
Name: secotrec

Owner: Hammer Lab

Description: Setup Coclobas/Ketrew Clusters

Created: 2017-02-13 21:49:12.0

Updated: 2017-11-15 18:20:16.0

Pushed: 2017-11-13 16:06:46.0

Homepage: null

Size: 197

Language: OCaml

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Secotrec: Deploy Coclobas/Ketrew with class.

secotrec is a library, it provides a bunch of hacks to create more or less generic deployments.

It comes with 3 preconfigured ?examples?. You should pick one.

  1. secotrec-gke:
    • sets up a new GCloud host with a bunch of services: Postgresql, Ketrew, Coclobas (in GKE mode), Tlstunnel (with valid domain-name and certificate), and optionally an nginx basic-auth HTTP proxy.
    • creates an new NFS server.
    • it also deals with the GKE cluster, firewall rules, etc.
  2. secotrec-local: sets up Postgresql, Ketrew, and Coclobas (in local docker mode) running locally or on a fresh GCloud box.
  3. seotrec-aws: still experimental, sets up a similar deployment as secotrec-gke based on AWS-Btatch.

The examples have the option of preparing the default biokepi-work directory with b37decoy_20160927.tgz and b37_20161007.tgz.

For other administration purposes, we also provide secotrec-make-dockerfiles, as Dockerfile generation tool.

This file provides detailed usage information, for high-level tutorial-oriented documentation please check-out the hammerlab/wobidisco project. A good starting point is the ?Running Local? tutorial.


You can install secotrec either from Opam or from a Docker image.

Option 1: With Opam

If you have an opam environment, for now we need a few packages pinned:

opam pin -n add ketrew https://github.com/hammerlab/ketrew.git
opam pin -n add biokepi https://github.com/hammerlab/biokepi.git
opam pin -n add secotrec https://github.com/hammerlab/secotrec.git
opam upgrade
opam install tls secotrec biokepi


Option 2: Dockerized
Getting the Docker image
# Get the docker image
docker pull hammerlab/keredofi:secotrec-default
Setup for secrotec-gke
# Enter the container for GKE use case
docker run -e KETREW_CONFIGURATION -it hammerlab/keredofi:secotrec-default
Setup secrotec-local

If you've chosen to use secotrec-local:

# Enter the container for local use case
docker run \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -it hammerlab/keredofi:secotrec-default \

If you do use secotrec-local, please mind that we cannot access the Ketrew server from the current container (which is in a different network). We can jump to another container which is in the right network:

secotrec-local docker-compose exec coclo opam config exec bash
Configure your gcloud utility

Once you are inside the container, you first need to configure your gcloud utilities for proper access to GCloud services:

# Login to your acount
gcloud auth login

# Set your GKE project
gcloud config set project YOUR_GKE_PROJECT

Generate a template configuration file:

trec-gke generate-configuration my-config.env

Edit the nicely documented my-config.env file until . my-config.env ; secotrec-gke print-configuration is happy and you are too.

Note: if you decide to use HTTP-Basic-Auth (htpasswd option), you will need to append a user-name and password to some of the commands below (see the optional --username myuser --password mypassword arguments).


Then just bring everything up (can take about 15 minutes):

trec-gke up


trec-gke status

Output should say that all services are up:

   Name                      Command               State           Ports
otest_coclo_1     opam config exec -- /bin/b ...   Up>8082/tcp
otest_kserver_1   opam config exec -- dash - ...   Up>8080/tcp
otest_pg_1        /docker-entrypoint.sh postgres   Up>5432/tcp
otest_tlstun_1    opam config exec -- sh -c  ...   Up>8443/tcp

It should show some more interesting information (incl. Ketrew WebUI URL(s)), if there is no display like:

TREC: Getting Ketrew Hello:
 ketrew/hello says: ''


/* A few lines of JSON */

it means that Ketrew is not (yet) ready to answer (depending on Opam-pins and configuration; the server may not be up right away).


The deployment is usable as is, but to use it with Biokepi more efficiently one can start the ?preparation? Ketrew workflow:

trec-gke prepare [--username myuser --password mypassword]

and go baby-sit the Ketrew workflow on the WebUI.

There is also a test of the Biokepi-Machine (for now, it can be run concurrently to the preparation workflow):

trec-gke test-biokepi-machine [--username myuser --password mypassword]

the workflow uses Coclobas/Kubernetes.

Generate Ketrew/Biokepi Stuff

Generate a Ketrew client configuration:

trec-gke ketrew-configuration /tmp/kc.d [--username myuser --password mypassword]

(then you can use export KETREW_CONFIG=/tmp/kc.d/configuration.ml).

Generate a Biokepi Machine.t:

trec-gke biokepi-machine /tmp/bm.ml [--username myuser --password mypassword]
More Inspection / Tools

We can have a top-like display:

trec-gke top

We can talk directly to the database used by Ketrew and Coclobas:

trec-gke psql

The subcommand docker-compose (alias dc) forwards its arguments to docker-compose on the node, with the configuration, e.g.:

trec-gke dc ps
trec-gke dc logs coclo
trec-gke dc exec kserver ps aux
trec-gke get-coclobas-logs somewhere.tar.gz

trec-gke --help

Take down everything (including the Extra-NFS server and its storage) with the following command:

trec-gke down --confirm

Note that this action requires the additional --confirm argument to prevent destroying the secotrec setup accidentally. -y, --yes, --really, and --please are other alternatives that can be used to confirm the destroy procedure.


Configuration is all optional (the gcloud version adds some constrains; cf. the generated config-file), but it works the same way as Secotrec-GKE:

trec-local generate-configuration my-config.env
it my-config.env
ce my-config.env
trec-local print-configuration
trec-local up
trec-local status

Other commands work as well:

trec-local top       # top-like display of the containers

trec-local prepare    # submits the preparation workflow to Ketrew (get `b37decoy`)

trec-local ketrew-configuration /path/to/config/dir/     # generate a Ketrew config
trec-local biokepi-machine /path/to/biokepi-machine.ml   # generate a Biokepi config/machine

trec-local test biokepi-machine

trec-local down

secotrec-make-dockerfiles is designed to update the Docker-Hub images at hammerlab/keredofi.

The README.md and the corresponding branches of GitHub repository hammerlab/keredofi are also updated for convenience by this tools (but we do not use Docker-Hub automated builds any more).

Display all the Dockerfiles on stdout:

secotrec-make-dockerfiles view

Write the Dockerfiles in their respective branches and commit if something changed:

secotrec-make-dockerfiles write --path=/path/to/keredofi

when done, the tool displays the Git graph of the Keredofi repo; if you're happy, just go there and git push --all.

Submit a Ketrew workflow that builds and runs some tests on all the Dockerfiles (for now this expects a secotrec-local-like setup):

eval `secotrec-local env`
secotrec-make-dockerfiles test

See secotrec-make-dockerfiles test --help for more options, you can for instance push to the Docker-Hub:

secotrec-make-dockerfiles test \
    --repo hammerlab/keredofi-test-2 --push agent-cooper,black-lodge

When in the environment WITH_AWS_NODE is true, and application secotrec-aws-node is built, see:

secotrec-aws-node --help

For now the this uses the AWS API to setup a ?ready-to-use? EC2 server.

The build requires master versions of: aws and aws-ec2:

all () {
local tmpdir=$HOME/tmp/
rm -fr $tmpdir/ocaml-aws
cd $tmpdir
git clone https://github.com/inhabitedtype/ocaml-aws.git
cd ocaml-aws
opam pin add -y -n aws .
for lib in $(find libraries/ -type d -name opam) ; do
    echo "Do $lib"
    opam pin add -y -n aws-$(basename $(dirname $lib)) ./$(dirname $lib)/

alls () {
local all="aws aws-ec2"
opam remove -y $all
for lib in $all ; do
    ocamlfind remove $lib
opam install -y $all

(cf. also comment on #21).


# Set your AWS credentials:
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=dliejsddlj09823049823sdljsd/sdelidjssleidje
# Configure once:
secotrec-aws-node config --path /path/to/store/config-and-more/ \
    --node-name awsuser-dev-0 \
    --ports 22,443 \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --pub-key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Then play as much as needed:
secotrec-aws-node show-configuration --path /path/to/store/config-and-more/
secotrec-aws-node up --path /path/to/store/config-and-more/ [--dry-run]
secotrec-aws-node down --path /path/to/store/config-and-more/ [--dry-run]
secotrec-aws-node ssh --path /path/to/store/config-and-more/

Everything should be idempotent (but some ?Waiting for? functions may timeout for now).

More to come?

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.