
Name: amazon-rekognition-video-analyzer

Owner: Amazon Web Services - Labs

Owner: AWS Samples

Description: A working prototype for capturing frames off of a live MJPEG video stream, identifying objects in near real-time using deep learning, and triggering actions based on an objects watch list.

Created: 2017-06-30 09:00:47.0

Updated: 2018-01-12 20:22:32.0

Pushed: 2017-11-29 17:19:40.0


Size: 371

Language: JavaScript

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Create a Serverless Pipeline for Video Frame Analysis and Alerting


Imagine being able to capture live video streams, identify objects using deep learning, and then trigger actions or notifications based on the identified objects – all with low latency and without a single server to manage.

This is exactly what this project is going to help you accomplish with AWS. You will be able to setup and run a live video capture, analysis, and alerting solution prototype.

The prototype was conceived to address a specific use case, which is alerting based on a live video feed from an IP security camera. At a high level, the solution works as follows. A camera surveils a particular area, streaming video over the network to a video capture client. The client samples video frames and sends them over to AWS, where they are analyzed and stored along with metadata. If certain objects are detected in the analyzed video frames, SMS alerts are sent out. Once a person receives an SMS alert, they will likely want to know what caused it. For that, sampled video frames can be monitored with low latency using a web-based user interface.

Here's the prototype's conceptual architecture:


Let's go through the steps necessary to get this prototype up and running. If you are starting from scratch and are not familiar with Python, completing all steps can take a few hours.

Preparing your development environment

Here?s a high-level checklist of what you need to do to setup your development environment.

  1. Sign up for an AWS account if you haven't already and create an Administrator User. The steps are published here.

  2. Ensure that you have Python 2.7+ and Pip on your machine. Instructions for that varies based on your operating system and OS version.

  3. Create a Python virtual environment for the project with Virtualenv. This helps keep project?s python dependencies neatly isolated from your Operating System?s default python installation. Once you?ve created a virtual python environment, activate it before moving on with the following steps.

  4. Use Pip to install AWS CLI. Configure the AWS CLI. It is recommended that the access keys you configure are associated with an IAM User who has full access to the following:

  5. Amazon S3

  6. Amazon DynamoDB

  7. Amazon Kinesis

  8. AWS Lambda

  9. Amazon CloudWatch and CloudWatch Logs

  10. AWS CloudFormation

  11. Amazon Rekognition

  12. Amazon SNS

  13. Amazon API Gateway

  14. Creating IAM Roles

    The IAM User can be the Administrator User you created in Step 1.

  15. Make sure you choose a region where all of the above services are available. Regions us-east-1 (N. Virginia), us-west-2 (Oregon), and eu-west-1 (Ireland) fulfill this criterion. Visit this page to learn more about service availability in AWS regions.

  16. Use Pip to install Open CV 3 python dependencies and then compile, build, and install Open CV 3 (required by Video Cap clients). You can follow this guide to get Open CV 3 up and running on OS X Sierra with Python 2.7. There's another guide for Open CV 3 and Python 3.5 on OS X Sierra. Other guides exist as well for Windows and Raspberry Pi.

  17. Use Pip to install Boto3. Boto is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python, which allows Python developers to write software that makes use of Amazon services like S3 and EC2. Boto provides an easy to use, object-oriented API as well as low-level direct access to AWS services.

  18. Use Pip to install Pynt. Pynt enables you to write project build scripts in Python.

  19. Clone this GitHub repository. Choose a directory path for your project that does not contain spaces (I'll refer to the full path to this directory as ).

  20. Use Pip to install pytz. Pytz is needed for timezone calculations. Use the following commands:

install pytz # Install pytz in your virtual python env

install pytz -t <path-to-project-dir>/lambda/imageprocessor/ # Install pytz to be packaged and deployed with the Image Processor lambda function

Finally, obtain an IP camera. If you don?t have an IP camera, you can use your smartphone with an IP camera app. This is useful in case you want to test things out before investing in an IP camera. Also, you can simply use your laptop?s built-in camera or a connected USB camera. If you use an IP camera, make sure your camera is connected to the same Local Area Network as the Video Capture client.

Configuring the project

In this section, I list every configuration file, parameters within it, and parameter default values. The build commands detailed later extract the majority of their parameters from these configuration files. Also, the prototype's two AWS Lambda functions - Image Processor and Frame Fetcher - extract parameters at runtime from imageprocessor-params.json and framefetcher-params.json respectively.

NOTE: Do not remove any of the attributes already specified in these files.

NOTE: You must set the value of any parameter that has the tag NO-DEFAULT


Specifies ?global? build configuration parameters. It is read by multiple build scripts.

"StackName" : "video-analyzer-stack"



Specifies and overrides default values of AWS CloudFormation parameters defined in the template (located at aws-infra/aws-infra-cfn.yaml). This file is read by a number of build scripts, including `createstack, ``deploylambda`, andwebui``.

"SourceS3BucketParameter" : "<NO-DEFAULT>",
"ImageProcessorSourceS3KeyParameter" : "src/",
"FrameFetcherSourceS3KeyParameter" : "src/",

"FrameS3BucketNameParameter" : "<NO-DEFAULT>",

"FrameFetcherApiResourcePathPart" : "enrichedframe",
"ApiGatewayRestApiNameParameter" : "VidAnalyzerRestApi",
"ApiGatewayStageNameParameter": "development",
"ApiGatewayUsagePlanNameParameter" : "development-plan"



Specifies configuration parameters to be used at run-time by the Image Processor lambda function. This file is packaged along with the Image Processor lambda function code in a single .zip file using the packagelambda build script.

"s3_bucket" : "<NO-DEFAULT>",
"s3_key_frames_root" : "frames/",

"ddb_table" : "EnrichedFrame",

"rekog_max_labels" : 123,
"rekog_min_conf" : 50.0,

"label_watch_list" : ["Human", "Pet", "Bag", "Toy"],
"label_watch_min_conf" : 90.0,
"label_watch_phone_num" : "",
"label_watch_sns_topic_arn" : "",
"timezone" : "US/Eastern"


Specifies configuration parameters to be used at run-time by the Frame Fetcher lambda function. This file is packaged along with the Frame Fetcher lambda function code in a single .zip file using the `packagelambda` build script.

"s3_pre_signed_url_expiry" : 1800,

"ddb_table" : "EnrichedFrame",
"ddb_gsi_name" : "processed_year_month-processed_timestamp-index",

"fetch_horizon_hrs" : 24,
"fetch_limit" : 3

Building the prototype

Common interactions with the project have been simplified for you. Using pynt, the following tasks are automated with simple commands:

For a list of all available tasks, enter the following command in the root directory of this project:


The output represents the list of build commands available to you:

pynt -l output

Build commands are implemented as python scripts in the file ``. The scripts use the AWS Python SDK (Boto) under the hood. They are documented in the following section.

Prior to using these build commands, you must configure the project. Configuration parameters are split across JSON-formatted files located under the config/ directory. Configuration parameters are described in detail in an earlier section.

Build commands

This section describes important build commands and how to use them. If you want to use these commands right away to build the prototype, you may skip to the section titled “Deploy and run the prototype”.

The packagelambda build command

Run this command to package the prototype's AWS Lambda functions and their dependencies (Image Processor and Frame Fetcher) into separate .zip packages (one per function). The deployment packages are created under the build/ directory.

 packagelambda # Package both functions and their dependencies into zip files.

 packagelambda[framefetcher] # Package only Frame Fetcher.

Currently, only Image Processor requires an external dependency, pytz. If you add features to Image Processor or Frame Fetcher that require external dependencies, you should install the dependencies using Pip by issuing the following command.

install <module-name> -t <path-to-project-dir>/lambda/<lambda-function-dir>

For example, let's say you want to perform image processing in the Image Processor Lambda function. You may decide on using the Pillow image processing library. To ensure Pillow is packaged with your Lambda function in one .zip file, issue the following command:

install Pillow -t <path-to-project-dir>/lambda/imageprocessor #Install Pillow dependency

You can find more details on installing AWS Lambda dependencies here.

The deploylambda build command

Run this command before you run createstack. The `deploylambda` command uploads Image Processor and Frame Fetcher .zip packages to Amazon S3 for pickup by AWS CloudFormation while creating the prototype's stack. This command will parse the deployment Amazon S3 bucket name and keys names from the cfn-params.json file. If the bucket does not exist, the script will create it. This bucket must be in the same AWS region as the AWS CloudFormation stack, or else the stack creation will fail. Without parameters, the command will deploy the .zip packages of both Image Processor and Frame Fetcher. You can specify either ?imageprocessor? or ?framefetcher? as a parameter between square brackets to deploy an individual function.

Here are sample command invocations.

 deploylambda # Deploy both functions to Amazon S3.

 deploylambda[framefetcher] # Deploy only Frame Fetcher to Amazon S3.
The createstack build command

The createstack command creates the prototype's AWS CloudFormation stack behind the scenes by invoking the create_stack() API. The AWS CloudFormation template used is located at aws-infra/aws-infra-cfn.yaml under the project?s root directory. The prototype's stack requires a number of parameters to be successfully created. The createstack script reads parameters from both global-params.json and cfn-params.json configuration files. The script then passes those parameters to the create_stack() call.

Note that you must, first, package and deploy Image Processor and Frame Fetcher functions to Amazon S3 using the packagelambda and deploylambda commands (documented later in this guid) for the AWS CloudFormation stack creation to succeed.

You can issue the command as follows:


Stack creation should take only a couple of minutes. At any time, you can check on the prototype's stack status either through the AWS CloudFormation console or by issuing the following command.


Congratulations! You?ve just created the prototype's entire architecture in your AWS account.

The deletestack build command

The deletestack command, once issued, does a few things. First, it empties the Amazon S3 bucket used to store video frame images. Next, it calls the AWS CloudFormation delete_stack() API to delete the prototype's stack from your account. Finally, it removes any unneeded resources not deleted by the stack (for example, the prototype's API Gateway Usage Plan resource).

You can issue the deletestack command as follows.


As with createstack, you can monitor the progress of stack deletion using the stackstatus build command.

The deletedata build command

The deletedata command, once issued, empties the Amazon S3 bucket used to store video frame images. Next, it also deletes all items in the DynamoDB table used to store frame metadata.

Use this command to clear all previously ingested video frames and associated metadata. The command will ask for confirmation [Y/N] before proceeding with deletion.

You can issue the deletedata command as follows.

The stackstatus build command

The stackstatus command will query AWS CloudFormation for the status of the prototype's stack. This command is most useful for quickly checking that the prototype is up and running (i.e. status is “CREATE_COMPLETE” or “UPDATE_COMPLETE”) and ready to serve requests from the Web UI.

You can issue the command as follows.

 stackstatus # Get the prototype's Stack Status
The webui build command

Run this command when the prototype's stack has been created (using createstack). The webui command ?builds? the Web UI through which you can monitor incoming captured video frames. First, the script copies the webui/ directory verbatim into the project?s build/ directory. Next, the script generates an apigw.js file which contains the API Gateway base URL and the API key to be used by Web UI for invoking the Fetch Frames function deployed in AWS Lambda. This file is created in the Web UI build directory.

You can issue the Web UI build command as follows.

The webuiserver build command

The webuiserver command starts a local, lightweight, Python-based HTTP server on your machine to serve Web UI from the build/web-ui/ directory. Use this command to serve the prototype's Web UI for development and demonstration purposes. You can specify the server?s port as pynt task parameter, between square brackets.

Here?s sample invocation of the command.

 webuiserver # Starts lightweight HTTP Server on port 8080.
The videocaptureip and videocapture build commands

The videocaptureip command fires up the MJPEG-based video capture client (source code under the client/ directory). This command accepts, as parameters, an MJPEG stream URL and an optional frame capture rate. The capture rate is defined as 1 every X number of frames. Captured frames are packaged, serialized, and sent to the Kinesis Frame Stream. The video capture client for IP cameras uses Open CV 3 to do simple image processing operations on captured frame images ? mainly image rotation.

Here?s a sample command invocation.

 videocaptureip["",20] # Captures 1 frame every 20.

On the other hand, the videocapture command (without the trailing 'ip'), fires up a video capture client that captures frames from a camera attached to the machine on which it runs. If you run this command on your laptop, for instance, the client will attempt to access its built-in video camera. This video capture client relies on Open CV 3 to capture video from physically connected cameras. Captured frames are packaged, serialized, and sent to the Kinesis Frame Stream.

Here?s a sample invocation.

 videocapture[20] # Captures one frame every 20.
Deploy and run the prototype

In this section, we are going use project's build commands to deploy and run the prototype in your AWS account. We?ll use the commands to create the prototype's AWS CloudFormation stack, build and serve the Web UI, and run the Video Cap client.

nt packagelambda #First, package code & configuration files into .zip files

mand output without errors

nt deploylambda #Second, deploy your lambda code to Amazon S3

mand output without errors

nt createstack #Now, create the prototype's CloudFormation stack

mand output without errors

nt webui #Build the Web UI

mand output without errors
nt webuiserver #Start the Web UI server on port 8080 by default

Empty Web UI

nt videocaptureip["<your-ip-cam-mjpeg-url>",<capture-rate>]
nt videocapture[<frame-capture-rate>]
When you are done

After you are done experimenting with the prototype, perform the following steps to avoid unwanted costs.

Remember, you can always setup the entire prototype again with a few simple commands.


Licensed under the Amazon Software License.

A copy of the License is located at

The AWS CloudFormation Stack (optional read)

Let?s quickly go through the stack that AWS CloudFormation sets up in your account based on the template. AWS CloudFormation uses as much parallelism as possible while creating resources. As a result, some resources may be created in an order different than what I?m going to describe here.

First, AWS CloudFormation creates the IAM roles necessary to allow AWS services to interact with one another. This includes the following.

Next, the Image Processor lambda function is created in addition to an AWS Lambda Event Source Mapping to allow Amazon Kinesis to trigger Image Processor once new captured video frames are available.

The Frame Fetcher lambda function is also created. Frame Fetcher is a simple lambda function that responds to a GET request by returning the latest list of frames, in descending order by processing timestamp, up to a configurable number of hours, called the ?fetch horizon? (check the framefetcher-params.json file for more run-time configuration parameters). Necessary AWS Lambda Permissions are also created to permit Amazon API Gateway to invoke the Frame Fetcher lambda function.

AWS CloudFormation also creates the DynamoDB table where Enriched Frame metadata is stored by the Image Processor lambda function as described in the architecture overview section of this post. A Global Secondary Index (GSI) is also created; to be used by the Frame Fetcher lambda function in fetching Enriched Frame metadata in descending order by time of capture.

Finally, AWS CloudFormation creates the Amazon API Gateway resources necessary to allow the Web UI to securely invoke the Frame Fetcher lambda function with a GET request to a public API Gateway URL.

The following API Gateway resources are created.

All defaults can be overridden in the cfn-params.json configuration file. That?s it for the prototype's AWS CloudFormation stack! This stack was designed primarily for development/demo purposes, especially how the Amazon API Gateway resources are set up.


Q: Why is this project titled “amazon-rekognition-video-analyzer” despite the security-focused use case?

A: Although this prototype was conceived to address the security monitoring and alerting use case, you can use the prototype's architecture and code as a starting point to address a wide variety of use cases involving low-latency analysis of live video frames with Amazon Rekognition.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.