
Name: gorax

Owner: racker

Description: A Rackspace Cloud client library written in Go

Created: 2013-02-23 00:08:49.0

Updated: 2016-02-06 18:58:44.0

Pushed: 2013-07-24 19:51:23.0

Homepage: null

Size: 220

Language: Go

GitHub Committers

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gorax V0.0.1

The Go ecosystem seems to lack a comprehensive cloud services API (at the time this README was first written). As both Go and cloud services are trending in many businesses, and with Go used increasingly in infrastructure, it seems like an odd omission. To fill this gap, gorax provides a Go binding to the Rackspace cloud APIs. Rackspace offers many APIs that are compatible with OpenStack, and thus provides an ideal springboard for wider OpenStack technology adoption in the Go community.

The name, gorax, is derived from its sister (and, presently, far more complete) project Pyrax, which offers similar capabilities for Python.

This library is still in the very early stages of development. Unless you want to contribute, it probably isn't what you want

Build Status

Build Status

Installation and Testing

To install:

et github.com/racker/gorax

To run unit tests:

est github.com/racker/gorax/v2.0/cloud/server
est github.com/racker/gorax/v2.0/identity

To run integration tests and examples, you'll need a Rackspace cloud user account and password. You may find the tests and examples in the github.com/racker/gorax/exampels directory. Note that most, if not all, of the examples therein require a username and password to run. For this reason, no scripting to invoke these tests exist.


The following guidelines are preliminary, as this project is just starting out. However, this should serve as a working first-draft.


The master branch must always be a valid build. The go get command will not work otherwise. Therefore, development must occur on a different branch. As with Pyrax, we choose to stage all changes in a branch named “working.”

When creating a feature branch, do so off the working branch:

checkout working
checkout -b featureBranch
checkout -b featureBranch-wip

Perform all your editing and testing in the WIP-branch. Feel free to make as many commits as you see fit. You may even open “WIP” pull requests from your feature branch to seek feedback. WIP pull requests will never be merged, however.

To get code merged, you'll need to “squash” your changes into a single commit. These steps should be followed:

checkout featureBranch
merge --squash featureBranch-wip
commit -a
push origin featureBranch

You may now open a nice, clean, self-contained pull request from featureBranch to working.

The git commit -a command above will open a text editor so that you may provide a comprehensive description of the changes.

In general, when submitting a pull request against working, be sure to answer the following questions:

Remember that monster-sized pull requests are a bear to code-review, so having helpful commit logs are an absolute must to review changes as quickly as possible.

Finally, (s)he who breaks working is ultimately responsible for fixing working.

Source Representation

The Go community firmly believes in a consistent representation for all Go source code. We do too. Make sure all source code is passed through “go fmt” before you create your pull request.

Please note, however, that we fully acknowledge and recognize that we no longer rely upon punch-cards for representing source files. Therefore, no 80-column limit exists. However, if a line exceeds 132 columns, you may want to consider splitting the line.

Unit and Integration Tests

Pull requests that include non-trivial code changes without accompanying unit tests will be flatly rejected. While we have no way of enforcing this practice, you can ensure your code is thoroughly tested by always writing tests first by intention.

When creating a pull request, if even one test fails, the PR will be rejected. Make sure all unit tests pass. Make sure all integration tests pass.


Private functions and methods which are obvious to anyone unfamiliar with gorax needn't be accompanied by documentation. However, this is a code-smell; if submitting a PR, expect to justify your decision.

Public functions, regardless of how obvious, must have accompanying godoc-style documentation. This is not to suggest you should provide a tome for each function, however. Sometimes a link to more information is more appropriate, provided the link is stable, reliable, and pertinent.

Changing documentation often results in bizarre diffs in pull requests, due to text often spanning multiple lines. To work around this, put one logical thought or sentence on a single line. While this looks weird in a plain-text editor, remember that both godoc and HTML viewers will reflow text. The source code and its comments should be easy to edit with minimal diff pollution. Let software dedicated to presenting the documentation to human readers deal with its presentation.

Image List from a Region
age main

rt (

 main() {
if len(os.Args) < 3 {
    panic("Usage: I need both username and API key on CLI, in that order.")
username := os.Args[1]
password := os.Args[2]

id := identity.NewIdentity(username, password, "")
err := id.Authenticate()
if err != nil {

region, err := servers.RegionByName(id, "dfw")
if err != nil {

images, err := region.Images()
if err != nil {

fmt.Printf("%-36s   Name\n", "UUID")
for _, i := range images {
    fmt.Printf("%36s - %s\n", string(i.Id[0:36]), i.Name)

Cloud Monitoring


age main

rt (

 main() {
 := monitoring.MakePasswordMonitoringClient("https://monitoring.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0", identity.USIdentityService, "username", "password")
ecks, err := cm.ListChecks("enuzk2tiph")
t.Printf("%s\n", checks)
t.Printf("%s\n", err)

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.