
Name: python-poetri

Owner: HHS IDEA Lab

Description: POET Reference Implementation

Created: 2016-05-03 19:55:56.0

Updated: 2017-05-15 13:50:06.0

Pushed: 2017-10-03 16:36:01.0


Size: 58

Language: Python

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poetri - Pre OAuth Entity Trust Reference Implementation

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open, industry standard (RFC 7519) method for representing claims securely between two parties.

Pre-OAuth Entity Trust (POET) is a specific JWT designed to facilitate claims about consumer-facing health applications. https://github.com/hhsidealab/poet

This is a reference implementation for signing and verifying POET JWTs in Python2 and Python3.

It contains both libraries and command line utilities.

To install on Ubuntu Linux first install the prerequisites:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev

The above Ubuntu Linux instructions will differ on Mac, Redhat, Windows, etc. A C compier and Python development files are required for the next step to run without error. A quick Google search about your platform is better than any instructions that can be offered here.

To install poetri, on the command line type:

$ sudo pip install python-poetri

You may be asked for a password.

Command Line Tools

With these tools you can see POET in action and operate as an endorsing body. Note there are a lot of way to generate keys and work with JWTs. You could use other tools or roll your own. These methods are provided as a convenience.

Minting a New Keypair

generate_jwk_keypair.py mints a new public and private keypair in JWK format. This file is used to sign JWTs (a.k.a. JWSs). The only positional command line argument is the key id kid. Its output is to standard out stdout.

$ generate_jwk_keypair.py example.com


    {"d": "IcyWRDjh5yc8ZCRfgFf11Ia1SJ8b70Sr3AXKtKJ5qQjfkCRw2zJmUl5B-RQaPTGph1x1gxtW3Mgy5ZHfcshBkYpYBJvBPSvaTlCoioSrbdP-BNioYzgHeYoKNwdJf4HTTY1L8VlYojKD2mBZeEC8J18PRjKn75p-DPu-4-q3yOt5cyFsjwogPgxnTAQWMhn1GUYapTw5IxyhrL32vUrCX4GSlwYLiWWVtJn8J-ETrjZIA5qiAOnvB1o6slPd8_QbAbzDhXzdAGa2fK4PDga3Atc6T4I9mGW-gFfcyC4TXfHvz3fWPGjBlehauWofq7PdjDKc2osxFMvcxBMc7ZCKkQ", "alg": "RS256", "p": "41Q3O2oqQ_PdbLOoJ4DKv0xkJInHuqnlYUieXBHfxHghUAN2MlAEm_4sAYI4mSBUCijO7vczSgNePyYmiQZ7wFLImpM1qQQJ1UFPPGXWZOo3-Ytizr02AmLj-L97AQ5PWMMoI__vSBn9oLX63zP_sNs9JPNFjQDCcaMadmq24rU", "n": "zJvhj-TnXGQoL0_GmkJDKxjfNa_-EeQrtzT8anA8DRzpFi5G1lEY2OblKzpkMsp7FP-AG6O6w94hViPHKywJ4SmbnklBDO_cTB49pr0H9QOjUxBAOMMaML-Id5f3dWn06yhgcmLj8bJ8r9ebkA-d0jOEl_PZRdC-3Ugeo2PUYwWsxEwAOCv1eyajee6R-kEqNS7yQ-EdwqtB-BhG736g_iIni1f56ydVuDPWACnoH_Szvsa7dqSRU5-nIQkOaf1G1K8WIifaK7K1-qMULK2DB96ZoE-a3bkT-TexzEahEakvpNbrZuFDw3zkmnZOW9Qd1kiSoCmNCXJoBsQywtFxrw", "kty": "RSA", "kid": "example.com", "use": "sig", "e": "AQAB", "q": "5moZ-njQkowMIEzW_L-8tvm9_S2RyaUZMLiQrYsnBwi5VPBu19dEOwXZdua3SjEAwfHYEvnW9ghjB93JNl2Lq7stoTK26-8-xwK21aWA-LeV82VDgfSjofjs7WcnMjJsqwHZxpeiV0EG73qegBc9n9HZIWkqSYdFFuGn6jPvzVM"}

…or even better, redirect the output to a new file:

    $ generate_jwk_keypair.py example.com > keypair.jwk

Key your private key safe!

Creating a Public Key from the Keypair:

generate_public_jwk.py create a public only JWK. This is the public key that is hosted at https://[iss]/.well-known/poet.jwk and is used to verify signatures on JWTs (a.k.a. JWKs). Its only positional argument is the keypair file. It outputs the public JWK to standard out stdout

$ generate_public_jwk.py keypair.jwk
"alg": "RS256",
"kty": "RSA",
"kid": "example.com",
"e": "AQAB",
"n": "zJvhj-TnXGQoL0_GmkJDKxjfNa_-EeQrtzT8anA8DRzpFi5G1lEY2OblKzpkMsp7FP-AG6O6w94hViPHKywJ4SmbnklBDO_cTB49pr0H9QOjUxBAOMMaML-Id5f3dWn06yhgcmLj8bJ8r9ebkA-d0jOEl_PZRdC-3Ugeo2PUYwWsxEwAOCv1eyajee6R-kEqNS7yQ-EdwqtB-BhG736g_iIni1f56ydVuDPWACnoH_Szvsa7dqSRU5-nIQkOaf1G1K8WIifaK7K1-qMULK2DB96ZoE-a3bkT-TexzEahEakvpNbrZuFDw3zkmnZOW9Qd1kiSoCmNCXJoBsQywtFxrw",
"use": "sig"

…or redirect it to a file..

$ generate_public_jwk.py keypair.jwk > poet.jwk
Signing a JWT:

You'll need to add necessary information and claims into a JSON document that represents your desired payload in your JWT. You will also need to supply the private key for signing. This utility sets the iat (issued at), exp (expiration) and iss (issuer) based on the system clock and your input. The required command line arguments are payload, keypair, issuer. expiration is optional and defaults to 31536000 (one year from now.)

$ sign_poet_jwk.py ../tests/payload.json keypair.jwk  example.com  315360

…redirect it to a file…

$ sign_poet_jwk.py ../tests/payload.json keypair.jwk  example.com  315360 > 4NRB1-0XZABZI9E6-5SM3R.jws

Now 4NRB1-0XZABZI9E6-5SM3R.jws hold the endorsement that you can distribute.

Verifying a JWT

verify_jws_with_jwk.py verifies the signature on a JWS using the public key. It has two positional arguments; the jws and the public jwk and if the JWS signature is verified, then it outputs the JWK's payload to standard out stdout.

$ verify_jws_with_jwk.py ./4NRB1-0XZABZI9E6-5SM3R.jws poet.jwk
"scope": "openid profile patient/*.read",
"initiate_login_uri": "https://apps-dstu2.smarthealthit.org/cardiac-risk/launch.html",
"exp": 1563657181,
"iss": "example.com",
"software_id": "4NRB1-0XZABZI9E6-5SM3R",
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
"client_name": "Cardiac Risk App",
"logo_uri": "https://gallery.smarthealthit.org/img/apps/66.png",
"client_uri": "https://apps-dstu2.smarthealthit.org/cardiac-risk/",
"redirect_uris": [
"iat": 1500585181,
"grant_types": [

If the key doesn't match, then you'll get an error instead of the payload.

Hey where did you get that public key used in the last step? How do you know it's really from example.com? You don't unless you fetch it from example.com to prove its provenance. Let's give that a shot.

verify_jws_with_jwk_url.py attempts to get the public key from the well-known URL in the POET specification. It has one required, positional argument, the jws and outputs the payload to stdout if the key is found and the signature matches. An error is returned if not. The well-known URL is derived from the iss field in the payload and the details of the POET specification.

$ verify_jws_with_jwk_url.py 4NRB1-0XZABZI9E6-5SM3R.jws
The key could not be fetched

That's exactly what we would expect to happen. For this command to run as expected, I would need to place and make public the file poet.jwk at https://example.com/.well-known/poet.jwk. Since I do not have control over that domain or its website, I cannot impersonate example.com's signature.

Python Library

All of the above functionality is accessible directly in Python as a module. More documentation is on the way. For now, the best source of information and examples can be found in the tests.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.