
Name: congress-maps


Description: Process for mapping US congressional districts using US Census boundaries data and Mapbox Studio

Created: 2016-03-25 23:25:35.0

Updated: 2018-03-09 20:55:56.0

Pushed: 2017-01-08 16:54:56.0


Size: 137

Language: JavaScript

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Mapping US Congressional Districts

Follow the steps below to create a web map of United States congressional districts from Census Bureau data using Mapbox. You can also use this to create a lat/lng-to-congressional district API.

These instructions create maps for the 115th Congress using district boundaries as of the 2016 election. (These differed from the 2010 Census boundaries because of court-ordered redistricting in three states in early 2016.)

You will need an account on Then follow the commands below from the Mac OS X or Ubuntu terminal.

Why use Tippecanoe? Using Tippecanoe provides more control over how the geometries are tiled into a map. For comparison, using the Mapbox Studio default upload will not show a zoomed-out full country view of the data because the boundaries are so detailed; the default upload thinks you are only interested in looking closer at the data. Tippecanoe stops oversimplification of the geometry and also specifies a min/max zoom level.


On OS X, install required dependencies with Homebrew:

 install tippecanoe gdal node

On Ubuntu, you'll need node:

 -o- | bash
install 5.0

and gdal and Tippecanoe, which must be built from sources:

 apt-get install gdal-bin libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libsqlite3-dev


Download this repository and then use npm to install a few more dependencies:

Creating the map:

To complete these steps, run the commands below. Set MAPBOX_USERNAME to your Mapbox username, MAPBOX_DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN to your Mapbox default access token, and MAPBOX_ACESS_TOKEN to a uploads:write scope access token from your Mapbox account.

eate directory to store data
r data

wload Census boundaries data, unzip the data, and convert it to GeoJSON
 -P data
p data/ -d ./data/
ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs crs:84 data/congressional_districts.geojson data/tl_2016_us_cd115.shp

n processing on data
 process.js data/congressional_districts.geojson

eate Mapbox vector tiles from data
ecanoe -o data/cd-115-2016.mbtiles -f -z 12 -Z 0 -B 0 -pS -pp -l districts -n "US Congressional Districts" data/map.geojson

tup Mapbox account name and access tokens
rt MAPBOX_USERNAME=<your mapbox username>
rt MAPBOX_DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your mapbox default access token>
rt MAPBOX_WRITE_SCOPE_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your mapbox write scope access token>

load map data to
 upload.js data/cd-115-2016.mbtiles "cd-115-2016" "US_Congressional_Districts_115th_2016"

dify mapbox-style-template.json to use your Mapbox account and save as data/mapbox-style.json
s/'USER'/"$MAPBOX_USERNAME"/g mapbox-style-template.json > data/mapbox-style.json

Next, go to, then drag-and-drop the data/mapbox-style.json file onto the screen. This should upload the map style to Mapbox.

Check out to see updates on data processing. Once Mapbox is finished processing your upload, you can try it out.


Use the files in the example directory as the basis for making a web map with functionality to focus on specific states or districts. To use this example web map, you'll need to change out my map style and default access token for your own. In the index.html file, replace my Mapbox default access token on line 75 and my map style URL on line 79 with your own.

After following the steps above, index.html will be a full page web map of U.S. Congressional districts. Host this file and the two supporting scripts (states.js, bboxes.js) on your website. If you don't want the interactive menu on your map, search through index.html and remove all sections of code that immediately follow the INTERACTIVE MENU line comment labels.

With this web map, you can show specific congressional districts using the URL hash. Set the location hash to state={state abbreviation} to show a specific state and add &district={district number} to specify a district within the state. The hash expects US Census two letter state abbreviations and district number conventions. At Large districts are numbered 00 and all other districts are two character numbers: district=01, district=02, …, district=15, etc.

See the click handler for an example of how to use the Mapbox API to get the congressional district at a particular lat/lng coordinate.


To show districts in the state of Virginia:

To show the 5th district of California:

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.