
Name: js-sumo-logger

Owner: Sumo Logic, Inc.

Description: Sumo Logic JavaScript SDK for Logging

Created: 2017-02-23 21:18:18.0

Updated: 2018-05-07 16:34:22.0

Pushed: 2018-04-26 23:05:11.0

Homepage: null

Size: 251

Language: JavaScript

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Sumo Logic JavaScript Logging SDK

The Sumo Logic JavaScript Logging SDK library enables you to send custom log messages to an HTTP Source without installing a Collector on your server.

Included are a plain vanilla JavaScript version (sumologic.logger.js) for browser web apps and a Node.js module (sumoLogger.js). The configuration options are the same for both versions, but usage is slightly different.

You must have an HTTP source created in your Sumo Logic account to use this SDK. To create one, log into Sumo Logic, go to the Collectors page and either create a new Hosted Collector or add a new HTTP source to an existing Hosted Collector.


All logs are sent as JSON objects. If you call log() with just a string, the string is included as a field called msg. If you call the function with a JSON object, each field in the object is included as a separate field. Fields called sessionId, url, and timestamp are sent in both cases.

Messages are batched and sent at the configured interval; default is zero, meaning messages are sent to the server on each call. You can force any queued messages to be sent, typically during a shutdown or logout flow.

| TLS Deprecation Notice | | — | | In keeping with industry standard security best practices, as of May 31, 2018, the Sumo Logic service will only support TLS version 1.2 going forward. Verify that all connections to Sumo Logic endpoints are made from software that supports TLS 1.2. |

Table of Contents


You must have an HTTP source in your Sumo Logic account to use this SDK. To create one:

You?ll need the endpoint URL to configure the logger object. You can get it by clicking the Show URL link for the source on the Manage Collection page.

If you don't have a Sumo Logic account yes, you can easily create one by going to and clicking the Free Trial button–no cost, just enter your email.

You must also have Node.js/npm installed to use the SDK. Node installation

Please review the Security Note at the end of this article before planning your implementation.

Using NPM:

m install --save sumo-logger

From GitHub:


Before running either demo, cd to the repo directory and run npm install. (You must have node/npm installed already.)

Node Demo

Open node-example/index.js in an editor and update the opts configuration object at the top of the file with your own values, at least for the endpoint.

In a terminal, switch to the node-example directory and run npm install again. Then run node index.js to launch the server and open a browser tab to [http://localhost:3000/example.html] to see the demo page.

Browser Demo

Use a local server to serve up the example/example.html file included in this repo. An npm script has been included to simplify loading the page, in your terminal:

Core functions

Before sending any messages your page should set up the SumoLogger object. Of all the configurable attributes, only endpoint is required and all others are optional.

endpoint (Required)

To send your logs, the script must know which HTTP Source to use. Pass this value (which you can get from the Collectors page) in the endpoint parameter.

interval (optional)

A number of milliseconds. Messages will be batched and sent at the interval specified. Default value is zero, meaning messages are sent each time log() is called.

onSuccess (optional)

You can provide a function that is executed only when logs are successfully sent. The only information you can be sure of in the callback is that the call succeeded. There is no other response information.

onError (optional)

You can provide a function that is executed if an error occurs when the logs are sent.

graphite (optional, Node version only)

Enables graphite metrics sending.

clientUrl (optional, Node version only)

You can provide a URL, in the Node version of this SDK only, which will be sent as the url field of the log line. In the vanilla JS version, the URL is detected from the browser's window.location value.

sendErrors (optional, Browser version only)

Setting sendErrors to true will send all the unhandled errors to Sumo Logic with the error message, URL, line number, and column number. This attribute plays well with any other window.onerror functions that have been defined.

sessionKey (optional)

To identify specific user sessions, set a value for this field.

hostName (optional)

This value identifies the host from which the log is being sent.

sourceCategory (optional)

This value sets the Source Category for the logged message.

sourceName (optional)

This value sets the Source Name for the logged message.

Per Message Options

All variants of the log call take an optional object parameter, which can include any of the following fields:


Defaults to new Date() called when processing the log call. Use this when the event being logged occurred at a different time than when the log was sent.


Override a session key set in the config call.


Override client URL set in the config call. (Node version only)

Usage Examples

Full configuration:

r opts = {
endpoint: "",
interval: 20000, // Send messages in batches every 20 seconds
sendErrors: true,
sessionKey: 'Abc32df34rfg54gui8j098dv13sq5re', // generate a GUID
sourceName: 'My Custom App',
sourceCategory: 'My Source Category',
hostName: 'My Host Name',
onSuccess: function() {
  // ... handle success ....
onError: function() {
  // ... handle error ....
graphite: true // Enable graphite metrics



t SumoLogger = require('sumo-logger');
t opts = {
endpoint: 'your HTTP Source endpoint',
clientUrl: '' // NODE version only,
// ... any other options ...

nstantiate the SumoLogger
t sumoLogger = new SumoLogger(opts);

ush a message to be logged
Logger.log('event message to log', {
ssionKey: 'your session key value',
l: ''

lush any logs, typically this line would be in your shutdown code


t SumoLogger = require('sumo-logger');
t opts = {
endpoint: 'your HTTP Source endpoint',
graphite: true // enable graphite metrics
// ... any other options ...

nstantiate the SumoLogger
t sumoLogger = new SumoLogger(opts);

ush a metric
th: 'metric.path', // metric path as a dot separated string
lue: 100 // value of the metric

Browser Apps:

 Configure the logger
endpoint: "",

 Push messages to be logged
 Simple text
Logger.log('A simple log message');

 With per message options
'A simple log message',
  sessionKey: 'Abc32df34rfg54gui8j098dv13sq5re',
  timestamp: new Date()

 JSON, which can use field names specified in Field Extraction Rules
"userType": "silver",
"referralSource": referralSource,
"campaignId": campaignId

 Flush any logs, typically this line would be in your shutdown code
ndow.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {

Field Extraction Rules: fields in Sumo Logic

Security Note

Sumo Logic is always concerned with security but in some instances we must balance risks with value of functionality. Using the vanilla JS version of this library is one such situation.

Hitting an HTTP source endpoint from code running in a web browser exposes the endpoint URL to anyone inspecting the code or running your app with the browser console open to the network tab. There is no means to obfuscate or hide this. The risk is some malicious individual will send additional traffic to the endpoint, potentially using up your ingest or polluting your searches.

If this is a concern for you, we recommend using the Node.js version of the lib so your endpoint URL is never exposed.

One method for minimizing the damage from some malicious users, should you choose to use this or other similar code in the browser, is adding an arbitrary string based on a regex to your log message and adding a processing rule to the HTTP source configuration that blocks incoming messages which lack a match for the regex.



Tests are in the test/ directory and can be run using the following command

m run test

To generate a coverage report which is visible at coverage/lcov-report/index.html, run this command

m run cover


Test are in jasminetest/sumologic-logger-spec.js and can be run by loading http://[your domain:port]/jasminetest/TrackerSpecRunner.html.

To run the tests, open jasminetest/sumologic-logger-spec.js and update the sumoTestEndpoint variable on line 2 with your HTTP source endpoint. You must have already run npm install in the root of the repo.

For example, if you use the Grunt server explained above, the tests will run at

For a shortcut you may use the included npm test script, which will start the Grunt server and open the testRunner page:

m run test:browser

Please file issues or feature requests on this Github repo.


Thanks to Clement Allen for his contributions to this project.


Copyright 2017, Sumo Logic, Inc. The Sumo Logic JavaScript Logging SDK is published under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Please visit for details.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.