
Name: compute-ansible-gluster

Owner: Google Cloud Platform

Description: Ansible Playbook to Deploy Gluster in Google Cloud Platform

Created: 2016-05-19 21:10:52.0

Updated: 2018-05-17 06:19:31.0

Pushed: 2018-01-11 02:17:54.0


Size: 36

Language: null

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This is not an official Google product


This tutorial will take you through the provisioning and testing of a multinode GlusterFS cluster on GCE.



Create service account

First you will need to download some credentials and set some environment variables in order to authenticate with GCP.

gcloud iam service-accounts create ansible-gluster --display-name ansible-gluster
export SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --filter="displayName:ansible-gluster" --format='value(email)')
export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --role roles/compute.storageAdmin --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --role roles/compute.instanceAdmin.v1 --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --role roles/compute.networkAdmin --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --role roles/compute.securityAdmin --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ansible-gluster-sa.json --iam-account $SA_EMAIL
Add SSH Key to project metadata

You will also need to ensure that you have your local machine's SSH key uploaded to your project's metadata.

ls ~/.ssh/ || ssh-keygen -N ""
gcloud compute project-info describe --format=json | jq -r '.commonInstanceMetadata.items[] | select(.key == "sshKeys") | .value' >
echo "$USER:$(cat ~/.ssh/" >>
gcloud compute project-info add-metadata --metadata-from-file

In order to run the playbook you will need to install Ansible and Libcloud as follows:

pip install --user "ansible==2.2.2" "apache-libcloud==1.5.0"

Once those dependencies have been installed, clone the repository and enter the directory:

git clone
cd compute-ansible-gluster

Cluster Configuration

In the repository you will find a gluster.yml file that contains parameters at the top for configuring your cluster.

Gluster volume configuration

In order to create Gluster volumes at provisioning time you can define the volumes list variable. Each element in the list is a dictionary with the following keys that describe the type of volume to create in the cluster.

Volumes will be mounted at /mnt/NAME by default. The mount path can be changed by setting the global variable mount_point.


Once you have configured your cluster specifications you can provision it by running the Ansible playbook as follows:

export GCE_CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH=../ansible-gluster-sa.json
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
ansible-playbook -i hosts gluster.yml
cat /tmp/gluster-client-*/*/tmp/* # view your results

Testing your setup

In order to mount your Gluster volume, launch an instance in your network and then run the following:

sudo yum install glusterfs-client
sudo mount -t glusterfs <ip-of-a-machine-in-your-cluster>:/share /mnt

For a quick example, you can run the gluster-clients.yml playbook which will take care of the provisioning a client for you and run a benchmark with fio.

ansible-playbook -i hosts gluster-clients.yml

Monitoring and logging

These playbooks also setup the Stackdriver and Logging agents on the instances. You can checkout your logs here and your monitoring here.

Destroying your cluster and clients

You can use the Ansible playbooks to turn down your machines by running the following:

ansible-playbook -i hosts gluster.yml gluster-clients.yml -e state=absent

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.