
Name: d1_python

Owner: DataONE

Description: Python components for DataONE clients and servers

Created: 2016-05-31 16:01:00.0

Updated: 2018-05-02 02:14:59.0

Pushed: 2018-05-05 00:14:14.0

Homepage: null

Size: 87904

Language: Python

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Python components for DataONE clients and servers.

See the documentation on ReadTheDocs.

Build Status Coverage Status Documentation Status PyPI version

v2 and v1 API
v1 API

Pull Requests (PRs) are welcome! Before you start coding, feel free to reach out to us and let us know what you plan to implement. We might be able to point you in the right direction.

We try to follow PEP8, with the main exception being that we use two instead of four spaces per indent.

To help keep the style consistent and commit logs, blame/praise and other code annotations accurate, we use the following pre-commit hooks to automatically format and check Python scripts before committing to GitHub:

Configuration files for YAPF (./.flake8), isort (./.isort.cfg) and Flake8 (./.style.yapf) are included, and show the formatting options we have selected.

Contributors are encouraged to set up the hooks before creating PRs. This can be done automagically with pre-commit, for which a configuration file is also included.

To set up automatic validation and formatting:

$ sudo pip install pre-commit
$ cd <a folder in the Git working tree for the repository>
$ pre-commit autoupdate
$ pre-commit install


Unit tests

Testing is based on the pytest unit test framework.

Sample files

Most of our tests work by serializing objects generated by the code being tested and comparing them with reference samples stored in files. This allows us to check all properties of generated objects without having to write asserts that check individual properties, eliminating a time consuming and repetitive part of the test writing process.

When writing comparisons manually, one will often select a few properties to check, and when those are determined to be valid, the remaining values are assumed to be correct as well. By comparing complete serialized versions of the objects, we avoid such assumptions.

By storing the expected serialized objects in files instead of in the unit tests themselves, we avoid embedding hard coded documents inside the unit test modules and make it simple to automatically update the expected contents of objects as the code evolves.

When unit tests are being run as part of CI or as a normal guard against regressions in a local development environment, any mismatches between actual and expected serialized versions of objects simply trigger test failures. However, when a test is initially created or the serialized version of an object is expected to change, tests can automatically write or update the sample files they use. This function is enabled by starting pytest with the --sample-ask switch. When enabled, missing or mismatched sample files will not trigger test failures, instead starting an interactive process where differences are displayed together with yes/no prompts for writing or updating the samples. By default, differences are displayed in a GUI window using kdiff3, which provides a nice color coded view of the differences.

The normal procedure for writing a sample based unit test is to just write the test as if the sample already exists, then running the test with --sample-ask and viewing and approving the resulting sample, which is then automatically written to a file. The sample file name is displayed, making it easy to find the file in order to add it to tracking so that it can be committed along with the test module.

When working on large changes that cause many samples to become outdated, reviewing and approving samples can be deferred until the new code approaches stability. This is done by running the tests with --sample-update, which automatically writes or updates samples to match the current results. Then, view and approve the tests with --sample-review before committing.

Typically, it is not desirable to track generated files in Git. However, although the sample files are generated, they are an integral part of the units tests, and should be tracked just like the unit tests themselves.

Also implemented is a simple process for cleaning out unused sample files. Sample files are often orphaned when their corresponding tests are removed or refactored. The process is activated with the --sample-tidy switch. When active, the test session starts by moving all sample files from their default directory, test_docs, to test_docs_tidy. As the sample files are accessed by tests, they are automatically moved back to test_docs, and any files remaining in test_docs_tidy after a complete test run can be untracked and deleted.

When staging test_docs, stage the directory, so that new files are included, and deleted files get deleted on the server:

$ git add test_utilities/src/d1_test/test_docs
$ git commit -m 'Update samples'
DataONE Client to Django test adapter

GMN tests are based on an adapter that enables using d1_client with the Django test framework. The adapter mocks Requests to issue requests through the Django test client.

Django includes a test framework with a test client that provides an interface that's similar to that of an HTTP client, but calls Django internals directly. The client enables testing of most functionality of a Django app without actually starting the app as a network service.

For testing GMN's D1 REST interfaces, we want to issue the test requests via the D1 MN client. Without going through the D1 MN client, we would have to reimplement much of what the client does, related to formatting and parsing D1 REST requests and responses.

This module is typically used in tests running under django.test.TestCase and requires an active Django context, such as the one provided by ./ test.

Command line switches

We have added some custom functionality to pytest which can be enabled to launching pytest with the following switches:

Debugging tests with PyCharm
Django database test fixture

After changing any of the ORM classes in, the database test fixture must be regenerated. This will often cause sample files to have to be updated as well.

Regenerated the fixture files:

$ pytest --fixture-regen
$ ./d1_python/gmn/src/d1_gmn/tests/

Fixtures can be loaded directly into the test database from the JSON files but it's much faster to keep an extra copy of the db as a template and create the test db as needed with Postgres' “create database from template” function. So we only load the fixtures into a template database and reuse the template. This is implemented in ./

Note that science object bytes are stored on disk, so they are not captured in the db fixture. If a test needs get(), getChecksum() and replica() to work, it must first create the correct file in GMN's object store or mock object store reads. The bytes are predetermined for a given test PID. See d1_test.d1_test_case.generate_reproducible_sciobj_str() and

Setting up the development environment

These instructions are tested on Linux Mint 18 and should also work on close derivatives.

Install packaged dependencies

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt -fy dist-upgrade $ sudo apt install -y python-setuptools libssl-dev postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all git

Python 3

$ sudo apt install -y python3-dev python3-venv $ python3 -m venv venv

Python 2

$ sudo apt install -y python-dev python-virtualenv

Python 3 and Python 2

$ . venv/bin/activate

Download the source from GitHub:

$ git clone

Add the DataONE packages to the Python path, and install their dependencies:

cd ~/d1_python
sudo dev_tools/src/d1_dev/ --root . develop


$ sudo apt install --yes postgresql

Set the password of the postgres superuser account:

$ sudo passwd -d postgres
$ sudo su postgres -c passwd

When prompted for the password, enter a new superuser password (and remember it :-).


$ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 gmn2
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser `whoami`

Run the following commands (all sections), except, change the location for openssl.cnf, so the line that copies it becomes:

$ sudo cp <your_d1_python_path>/d1_mn_generic/src/deployment/openssl.cnf .

Run the tests and verify that they all pass:

$ pytest

Set up credentials for working with the DataONE account on PyPI:

Edit ~/.pypirc:

username: dataone
password: <secret>
Creating a new release
Updating dependencies

Update all packages managed by pip:

$ cd d1_python
$ sudo ./dev_tools/src/d1_dev/

The DataONE Python stack specifies fixed versions of all its dependencies. This ensures that a stack deployed to production matches one that passed the tests. As updating the versions in the files manually is time consuming and error prone, a script is included that automates the task. The script updates the version information for the dependencies in the files to match the versions of the currently installed dependencies. Run the script with:

$ cd d1_python
$ . <version>

The <version> argument specifies what the version will be for the release. E.g., "2.3.1". We keep the version numbers in sync between all of the packages in the d1_python git repository, so only one version string needs to be specified.

Check that there are no package version conflicts:

$ pip check

Commit and push the changes, and check the build on Travis.

Building the release packages

After successful build, clone a fresh copy, which will be used for building the release packages:

$ cd ~
$ rm -rf ~/d1_python_build
$ git clone d1_python_build

Building the release packages from a fresh clone is a simple way of ensuring that only tracked files are released. It is a workaround for the way setuptools works, which is basically that it vacuums up everything that looks like a Python script in anything that looks like a package, which makes it easy to publish local files by accident.

Build and publish the packages:

cd ~/d1_python_build --root . bdist_wheel upload
Building the documentation

When d1_python is pushed to GitHub, a signal is sent by GitHub to, which automatically retrieves the new version of the project from GitHub, builds the documentation and makes it available at

So it is not absolutely necessary to have a local build environment set up for the documentation, but building locally provides faster feedback when making changes that need to be checked before publishing.


Clear out the installed libraries and reinstall:

$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/d1_*
$ sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/easy-install.pth
Remove all lines that are: dataone.*.egg and that are paths to your d1_python.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.