
Name: PythonEmbedInR

Owner: Sage Bionetworks

Description: Based off of PythonInR ( but includes a standalone, compiled from source python instead of relying on the python installed on the host machine

Created: 2016-12-08 19:23:10.0

Updated: 2016-12-14 19:14:06.0

Pushed: 2018-01-16 01:27:19.0

Homepage: null

Size: 352

Language: C

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PythonEmbedInR - Access a private copy of Python embedded in this R package.

This package is a modification of PythonInR which embeds a private copy of Python, isolated from any Python installation that might be on the host system. The documentation of the original package follows.

PythonInR - Makes accessing Python from within R as easy as pie.

More documentation can be found at and


R >= 2.15.0


all.packages(c("pack", "R6", "PythonEmbedInR"), repos=c("", ""))
se your favorite CRAN mirror above.  See for a list of available mirrors.)
Python 3

Due to api changes in Python 3 the function execfile is no longer available. The PythonInR package provides a execfile function following the typical workaround.

exec(compile(open(filename, 'rb').read(), filename, 'exec'), globals())
Type Casting
R to Python (pySet)

To allow a nearly one to one conversion from R to Python, PythonInR provides Python classes for vectors, matrices and data.frames which allow an easy conversion from R to Python and back. The names of the classes are PrVector, PrMatrix and PrDataFrame.

Default Conversion

| R | length (n) | Python | | —————— | ———- | ———– | | NULL | | None | | logical | 1 | boolean | | integer | 1 | integer | | numeric | 1 | double | | character | 1 | unicode | | logical | n > 1 | PrVector | | integer | n > 1 | PrVector | | numeric | n > 1 | PrVector | | character | n > 1 | PrVector | | list without names | n > 0 | list | | list with names | n > 0 | dict | | matrix | n > 0 | PrMatrix | | data.frame | n > 0 | PrDataFrame |

Change the predefined conversion of pySet

PythonInR is designed in way that the conversion of types can easily be added or changed. This is done by utilizing polymorphism: if pySet is called, pySet calls pySetPoly which can be easily modified by the user. The following example shows how pySetPoly can be used to modify the behavior of pySet on the example of integer vectors.

The predefined type casting for integer vectors at an R level looks like the following:

ethod("pySetPoly", signature(key="character", value = "integer"),
      function(key, value){
success <- pySetSimple(key, list(vector=unname(value), names=names(value), rClass=class(value)))
cmd <- sprintf("%s = PythonInR.prVector(%s['vector'], %s['names'], %s['rClass'])", 
               key, key, key, key)

To change the predefined behavior one can simply use setMethod again.

tPoly <- PythonInR:::pySetPoly

t("x", 1:3)

      signature(key="character", value = "integer"),
      function(key, value){
PythonInR:::pySetSimple(key, value)

t("x", 1:3)

NOTE PythonInR:::pySetSimple
The functions pySetSimple and pySetPoly shouldn't be used outside the function pySet since they do not check if R is connected to Python. If R is not connected to Python this can yield to segfault !

NOTE (named lists):
When executing pySet("x", list(b=3, a=2)) and pyGet("x") the order of the elements in x will change. This is not a special behavior of PythonInR but the default behavior of Python for dictionaries.

NOTE (matrix):
Matrices are either transformed to an object of the class PrMatrix or to an numpy array (if the option useNumpy is set to TRUE).

NOTE (data.frame):
Data frames are either transformed to an object of the class PrDataFrame
or to a pandas DataFrame (if the option usePandas is set to TRUE).

R to Python (pyGet)

| Python | R | simplify | | ———– | ——————– | ———— | | None | NULL | TRUE / FALSE | | boolean | logical | TRUE / FALSE | | integer | integer | TRUE / FALSE | | double | numeric | TRUE / FALSE | | string | character | TRUE / FALSE | | unicode | character | TRUE / FALSE | | bytes | character | TRUE / FALSE | | tuple | list | FALSE | | tuple | list or vector | TRUE | | list | list | FALSE | | list | list or vector | TRUE | | dict | named list | FALSE | | dict | named list or vector | TRUE | | PrVetor | vector | TRUE / FALSE | | PrMatrix | matrix | TRUE | | PrDataFrame | data.frame | TRUE |

Change the predefined conversion of pyGet

Similar to pySet the behavior of pyGet can be changed by utilizing pyGetPoly. The predefined version of pyGetPoly for an object of class PrMatrix looks like the following:

ethod("pyGetPoly", signature(key="character", autoTypecast = "logical", simplify = "logical", pyClass = "PrMatrix"),
      function(key, autoTypecast, simplify, pyClass){
x <- pyExecg(sprintf("x = %s.toDict()", key), autoTypecast = autoTypecast, simplify = simplify)[['x']]
M <-, x[['matrix']])
rownames(M) <- x[['rownames']]
colnames(M) <- x[['colnames']]

For objects of type “type” no conversion is defined. Therefore, PythonInR doesn't know how to transform it into an R object so it will return a PythonInR_Object. This is kind of a nice example since the return value of type(x) is a function therefore PythonInR will return an object of type pyFunction.


One can define a new function to get elements of type “type” as follows.

tPoly <- PythonInR:::pyGetPoly
ethod("pyGetPoly", signature(key="character", autoTypecast = "logical", simplify = "logical", pyClass = "type"),
      function(key, autoTypecast, simplify, pyClass){
pyExecg(sprintf("x = %s.__name__", key))[['x']]


NOTE pyGetPoly
The functions pyGetPoly should not be used outside the function pyGet since it does not check if R is connected to Python. If R is not connected to Python this will yield to segfault !

NOTE (bytes):
In short, in Python 3 the data type string was replaced by the data type bytes. More information can be found here.

Cheat Sheet

| Command | Short Description | Example Usage | | —————- | ————————————————– | ——————————————————————– | | BEGIN.Python | Start a Python read-eval-print loop | BEGIN.Python() print("Hello" + " " + "R!") END.Python | | pyAttach | Attach a Python object to an R environment | pyAttach("os.getcwd", .GlobalEnv) | | pyCall | Call a callable Python object | pyCall("pow", list(2,3), namespace="math") | | pyConnect | Connect R to Python | pyConnect() | | pyDict | Create a representation of a Python dict in R | myNewDict = pyDict('myNewDict', list(p=2, y=9, r=1)) | | pyDir | The Python function dir (similar to ls) | pyDir() | | pyExec | Execute Python code | pyExec('some_python_code = "executed"') | | pyExecfile | Execute a file (like source) | pyExecfile("") | | pyExecg | Execute Python code and get all assigned variables | pyExecg('some_python_code = "executed"') | | pyExecp | Execute and print Python Code | pyExecp('"Hello" + " " + "R!"') | | pyExit | Close Python | pyExit() | | pyFunction | Create a representation of a Python function in R | pyFunction(key) | | pyGet | Get a Python variable | pyGet('myPythonVariable') | | pyGet0 | Get a Python variable | pyGet0('myPythonVariable') | | pyHelp | Python help | pyHelp("help") | | pyImport | Import a Python module | pyImport("numpy", "np") | | pyIsConnected | Check if R is connected to Python | pyIsConnected() | | pyList | Create a representation of a Python list in R | pyList(key) | | pyObject | Create a representation of a Python object in R | pyObject(key) | | pyOptions | A function to get and set some package options | pyOptions("numpyAlias", "np") | | pyPrint | Print a Python variable from within R | pyPrint("somePythonVariable") | | pySet | Set a R variable in Python | pySet("pi", pi) | | pySource | A modified BEGIN.Python aware version of source | pySource("myFile.R") | | pyTuple | Create a representation of a Python tuple in R | pyTuple(key) | | pyType | Get the type of a Python variable | pyType("sys") | | pyVersion | Returns the version of Python | pyVersion() |

Usage Examples

Dynamic Documents
Data and Text Mining

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.