMetrics, MetricsListener}
metricsListener = new MetricsListener(new RecordedMetrics())

array =
writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8"))

This will result in output similar to this:

         Metric             | Total Time | Count |  Mean  |  Min  |  Max  |
sk Duration                 |     128 ms |     2 |  64 ms | 46 ms | 82 ms |
ecutor Run Time             |      86 ms |     2 |  43 ms | 42 ms | 44 ms |
ecutor Deserialization Time |      15 ms |     2 | 7.5 ms |  1 ms | 14 ms |
sult Serialization Time     |       2 ms |     2 |   1 ms |     0 |  2 ms |

 Timings By Host
         Metric             |   Host    | Total Time | Count |  Mean  |  Min  |  Max  |
sk Duration                 | localhost |     128 ms |     2 |  64 ms | 46 ms | 82 ms |
ecutor Run Time             | localhost |      86 ms |     2 |  43 ms | 42 ms | 44 ms |
ecutor Deserialization Time | localhost |      15 ms |     2 | 7.5 ms |  1 ms | 14 ms |
sult Serialization Time     | localhost |       2 ms |     2 |   1 ms |     0 |  2 ms |

 Timings By Stage
         Metric             |      Stage ID & Name       | Total Time | Count | Mean  |  Min  |  Max  |
sk Duration                 | 1: keyBy at Ins.scala:30   |      82 ms |     1 | 82 ms | 82 ms | 82 ms |
sk Duration                 | 0: collect at Ins.scala:30 |      46 ms |     1 | 46 ms | 46 ms | 46 ms |
ecutor Run Time             | 1: keyBy at Ins.scala:30   |      44 ms |     1 | 44 ms | 44 ms | 44 ms |
ecutor Run Time             | 0: collect at Ins.scala:30 |      42 ms |     1 | 42 ms | 42 ms | 42 ms |
ecutor Deserialization Time | 1: keyBy at Ins.scala:30   |      14 ms |     1 | 14 ms | 14 ms | 14 ms |
ecutor Deserialization Time | 0: collect at Ins.scala:30 |       1 ms |     1 |  1 ms |  1 ms |  1 ms |
sult Serialization Time     | 0: collect at Ins.scala:30 |       2 ms |     1 |  2 ms |  2 ms |  2 ms |
sult Serialization Time     | 1: keyBy at Ins.scala:30   |          0 |     1 |     0 |     0 |     0 |

The tables contain times for various parts of executing a Spark task, as well as the same timings broken down by host and Spark Stage.


The overhead of instrumenting a function call has been measured at around 120 nanoseconds on an Intel i7-3720QM processor. The overhead of calling the instrumentation code when no metrics are being recorded (the Metrics.initialize method has not be called) is negligible.

Lifecycle and Threading

Calling the Metrics.initialize method turns on metrics collection only for the calling thread. Therefore, if the Driver application is multi-threaded it is necessary to make this call in every thread that requires instrumentation.

Calling the Metrics.initialize method resets any previously-recorded Metrics, so it is strongly advised to call this at the start of each Spark job, otherwise metrics can “leak” between jobs.

If an application does not want to record metrics, it can simply avoid calling the Metrics.initialize method. This is useful for applications that want to avoid recording metrics in certain situations; it is not necessary to modify any code, just avoid calling the initialize method. Attempting to record metrics when the initialize method has not been called will not produce an error, and incurs negligible overhead. However, attempting to call the Metrics.print method will produce an error in this case.

If the application has previously turned on metrics collection, it can be turned off for a particular thread by calling the Metrics.stopRecording method. Calling uninstrument on an RDD is not enough to stop metrics collection, since metrics will still be collected in the Spark Driver. It is always necessary to call the Metrics.stopRecording method as well.

Getting In Touch

Mailing List

This project is maintained by the same developers as the ADAM project. As such, the ADAM mailing list is a good way to sync up with other people who use the bdg-utils code, including the core developers. You can subscribe by sending an email to or just post using the web forum page.

IRC Channel

A lot of the developers are hanging on the #adamdev channel. Come join us and ask questions.


bdg-utils is released under an Apache 2.0 license.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.