
Name: shopping-old

Owner: Turing School of Software & Design

Description: null

Forked from: case-eee/shopping

Created: 2017-01-23 20:51:47.0

Updated: 2017-06-27 14:39:59.0

Pushed: 2016-10-04 01:03:53.0

Homepage: null

Size: 5

Language: HTML

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Practice with Passing Data with Sinatra

In this workshop, we're going to practice passing data between a client and a Sinatra server.

Remember, there are a few different ways to pass data. We'll be focus on passing data via query params (in the url) and via forms.

Query String Parameters
Activity 1

You'll see a route defined in shopping_app.rb that handles requests to the root (/). It's looking for a “name” in the params.

Add something to the url to make the name added in the url appear on the page. Do NOT change any code in the index.erb view.

If you're stuck, research query string parameters. If you're still stuck, scroll down to the bottom for help.

Activity 2

Next, create a route that handles GET requests to /cart (in your server file - shopping_app.rb) that renders the views/cart.erb view template after setting the instance variables necessary. You'll need to pass query string parameters in your url with keys of item and price. Do NOT change the code in the cart.erb view template.

Again, if you're stuck - attempt to do some research on your own, then check the “Hints” section.

Form Parameters
Activity 1

Take a look in views/new_item.erb. You'll see an existing form. Can you identify what each piece of the form does? What currently happens when you launch the server, visit /items/new, and try to submit the form?

Modify the code in the route that handles this request so that the data a user enters in the form is shown on the page after submission.

Activity 2

You'll see a route in your shopping_app.rb to get '/users/new' that renders a view template that's blank. Create a form in this file that will accept a username and password.

Create a route that handles the submission of this form (a POST to /users). Then, create a view that displays the submitted data.

Query String Parameters
Activity 1

After you launch you're server, type in localhost:4567/?name=YourNameHere. The ? indicates that the data following will be query params. Then, we add key/value pairs using = and separate multiple pieces of data with &.

Activity 2

We need to first create a route to handle this request:


'/cart' do

Then, we'll need to assign the instance variables requested:


'/cart' do
tem = params["item"]
rice = params["price"]

The above params need to be passed in through the url like so: localhost:4567/cart?item=Apple&price=4.50

Then, we'll need to render the correct view:


'/cart' do
tem = params["item"]
rice = params["price"]

b :cart

Form Parameters
Activity 1

The name attribute on the input tags in views/new_item.erb. We can access these keys within params to pull the data that was submitted via the form.

 '/items' do
tem = params["item"]
rice = params["price"]

b :cart

Activity 2

In views/new_user.erb, let's create a form:

m method="POST" action="/users">
ername: <input type="text" name="username">
ssword: <input type="text" name="password">
nput type="submit" value="Submit">

In our shopping_app.rb, we'll define the route that accepts this data then renders a new view.


 '/users' do
sername = params["username"]
assword = params["password"]

b :user

In your views/user.erb, you can access @username and @password and display this data!

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.