
Name: blacklight_cql

Owner: Project Blacklight

Description: A plugin for Blacklight to provide CQL searching

Created: 2010-06-28 21:29:43.0

Updated: 2015-01-20 22:32:55.0

Pushed: 2015-08-26 21:04:05.0


Size: 352

Language: Ruby

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Gem Version

An extension for the Blacklight solr search front-end.

Provides for CQL search queries that map to Solr and Blacklight fields.


(Requires Blacklight 5.14+)

Add to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'blacklight_cql'

run 'bundle install'.

Add to your CatalogController:

include BlacklightCql::ControllerExtension

Add to your SearchBuilder:

include BlacklightCql::SearchBuilderExtension

You may also want to add the optional Explain handler, see below.

See below for optional configuration to change default behavior.

Usage[uri-encoded cql query]

Or for an atom response for instance,[uri-encoded cql query]

See for more info on CQL syntax and semantics.

Any search_field you have configured in Blacklight.config[:search_fields] (probably in your config/blacklight_config.rb) is available as a CQL index. These search fields are only available with the custom “solr.dismax” CQL relation, taking a dismax expression as a value. They are referenced in the CQL by their :key in the BL config.

some_field solr.dismax "term +required -negate \"a phrase\" "

For dismax fields, the “=” server-choice relation means the same thing:

some_field = "term +required -negate \"a phrase\" "

Any Solr indexed field is also available as a CQL index. A much greater range of CQL relations are supported when you specify a Solr indexed field directly.

solr_field cql.adj "some phrase" AND solr_year within "1990 2000"

Solr indexed field CQL support is provided by the cql_ruby gem, for details on relations supported see:

If there is a direct solr indexed field with the same name as a Blacklight-configured dismax field, the BL field will take precedence. You can use explicit CQL “context set” prefixes to disambiguate.

These prefixes can be changed, see configuration below.

Raw solr fields and Blacklight config'ed fields CAN be mixed together in a single CQL query.

(lsolr.title_t any "one two three" AND lsolr.author_t all "smith john") OR local.title = "my dismax title query"

CQL does need to be URL escaped in a URL, of course:

For “solr.dismax” or “=” relations, the the cql.serverChoice index maps to your default blacklight-configed field and solr.dismax relation. cql.serverChoice used with other relations will map to a solr indexed field, usually 'text' although that can depend on your configuration (both solr and plugin config).

SRU/ZeeRex Explain

This plugin does not provide a full SRU/SRW server. However, a ZeeRex/SRU explain document is provided by the plugin to advertise, in machine-readable format, what CQL indexes (ie, search fields) are provided by the server, and what relations are supported on each search field.

It's highly recommended to activate the explain response, for debugging or machine-readable field availability.

Activating the explain response

To activate the explain response, add this line to your CatalogController or equivalent:

include BlacklightCql::ExplainBehavior

Then add this line or equivalent to your config/routes.rb file, before the line Blacklight.add_routes.

get "catalog/explain" => "catalog#cql_explain"

The explain document will then be found at 'catalog/explain' on your server.

Nature of explain response

For solr fields themselves, the plugin finds them via a Solr luke request, looking for any field that is Indexed in solr, and advertising it. (If you have configured lucene indexes directly not through solr, they will likely be erroneously included in the explain as well).

For Blacklight fields, Blacklight.config[:search_fields] is used to discover fields to put in the Explain.

Note that at present only the custom solr.dismax relation is supported on Blacklight fields. Most of the standard CQL relations are supported on raw solr fields.

URL cql key, and cql label

A psuedo-blacklight-search-field is added by the Cql plugin to indicate a CQL search in the URL and BL processing. You can change the definition of this psuedo-field however you want: to change the URL search_field key, the label for a CQL search echoed back to the user in HTML, or even to add some additional Solr parameters for the top-level Solr query for CQL searches. The value is a hash with the same semantics as other Blacklight.config[:search_fields] elements.

In an initializer:

BlacklightCql::SearchBuilderExtension.psuedo_search_field = {
  :key => "super_search", 
  :label => "The Super Search",
  :solr_parameters => { "mm" => "100%" },
  :show_in_simple_select => false

Or leave out the :show_in_simple_select => false to make manual CQL entry an option in your BL search.

Dismax search field configuration

All fields configured in Blacklight.config[:search_fields] are available as CQL indexes. If you'd like to make more dismax-configured search fields available via a CQL search, but not the standard HTML search select menu, simply add them with :show_in_simple_select = false, eg:

Blacklight.config[:search_fields] << {:key => "only_in_cql", :show_in_simple_select => false, :local_solr_parameters => { :qf => "$my_special_qf"}} 

As in the example above, you may want to use :local_solr_parameters referencing dollar-sign parameters that will be defined in your solrconfig.xml and de-referenced by Solr. This will keep your CQL-generated Solr querries a lot more readable in your logs and debugging.

Simply supplying literal values in :solr_paramaters is also supported and will work fine, it will just result in very long search querries in your solr query log.

CQL context set prefixes

You can change the CQL “context set” prefix used for specifying a CQL index that is a direct solr field, or a Blacklight dismax configured field. In a Rails initializer:

CqlRuby.to_solr_defaults[:solr_field_prefix] = "my_solr"
CqlRuby.to_solr_defaults[:blacklight_field_prefix] = "my_blacklight_fields"
Defaults from CqlRuby for direct solr indexed field querries.

For direct-solr-field operations, there are additional defaults that can be set, supported by CqlRuby. See:


CqlRuby.to_solr_defaults[:default_index] = "solr_index"
CqlRuby.to_solr_defaults[:all_index] = "solr_mega_index"
CqlRuby.to_solr_defaults[:default_relation] = "cql.any"
CQL gotchas

CQL can be a confusing language, lacking clear documentation on escaping rules among other things.

Use without Blacklight?

Most of the code in this plugin was written to potentially be useful in other projects, not Blacklight, not neccesarily even Rails. However, the gem initialization code assumes Blacklight in order to insert it's hooks into Blacklight properly. This can probably be refactored to make it easier to use this gem in a non-BL or even non-Rails app, let me know if you are someone who has an actual need/plan for this, and I can possibly help.


Thanks to Chick Markley for writing the CqlRuby gem that provides the fundamental functionality here, and for making me a committer on the project. Thanks to Mike Taylor for writing the original Java CQL parser that Chick's work was based on.

Copyright 2010-2015 Jonathan Rochkind/Johns Hopkins University, released under the MIT license

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.