
Name: puppet-yum

Owner: Vox Pupuli

Description: Puppet module for Yum

Forked from: CERIT-SC/puppet-yum

Created: 2016-06-23 11:22:21.0

Updated: 2017-10-15 15:10:32.0

Pushed: 2018-01-11 16:15:55.0

Homepage: https://forge.puppet.com/puppet/yum

Size: 199

Language: Ruby

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Module description

This module provides helpful definitions for dealing with yum.


Module has been tested on:

Manage global Yum configuration via the primary class
s { 'yum':
ep_kernel_devel => false|true,
ean_old_kernels => false|true,
nfig_options    => {
  my_cachedir => {
    ensure => '/home/waldo/.local/yum/cache',
    key    => 'cachedir',
  gpgcheck    => true,
  debuglevel  => 5,
  assumeyes   => {
    ensure => 'absent',

NOTE: The config_options parameter takes a Hash where keys are the names of Yum::Config resources and the values are either the direct ensure value (gpgcheck or debuglevel in the example above), or a Hash of the resource's attributes (my_cachedir or assumeyes in the example above). Values may be Strings, Integers, or Booleans. Booleans will be converted to either a 1 or 0; use a quoted string to get a literal true or false.

If installonly_limit is changed, purging of old kernel packages is triggered if clean_old_kernels is true.

Manage yum.conf entries via defined types
:config { 'installonly_limit':
sure => 2,

:config { 'debuglevel':
sure => absent,

Manage a custom repo via Hiera data

Using Hiera and automatic parameter lookup (APL), this module can manage Yumrepos. The repos parameter takes a hash of hashes, where the first-level keys are the Yumrepo resource names and their value hashes contain parameters and values to feed into the resource definition. On its own, the repos parameter does nothing. The resource names from the hash must be selected via the managed_repos parameter. This example defines a custom repo.

First, include the class.

ude 'yum'

In Hiera data, add the name of the repo to the yum::managed_repos key (an Array), and define the repo in the yum::repos key:

- 'example_repo'
    ensure: 'present'
    enabled: true
    descr: 'Example Repo'
    baseurl: 'https://repos.example.com/example/'
    gpgcheck: true
    gpgkey: 'file:///etc/pki/gpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Example'
    target: '/etc/yum.repos.d/example.repo'
Enable management of one of the pre-defined repos

This module includes several pre-defined Yumrepos for easy management. This example enables management of the EPEL repository using its default settings.

NOTE: This only works if the data for the repository is included with the module. Please see the /data directory of this module for a list of available repos.

ude 'yum'

- 'epel'
Enable management of one of the pre-defined repos AND modify its settings

Here the Extras repository for CentOS is enabled and its settings are modified. Because the repos parameter uses a deep merge strategy when fed via automatic parameter lookup (APL), only the values requiring modification need be defined.

To clear a value set below (from default repos, or lower in the hierarchy), pass it the knockout prefix, --. This will blank out the value.

- 'extras'
    enabled: true
    baseurl: 'https://myrepo.example.com/extras'
    gpgcheck: false
    gpgkey: '--'

The built-in repos by default have data in mirrorlist, but baseurl is undefined. Using the knockout prefix won't work with mirrorlist, as it requires a valid URL or the value absent, as shown at https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/types/yumrepo.html.

- 'extras'
    enabled: true
    baseurl: 'https://mirror.example.com/extras'
    mirrorlist: 'absent'
Enable managemnt of multiple repos

The managed_repos parameter uses the unique Hiera merge strategy, so it's possible to define repos to be managed at multiple levels of the hierarchy. For example, given the following hierarchy and the following two yaml files, the module would receive the array ['base', 'extras', 'debug'].

- name: 'Common'
    - "%{trusted.certname}"
    - 'common.yaml'

- 'base'
- 'debug'
- 'base'
- 'extras'
Negate previously enabled repos

The repo_exclusions parameter is used to exclude repos from management. It is mainly useful in complex Hiera hierarchies where repos need to be removed from a baseline. Here we define a baseline set of repos in common.yaml, but disable one of them for a specific node.

- name: 'Common'
    - "%{trusted.certname}"
    - 'common.yaml'

- 'updates' #yolo

- 'base'
- 'updates'
- 'extras'
Enable management of the default OS Yumrepos

This module includes the boolean helper parameter manage_os_default_repos easily select select OS repos. It uses module data to add the appropriate repos to the managed_repos parameter based on OS facts. Just like adding them manually, they can be negated via the repo_exclusions parameter.

NOTE: This only works for operating systems who's Yumrepos are defined in the module's data AND who's default repos are defined in the module's data.

On a CentOS 7 machine these two snippets are functionally equivalent.

s { 'yum':
nage_os_default_repos => true,

s { 'yum':
naged_repos => [

Add/remove a GPG RPM signing key using an inline key block
:gpgkey { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet-smoketest1':
sure  => present,
ntent => '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----


Add/remove a GPGP RPM signing key using a key stored on a Puppet fileserver
:gpgkey { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org':
sure => present,
urce => 'puppet:///modules/elrepo/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org',

Install or remove yum plugin
:plugin { 'versionlock':
sure => present,

Lock a package with the versionlock plugin

Locks explicitly specified packages from updates. Package name must be precisely specified in format EPOCH:NAME-VERSION-RELEASE.ARCH. Wild card in package name is allowed provided it does not span a field seperator.

:versionlock { '0:bash-4.1.2-9.el6_2.*':
sure => present,

Use the following command to retrieve a properly-formated string:

-q "$PACKAGE_NAME" --qf '%|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}|:%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n'
Install or remove yum package group
:group { 'X Window System':
sure  => present,
meout => 600,

Install or remove packages via yum install

This is a workaround for PUP-3323. It enables the installation of packages from non-repo sources while still providing dependency resolution. For example, say there is a package foo that requires the package bar. bar is in a Yum repository and foo is stored on a stand-alone HTTP server. Using the standard providers for the Package resource type, rpm and yum, the rpm provider would be required to install foo, because only it can install from a non-repo source, i.e., a URL. However, since the rpm provider cannot do dependency resolution, it would fail on its own unless bar was already installed. This workaround enables foo to be installed without having to define its dependencies in Puppet.

From URL:

:install { 'package-name':
sure => present,
urce => 'http://example.com/path/to/package/filename.rpm',

From local filesystem:

:install { 'package-name':
sure => present,
urce => 'file:///path/to/package/filename.rpm',

Please note that resource name must be same as installed package name.

This module was donated by CERIT Scientific Cloud, support@cerit-sc.cz to Vox Pupuli

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.