
Name: RxGesture

Owner: RxSwift Community

Description: RxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures

Created: 2016-03-22 09:54:11.0

Updated: 2018-05-24 07:44:10.0

Pushed: 2018-05-10 13:04:38.0


Size: 2181

Language: Swift

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To run the example project, clone the repo, in the Example folder open RxGesture.xcworkspace.

You might need to run pod install from the Example directory first.

RxGesture allows you to easily turn any view into a tappable or swipeable control like so:

ubscribe(onNext: { _ in
//react to taps

isposed(by: stepBag)

You can also react to more than one gesture. For example to dismiss a photo preview you might want to do that when the user taps it, or swipes up or down:

nyGesture(.tap(), .swipe([.up, .down]))
ubscribe(onNext: { _ in
//dismiss presented photo

isposed(by: stepBag)

rx.gesture is defined as Observable<G> where G is the actual type of the gesture recognizer so what it emits is the gesture recognizer itself (handy if want to call methods like asLocation(in view:) or asTranslation(in view:))

On iOS, RxGesture supports:
.rx.tapGesture()           -> ControlEvent<UITapGestureRecognizer>
.rx.pinchGesture()         -> ControlEvent<UIPinchGestureRecognizer>
.rx.swipeGesture(.left)    -> ControlEvent<UISwipeGestureRecognizer>
.rx.panGesture()           -> ControlEvent<UIPanGestureRecognizer>
.rx.longPressGesture()     -> ControlEvent<UILongPressGestureRecognizer>
.rx.rotationGesture()      -> ControlEvent<UIRotationGestureRecognizer>
.rx.screenEdgePanGesture() -> ControlEvent<UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer>

.rx.anyGesture(.tap(), ...)           -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.pinch(), ...)         -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.swipe(.left), ...)    -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.pan(), ...)           -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.longPress(), ...)     -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.rotation(), ...)      -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.screenEdgePan(), ...) -> ControlEvent<UIGestureRecognizer>
On macOS, RxGesture supports:
.rx.clickGesture()         -> ControlEvent<NSClickGestureRecognizer>
.rx.rightClickGesture()    -> ControlEvent<NSClickGestureRecognizer>
.rx.panGesture()           -> ControlEvent<NSPanGestureRecognizer>
.rx.pressGesture()         -> ControlEvent<NSPressGestureRecognizer>
.rx.rotationGesture()      -> ControlEvent<NSRotationGestureRecognizer>
.rx.magnificationGesture() -> ControlEvent<NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer>

.rx.anyGesture(.click(), ...)         -> ControlEvent<NSGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.rightClick(), ...)    -> ControlEvent<NSGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.pan(), ...)           -> ControlEvent<NSGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.press(), ...)         -> ControlEvent<NSGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.rotation(), ...)      -> ControlEvent<NSGestureRecognizer>
.rx.anyGesture(.magnification(), ...) -> ControlEvent<NSGestureRecognizer>

?? If you use a gesture recognizer alone, prefer the view.rx.fooGesture() syntax over view.rx.anyGesture(.foo()) because it returns the concrete UIGestureRecognizer subclass and avoid you to cast it in subscribe().

Filtering State

By default, there is no filter on the state of the gesture recognizer. That means that you will always receive a first event with the initial state of the gesture recognizer (almost always .possible).

Here are the preferred states that can be used for each kind of gestures (iOS and macOS):

Kind | States —|— .tap() .click() .rightClick() .swipe()| .recognized .longPress() .press() | .began .pan() .pinch() .rotation() .magnification() .screenEdgePan() | .began .changed .ended

You usually filter the state using the .when() operator:

.rx.panGesture().when(.began, .changed, .ended)

If you are observing multiple gestures at once, you can use the .when() operator if you want to filter against the same state for all gesture recognizers, or use the tuple syntax for individual filtering:

nyGesture(.tap(), .swipe([.up, .down]))
ubscribe(onNext: { gesture in
// Called whenever a tap, a swipe-up or a swipe-down is recognized (state == .recognized)

isposed(by: bag)

(.tap(), when: .recognized),
(.pan(), when: .ended)

ubscribe(onNext: { gesture in
// Called whenever:
// - a tap is recognized (state == .recognized)
// - or a pan is ended (state == .ended)

isposed(by: bag)

The demo app includes examples for all recognizers ?? iOS, macOS.

Delegate customization
Lightweight customization

Each gesture recognizer has a default RxGestureRecognizerDelegate. It allows you to customize every delegate method using a policy:

Here are the available policies with their corresponding delegate method:

nPolicy                   -> gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(:_)
hReceptionPolicy          -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldReceive:)
FailureRequirementPolicy  -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldBeRequiredToFailBy:)
rFailureRequirementPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldRequireFailureOf:)
ltaneousRecognitionPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith:)
tRecognitionAttemptPolicy -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldAttemptToRecognizeWith:) // macOS only
sReceptionPolicy          -> gestureRecognizer(_:shouldReceive:) // iOS only

This delegate can be customized in the configuration closure:

.rx.tapGesture(configuration: { gestureRecognizer, delegate in
legate.simultaneousRecognitionPolicy = .always // (default value)
legate.simultaneousRecognitionPolicy = .never
legate.simultaneousRecognitionPolicy = .custom { gestureRecognizer, otherGestureRecognizer in
return otherGestureRecognizer is UIPanGestureRecognizer

legate.otherFailureRequirementPolicy = .custom { gestureRecognizer, otherGestureRecognizer in
return otherGestureRecognizer is UILongPressGestureRecognizer

Default values can be found in RxGestureRecognizerDelegate.swift.

Full customization

You can also replace the default delegate by your own, or remove it.

.rx.tapGesture { [unowned self] gestureRecognizer, delegate in
stureRecognizer.delegate = nil
stureRecognizer.delegate = self


This library depends on both RxSwift and RxCocoa.


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RxGesture is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.