
Name: go-metrics-loggregator

Owner: Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Description: Export go-metrics to loggregator

Created: 2017-04-25 13:30:22.0

Updated: 2017-06-07 22:30:40.0

Pushed: 2017-05-31 15:49:05.0


Size: 38

Language: Go

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This is the go-metrics exporter for Loggregator. The goal of this library is to make it easy for CF/bosh component developers to define and emit metrics to the Loggregator firehose using a standard metrics library (go-metrics) as opposed to Loggregator's dropsonde.

go-metrics aggregates metrics in memory and this exporter emits them on a specified time interval, defaulting to once per minute. The advantage to using go-metrics over dropsonde is that it provides many more metric types. The additional types, such as Timer, expose more information than a standard counter or gauge, such as percentiles (75th, 90th, 95th, 99th by default) and rates (1 minute, 5, 10, 15, and mean). The documentation for dropwizard (the java library that go-metrics is based on) can be found here.

1. Adding the exporter to your program

Add the 4 required packages:

et github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics
et github.com/pivotal-cf/go-metrics-loggregator
et github.com/cloudfoundry/sonde-go
et github.com/gogo/protobuf

Add to your main.go:

rt (

 main() {
go loggregator.Loggregator(metrics.DefaultRegistry, &loggregator.Options{ Origin: "RedisAgent" })

If you'd like to include extra tags in the dropsonde envelope, for instance a serviceGuid:

 main() {
tags := make(map[string]string)
tags["serviceGuid"] = "Abc-123"
go loggregator.Loggregator(metrics.DefaultRegistry, &loggregator.Options{
    Tags: tags,
    Origin: "RedisAgent",

2. Adding a metron agent to your bosh vm
me: dedicated-node
name: metron
release: loggregator
name: consul_agent
release: consul
  shared_secret:  (( fill me in ))
  listening_port: 3457
  deployment: (( fill me in ))
    client_cert: (( fill me in ))
    client_key: (( fill me in ))
    require_ssl: true
    machines: ['cf-etcd.service.cf.internal']
    ca_cert: (( fill me in ))
  - (( fill me in ))
  ca_cert: (( fill me in ))
  agent_cert: (( fill me in ))
  agent_key: (( fill me in ))
  server_cert: (( fill me in ))
  server_key: (( fill me in ))
    domain: cf.internal
      lan: (( fill me in ))
  machines: (( fill me in ))
  password: (( fill me in ))
  port: 4222
  user: (( fill me in ))

or with bosh links:

Please see the spec files for more details:

3. Instrumenting your program

Any of the go-metrics metrics will work. If you'd like to, for instance, time a potentially lengthy operation:

rt (

 instrumentLengthyOperation() {
timer := metrics.GetOrRegisterTimer("lengthy", metrics.DefaultRegistry)
timer.Time(func() {

Since metrics are aggregated in go-metrics, each benchmark won't individually emit to the firehose, but they'll be rolled up into derived metrics (https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/timer.go#L9)

Emitting the health of the service could look like:

ics.NewRegisteredFunctionalGauge("health", metrics.DefaultRegistry, func() int64 {
= redisPool.Get()
er c.Close()

 := c.Ping()
err != nil {
turn 0

urn 1

4. Testing metrics

Each go-metric (Gauge, Counter, Timer, Meter, Histogram) is an interface, so they're quite simple to create fakes for and register with the registry before your code calls GetOrRegister*. See exporter_test.go for examples.

Metrics best practices


Dropsonde format

All go-metrics are converted to dropsonde's “Envelope_ValueMetric” and they are sent through the firehose like so:

gin:     proto.String("RedisAgent"),
ntType:  events.Envelope_ValueMetric.Enum(),
estamp:  proto.Int64(1493138903202394827),
ueMetric: &events.ValueMetric{
me:  proto.String("cpu.usage"),
lue: proto.Float64(46.45),
it:  proto.String("percentage"),

s: map[string]string{
erviceGuid": "abc-123",
ype":        "gauge",

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.