
Name: themetadata

Owner: Software Defined Buildings

Description: null

Created: 2016-03-23 02:28:13.0

Updated: 2016-04-08 05:22:47.0

Pushed: 2016-05-10 17:59:21.0

Homepage: null

Size: 72

Language: Python

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The Metadata

This is the metadata. There are many like it but this one is ours.

  1. The metadata structure should support incremental construction. We may not know the full details of every building component when we begin, but we should not need to have a complete picture before we can start reasoning about the building's structure.
  2. The eventual metadata structure should have a set of principled layers. Attempting to account for all possible use cases can introduce a lot of complexity, which makes it harder to understand and use the structure. With clear separation of concern between layers, “higher” layers can implement more specialized logic needed by fewer applications.
Layered Approach

No one metadata structure can accomplish everything. Our approach here is to implement a “root” structure that identifies the set of equipment and infrastructure, relationships and connections between them, and logical groupings of these elements. This solves the immediate problem of how to programmatically reason about the structure of a building and what “things” are inside it.

Once this layer is sufficiently developed, we can implement 'views' over it. These views can introduce logic attached to elements or relationships in the core representation. This is a driving principle for the development of this initial layer: it should capture what things are there and how these things are connected. Responsibility for any additional information should probably be relegated to a higher level.

Basic Structure

Metadata is a directed graph. Nodes represent logical and physical components, and edges represent the relationships between them.


A node has several components.

Unique Identifier: this serves as a pointer for overlays. For example, we may have an object-oriented overlay that attaches methods to each node. Each object instance could use a uuid to point into the base graph to traverse and find related objects.

Set of key-value pairs: these describe the node (“metadata for your metadata”) and may include:

Set of in/out “ports”: These capture the kinds of inputs a node accepts and the kinds of outputs a node emits. An example would be an air handler unit, which has “inputs” of outside air and return air, and “outputs” of exhaust air and supply air. A port is referenced by a name. In-degree edges should be attached to input ports and out-degree edges should be attached to output ports.

Directed edges: Edges are directed, and can have one of a set number of types. Types describe the nature of the relationship between the two node endpoints. Types should be (mostly) orthogonal, that is, it should be clear to a user which relationship should exist between two nodes.

The current array of edges types is as follows. For any relationship <rel>, the nature of the edge is X <rel> Y := X -> Y.

For controllers:

Internal graph: A key goal of this metadata structure is supporting incremental construction. A part of this is how to deal with larger, more complex components such as an air handling unit, which probably contains connections to heating and/or cooling loops, several fans and dampers and sensors. We may not know the construction of the airhandling unit, but we do know that it supplies air to some array of variable air volume boxes (VAVs). With a hierarchical graph, we can connect an Air Handling Unit node with a “feeds” relationship on the “supply air” output port to a set of VAV nodes.

An internal graph consists of nodes and directed edges just like the “top level” graph with the addition that nodes at the “edges” of the internal graph should be connected to the named input/output ports of the encapsulating node. Nodes in an internal graph are the endpoint of “contains” edges with the encapsulating node. An example will make this clear.

Answers the question: is the building metadata graph flat or hierarchical? Hierarchical.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.