
Name: biolink-javascript-client

Owner: biolink

Description: Automatically generated js client for biolink-api

Created: 2017-02-08 00:13:01.0

Updated: 2017-02-08 04:07:15.0

Pushed: 2017-02-08 00:20:35.0


Size: 114

Language: JavaScript

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BioLinkApi - JavaScript client for bio_link_api API integration layer for linked biological objects. Source: This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

For Node.js

To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in “Publishing npm packages”.

Then install it via:

install bio_link_api --save

If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

serify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

BioLinkApi = require('bio_link_api');

api = new BioLinkApi.AssociationApi()

id = "id_example"; // {String} 

opts = { 
vidence': "evidence_example", // {String} Object id, e.g. ECO:0000501 (for IEA; Includes inferred by default)                     or a specific publication or other supporting ibject, e.g. ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060503-2.                     
apIdentifiers': "mapIdentifiers_example", // {String} Prefix to map all IDs to. E.g. NCBIGene
object': "_object_example", // {String} OBJECT id, e.g. HP:0011927. Includes inferred by default
raphize': true, // {Boolean} If set, includes graph object in response
ubjectTaxon': "subjectTaxon_example", // {String} SUBJECT TAXON id, e.g. NCBITaxon:9606. Includes inferred by default
age': 1, // {Integer} Page number
ubject': "subject_example", // {String} SUBJECT id, e.g. NCBIGene:84570, ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-050417-357. Includes inferred by default
lExcludesEvidence': true, // {Boolean} If set, excludes evidence objects in response
ows': 10 // {Integer} number of rows

callback = function(error, data, response) {
 (error) {
else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);

getAssociationObject(id, opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ———— | ————- | ————- | ————- BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationObject | GET /association/{id} | Returns the association with a given identifier BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationSearch | GET /association/find/ | Returns list of matching associations BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationSearch_0 | GET /association/find/{subject_category}/ | Returns list of matching associations BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationSearch_1 | GET /association/find/{subject_category}/{object_category}/ | Returns list of matching associations BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationsFrom | GET /association/between/{subject}/{object} | Returns associations connecting two entities BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationsFrom_0 | GET /association/from/{subject} | Returns list of matching associations BioLinkApi.AssociationApi | getAssociationsTo | GET /association/to/{object} | Returns list of matching associations BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAlleleObject | GET /bioentity/allele/{id} | TODO Returns allele object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAnatomyGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/anatomy/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns associations between anatomical entity and genes BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAnatomyObject | GET /bioentity/anatomy/{id} | TODO Returns anatomical entity BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getAnatomyPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/anatomy/{id}/phenotypes/ | TODO Returns associations between anatomical entity and phenotypes BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseAnatomyAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/anatomy/ | TODO Returns anatomical locations associated with a disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseFunctionAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/function/ | TODO Returns biological functions associated with a disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/genes/ | Returns genes associated with a disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseModelAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/models/ | Returns associations to models of the disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseModelTaxonAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/models/{taxon} | Same as `/disease/<id>/models` but constrain models by taxon BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseObject | GET /bioentity/disease/{id} | TODO Returns disease object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseasePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseSubstanceAssociations | GET /bioentity/disease/{id}/substance/ | Returns substances associated with a disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getDiseaseSubstanceAssociations_0 | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/treats/ | Returns substances associated with a disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getEnvironmentObject | GET /bioentity/environment/{id} | TODO Returns environment entity BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getEnvironmentPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/environment/{id}/phenotypes/ | TODO Returns list of associations BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneExpressionAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/expressed/ | TODO Returns expression events for a gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneFunctionAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/function/ | Returns function associations for a gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneHomologAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/homologs/ | Returns homologs for a gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneInteractions | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/interactions/ | Returns interactions for a gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneObject | GET /bioentity/gene/{id} | Returns gene object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenePublicationList | GET /bioentity/gene/{id}/pubs/ | TODO Returns expression events for a gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGeneproductObject | GET /bioentity/geneproduct/{id} | TODO Returns gene product object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenericAssociations | GET /bioentity/{id}/associations/ | Returns associations for an entity regardless of the type BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenericObject | GET /bioentity/{id} | TODO Returns object of any type BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeDiseaseAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/diseases/ | Returns diseases associated with a genotype BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/genes/ | Returns genes associated with a genotype BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeGenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/genotypes/ | Returns genotypes-genotype associations BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypeObject | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id} | Returns genotype object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGenotypePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/genotype/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with a genotype BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGotermGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/goterm/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGotermObject | GET /bioentity/goterm/{id} | TODO Returns GO class object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getGotermPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/goterm/{id}/phenotype/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getLiteratureDiseaseAssociations | GET /bioentity/literature/{id}/diseases/ | Returns associations between a lit entity and a disease BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getLiteratureGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/literature/{id}/genes/ | Returns associations between a lit entity and a gene BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getLiteratureGenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/literature/{id}/genotypes/ | Returns associations between a lit entity and a genotype BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getParentObject | GET /bioentity/individual/{id} | TODO Returns individual BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getParentObject_0 | GET /bioentity/investigation/{id} | TODO Returns investigation object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPathwayGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/pathway/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns list of genes associated with a pathway BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPathwayObject | GET /bioentity/pathway/{id} | TODO Returns pathway object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPathwayParticipantAssociations | GET /bioentity/pathway/{id}/participants/ | TODO Returns associations to participants (molecules, etc) for a pathway BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeAnatomyAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/anatomy/ | Returns anatomical entities associated with a phenotype BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeFunctionAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/function/ | TODO Returns biological functions associated with a Phenotype BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/gene/{taxid}/ids | Returns gene ids for all genes for a particular phenotype in a taxon BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeGeneAssociations_0 | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/genes/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypeObject | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id} | TODO Returns phenotype class object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPhenotypePhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/phenotype/{id}/phenotype/ | TODO Returns associated phenotypes BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getPubObject | GET /bioentity/literature/{id} | TODO Returns publication object BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSequenceFeatureObject | GET /bioentity/sequence_feature/{id} | TODO Returns seqfeature BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceExposures | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/exposures/ | TODO Returns associations between a substance and related exposures BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceInteractions | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/interactions/ | TODO Returns associations between given drug and interactions BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceObject | GET /bioentity/substance/{id} | TODO Returns substance entity BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceParticipantInAssociations | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/participant_in/ | Returns associations between an activity and process and the specified substance BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceRelationships | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/substances/ | TODO Returns associations between a substance and other substances BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceRoleAssociations | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/roles/ | Returns associations between given drug and roles BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getSubstanceTargetAssociations | GET /bioentity/substance/{id}/targets/ | TODO Returns associations between given drug and targets BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantGeneAssociations | GET /bioentity/variant/{id}/genes/ | Returns genes associated with a variant BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantGenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/variant/{id}/genotypes/ | Returns genotypes associated with a variant BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantObject | GET /bioentity/variant/{id} | TODO Returns sequence variant entity BioLinkApi.BioentityApi | getVariantPhenotypeAssociations | GET /bioentity/variant/{id}/phenotypes/ | Returns phenotypes associated with a variant BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetAssociations | GET /bioentityset/associations/ | Returns compact associations for a given input set BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetGraphResource | GET /bioentityset/graph/ | TODO Graph object spanning all entities BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetHomologsDeprecated | GET /bioentityset/DEPRECATEDhomologs/ | Returns homology associations for a given input set of genes BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetOverRepresentationAnalysis | GET /bioentityset/ora/ | TODO Over-representation analysis BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetOverRepresentationAnalysis_0 | GET /bioentityset/ora/{object_category}/ | TODO Over-representation analysis BioLinkApi.BioentitysetApi | getEntitySetSummary | GET /bioentityset/descriptor/counts/ | Summary statistics for objects associated BioLinkApi.BioentitysethomologsApi | getEntitySetHomologs | GET /bioentityset/homologs/homologs/ | Returns homology associations for a given input set of genes BioLinkApi.CamApi | getActivityCollection | GET /cam/activity/ | Returns list of models BioLinkApi.CamApi | getInstance | GET /cam/instance/{id} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModel | GET /cam/model/{id} | Returns a complete model BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection | GET /cam/model/ | Returns list of ALL models BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection_0 | GET /cam/model/properties/ | Returns list of all properties used across all models BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection_1 | GET /cam/model/property_values/ | Returns list property-values for all models BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelCollection_2 | GET /cam/model/query/ | Returns list of models matching query BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelContibutors | GET /cam/instances/ | Returns list of all instances BioLinkApi.CamApi | getModelContibutors_0 | GET /cam/model/contributors/ | Returns list of all contributors across all models BioLinkApi.CamApi | getPhysicalInteraction | GET /cam/physical_interaction/ | Returns list of models BioLinkApi.EvidencegraphApi | getAssociationObject | GET /evidence/graph/{id} | Returns evidence graph object for a given association BioLinkApi.EvidencegraphApi | getAssociationObject_0 | GET /evidence/graph/{id}/image | Returns evidence graph as a png BioLinkApi.GenomefeaturesApi | getFeaturesWithinResource | GET /genome/features/within/{build}/{reference}/{begin}/{end} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.GraphApi | getEdgeResource | GET /graph/edges/from/{id} | Returns edges emanating from a node BioLinkApi.GraphApi | getNodeResource | GET /graph/node/{id} | Returns a graph node BioLinkApi.IdentifiermapperApi | getPrefixCollection | GET /identifier/mapper/{source}/{target}/ | TODO maps a list of identifiers from a source to a target BioLinkApi.IdentifierprefixesApi | getPrefixCollection | GET /identifier/prefixes/ | Returns list of prefixes BioLinkApi.IdentifierprefixesApi | getPrefixCollection_0 | GET /identifier/prefixes/contract/{uri} | Returns contracted URI BioLinkApi.IdentifierprefixesApi | getPrefixCollection_1 | GET /identifier/prefixes/expand/{id} | Returns expanded URI BioLinkApi.IndividualApi | getIndividual | GET /individual/{id} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.IndividualApi | getPedigree | GET /individual/pedigree/{id} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.NlpannotateApi | getAnnotate | GET /nlp/annotate/{text} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.OntolApi | getInformationContentResource | GET /ontol/information_content/{subject_category}/{object_category}/{subject_taxon} | Calculates information content BioLinkApi.OntolslimmerApi | getFoo | GET /ontol/slimmer/{subset} | Maps to slim BioLinkApi.OwlontologyApi | getDlQuery | GET /owl/ontology/dlquery/{query} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.OwlontologyApi | getDlQuery_0 | GET /owl/ontology/sparql/{query} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.PairsimApi | getPairSimJaccardResource | GET /pair/sim/jaccard/{id1}/{id2}/ | Get pairwise similarity BioLinkApi.PubpubsApi | getFoo | GET /pub/pubs/{term} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsageBetweenResource | GET /relation/usage/between/{subject_category}/{object_category} | All relations used plus count of associations BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsagePivotLabelResource | GET /relation/usage/pivot/label | Relation usage count for all subj x obj category combinations, showing label BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsagePivotResource | GET /relation/usage/pivot/ | Relation usage count for all subj x obj category combinations BioLinkApi.RelationusageApi | getRelationUsageResource | GET /relation/usage/ | All relations used plus count of associations BioLinkApi.SearchentityApi | getAuthocomplete | GET /search/entity/autocomplete/{term} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.SearchentityApi | getAuthocomplete_0 | GET /search/entity/query/ | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.SearchentityApi | getSearchEntities | GET /search/entity/{term} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | deleteVariantSetItem | DELETE /variation/set/{id} | Deletes variant set BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getAnalyze | GET /variation/set/analyze/{id} | Returns list of matches BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getVariantSetItem | GET /variation/set/{id} | Returns a variant set BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getVariantSetsArchiveCollection | GET /variation/set/archive/{year}/{month}/{day}/ | Returns list of variant sets from a specified time period BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | getVariantSetsCollection | GET /variation/set/ | Returns list of variant sets BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | postVariantSetsCollection | POST /variation/set/ | Creates a new variant set BioLinkApi.VariationsetApi | putVariantSetItem | PUT /variation/set/{id} | Updates a variant set

Documentation for Models
Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.