
Name: react-native-gifted-messenger

Owner: Futurice

Description: Ready-to-use chat interface for iOS and Android React-Native apps

Forked from: FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-chat

Created: 2016-05-06 13:31:21.0

Updated: 2018-04-24 01:19:21.0

Pushed: 2016-09-05 16:41:53.0


Size: 22924

Language: JavaScript

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Gifted Messenger

Ready-to-use chat interface for iOS and Android React-Native apps

0.1.0 - Breaking changes for a better Gifted Messenger 0.1.2 0.1.3

See GiftedMessengerExample/GiftedMessengerContainer.js


ops name                    | Type     | Description                                                                | Platform | Default                          |
--------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------- |
toFocus                     | Boolean  | TextInput auto focus                                                       | Both     | true                             |
urOnSubmit                  | Boolean  | Dismiss the keyboard when clicking on submit                               | Both     | false                            |
teLocale                    | String   | The moment.js locale used for displaying timestamps (see Locale.js)        | Both     | ''                               |
splayNames                  | Boolean  | Display or not the name of the interlocutor(s)                             | Both     | true                             |
splayNamesInsideBubble      | Boolean  | Display the name of the interlocutor(s) inside the bubble                  | Both     | false                            |
rceRenderImage              | Boolean  | Always render the users images (avatar)                                    | Both     | false                            |
ndleEmailPress              | Function | Called when a parsed email is pressed                                      | iOS      | (email) => {}                    |
ndlePhonePress              | Function | Called when a parsed phone number is pressed                               | iOS      | (phone) => {}                    |
ndleSend                    | Function | Called when a message is Sent                                              | Both     | (message, rowID) => {}           |
ndleUrlPress                | Function | Called when a parsed url is pressed                                        | iOS      | (url) => {}                      |
deTextInput                 | Boolean  | Hide or not the text input                                                 | Both     | false                            |
LoadingEarlierMessages      | Boolean  | Display a loader when loading earlier messages                             | Both     | false                            |
yboardDismissMode           | String   | Method to dismiss the keyboard when dragging (none, interactive, on-drag)  | Both     | interactive                      |
yboardShouldPersistTaps     | Boolean  | When false, tapping the scrollview dismisses the keyboard.                 | Both     | true                             |
ftControlBar                | Element  | Optional control element displayed left of the TextInput                   | Both     | null                             |
adEarlierMessagesButton     | Boolean  | Display or not the button to load earlier message                          | Both     | false                            |
adEarlierMessagesButtonText | String   | Label of the 'Load Earlier Messages' button                                | Both     | 'Load earlier messages'          |
xHeight                     | Integer  | Max height of the component                                                | Both     | Dimensions.get('window').height  |
ssages                      | Array    | List of messages to display                                                | Both     | []                               |
ChangeText                  | Function | Called on every keypress in the TextInput                                  | Both     | (text) => {}                     |
CustomSend                  | Function | If you want to implement a progress bar. See PR #16                        | Both     | (message) => {}                  |
ErrorButtonPress            | Function | Called when the re-send button is pressed                                  | Both     | (message, rowID) => {}           |
ImagePress                  | Function | Called when the image of a message is pressed                              | Both     | (rowData, rowID) => {}           |
LoadEarlierMessages         | Function | Called when 'Load Earlier Message' button is pressed                       | Both     | (oldestMessage, callback) => {}  |
MessageLongPress            | Function | Called when doing long press on a message                                  | Both     | (rowData) => {}                       |
rseText                     | Boolean  | If the text has to be parsed with taskrabbit/react-native-parsed-text      | iOS      | true                             |
aceholder                   | String   | TextInput placeholder                                                      | Both     | 'Type a message...'              |
aceholderTextColor          | String   | TextInput text color placeholder                                           | Both     | '#ccc'                           |
nderCustomText              | Function | Implement your own text rendering                                          | Both     | (rowData) => {}                  |
nderCustomDate              | Function | Implement your own date rendering                                          | Both     | (rowData, previousData) => {}                  |
rollAnimated                | Boolean  | do animation when scrolling                                                | Both     | true                             |
ndButtonText                | String   | 'Send' button label                                                        | Both     | 'Send'                           |
nderImage                   | Object   | Image of the sender                                                        | Both     | null                             |
nderName                    | String   | Name of the sender of the messages                                         | Both     | 'Sender'                         |
yles                        | Function | Styles of children components - See GiftedMessenger.js/componentWillMount  | Both     | {}                               |
bmitOnReturn                | Boolean  | Send message when clicking on submit                                       | Both     | false                            |
pingMessage                 | String   | Display a text at the bottom of the list. Eg: 'User is typing a message'   | Both     | ''                               |

Message object

var message = { uniqueId: 'XXXXX' // each messages should have an unique identifer - mandatory text: 'Message content', name: “Sender's name”, image: {uri: 'https://facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png'}, position: 'left', // left for received messages, right for sent messages, center for server messages date: new Date(), view: null, // A custom Bubble view - the view will receive the message attributes as props imageView: null, // Returns custom Image view to display image (avatar) for the message status: 'Seen', // if status is 'ErrorButton', a re-send button will be displayed // …any attributes you want };

Android installation
d `windowSoftInputMode` in your Android Manifest `android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml`

android:label=“@string/app_name” android:windowSoftInputMode=“adjustResize” android:configChanges=“keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize”>

lculate the maxHeight prop using [react-native-extra-dimensions-android](https://github.com/jaysoo/react-native-extra-dimensions-android)


// ...
maxHeight={Dimensions.get('window').height - Navigator.NavigationBar.Styles.General.NavBarHeight - ExtraDimensions.get('STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT')}
// ...


Known issues
droid: When updating a message status, scroll to bottom is not triggered - Related to https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/5688



 free to ask me questions on Twitter [@FaridSafi](https://www.twitter.com/FaridSafi) !

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.