
Name: inspectpack

Owner: Formidable

Description: An inspection tool for Webpack frontend JavaScript bundles.

Created: 2016-03-20 23:30:03.0

Updated: 2018-01-15 18:11:28.0

Pushed: 2017-10-13 18:18:37.0

Homepage: null

Size: 598

Language: JavaScript

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An inspection tool for Webpack frontend JavaScript bundles.

Inspectpack gives insight into what's in your production JS bundles and where you can cut down on size, duplicates, etc.

m install inspectpack
nspection tool for Webpack frontend JavaScript bundles.

e: inspectpack --action=<string> [options]

action, -a        Actions to take
   [string] [required] [choices: "duplicates", "pattern", "parse", "files", "versions", "sizes"]
bundle, -b        Path to webpack-created JS bundle                                     [string]
root, -r          Project root (for `node_modules` introspection, default cwd)          [string]
format, -f        Display output format
                                     [string] [choices: "json", "text", "tsv"] [default: "text"]
verbose           Verbose output                                      [boolean] [default: false]
minified, -m      Calculate / display minified byte sizes              [boolean] [default: true]
gzip, -g          Calculate / display minified + gzipped byte size (implies `--minified`)
                                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
allow-empty       Allow unparseable / empty bundles                   [boolean] [default: false]
pattern, -p       Regular expression string(s) to match on                 [array] [default: []]
path              Path to input file(s)                                    [array] [default: []]
suspect-patterns  Known 'suspicious' patterns for `--action=pattern`                   [boolean]
suspect-parses    Known 'suspicious' code parses for `--action=parse`                  [boolean]
suspect-files     Known 'suspicious' file names for `--action=files`                   [boolean]
duplicates        Filter `--action=versions` to libraries that cannot be deduped       [boolean]
help, -h          Show help                                                            [boolean]
version, -v       Show version number                                                  [boolean]

spectpack --action=duplicates --bundle=bundle.js  Report duplicates that cannot be deduped
spectpack --action=pattern --bundle=bundle.js     Show files with pattern matches in code
spectpack --action=versions --bundle=bundle.js    Show version skews in a project
spectpack --action=parse --bundle=bundle.js       Show files with parse function matches in code
spectpack --action=files --bundle=bundle.js       Show files with pattern matches in file names

The are three potential sources of input for bundle analysis:

Additionally, specific analysis steps also may require designated Webpack configurations to produce a proper input.


If an inspectpack action requires a --bundle, create one as follows:

Webpack configuration:

Inputs: Create a JavaScript bundle


The created JS bundle path is ready to use. (Note that code split chunks should work same as a single root bundle, but we haven't tested this yet.)


Detect if there are libraries that should be de-duplicated with the webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin but are not because of version mismatches.

First create a bundle. Then run:

spectpack --action=duplicates --bundle=bundle.js

Outputs: A JSON, text, or tab-separate-value report. For example:


* Path:                /PATH/TO/bundle.js
* Bytes (min):         1678533
ssed Duplicates:
* Num Unique Files:    116
* Num Extra Files:     131
* Extra Bytes (min):   253955
* Pct of Bundle Size:  15 %



Examine all of the modules in node_modules that are used in 1+ files in the bundle and detect version skews. Many downstream modules require the same upstream modules at different versions and this can create inefficiencies if those common dependencies cannot be deduplicated (detected by --action=duplicates). This feature figures out:

With these two pieces of data, we can then look at our dependency graph for a given application and manually harmonize module versions. The key here is to start with modules that have no upstream skews, and accordingly the versions action produces reports that are sorted by lowest number of upstream skews.

Let's see this in action…

First create a bundle. Then run:

spectpack --action=versions --bundle=bundle.js --root=/PATH/TO/project

Outputs: A JSON, text, or tab-separate-value report. For example:

ectpack --action=versions


* Path:                /PATH/TO/bundle.js
* Num Libs:            17


Skewed Deps: 0

Versions: 2
* 4.12.0:
  * root -> cabal-event@3.1.0
  * root -> foo-buzz-util@1.2.0
  * root -> foo-footer@5.5.6 -> foo-forms@4.0.1 -> foo-validation@2.1.1
* 3.10.1:
  * root
  * root -> my-ui-config@1.3.1
  * root -> foo-containers@8.1.2 -> foo-interactive@6.0.3
  * root -> a11y@1.0.3 -> foo-carousel@2.0.0 -> foo-interactive@5.2.0
  * root -> a11y@1.0.3 -> babar-card@6.7.3
  * root -> a11y@1.0.3 -> babar-card@6.7.3 -> babar-buttons@5.7.1 -> foo-forms@2.0.1 -> foo-base@2.1.1 -> foo-layout@2.0.2 -> foo-validation@0.2.5
  * root -> a11y@1.0.3 -> babar-card@6.7.3 -> babar-descriptors@2.0.0

Skewed Deps: 1
* lodash

Versions: 2
* 3.1.0:
  * root
  * root -> foo-footer@5.5.6
  * root -> foo-footer@5.5.6 -> foo-tutils@3.0.1
  * root -> foo-header@6.11.1
* 2.1.0:
  * root -> a11y@1.0.3

The above truncated report tells us that we have 17 module dependencies that have at least 2+ version skews in our project. The lodash module has 0 “Skewed Deps” upstream dependencies and there are two versions of the library ending up in the bundle: 4.12.0 and 3.10.1. Having no upstream skews means we should fix these skews first in our project before moving to modules that have 1+ upstream skews. By contrast, the cabal-event module has 1 skewed upstream dependency on lodash, which illustrates that we should wait until lodash is resolved before moving on to harmonize versions in that module.



Get a simple report of each file chunk in a bundle with the type of chunk and relevant sizes (full, min, min+gz).

First create a bundle. Then run:

spectpack --action=sizes --bundle=bundle.js

Outputs: A JSON, text, or tab-separate-value report. For example:


* Path:                    /PATH/TO/bundle.js
* Bytes (min):             1584818
* Bytes (min+gz):          367026

Type:          code
Size:          5439
Size (min):    2314
Size (min+gz): 1002

Type:          code
Size:          1423
Size (min):    658
Size (min+gz): 422



Detect the occurrence of 1+ code parse function matches in code sections of the bundle. This is another means of detecting anti-patterns, some of which we aggregate in --suspect-parses.

Note: This is simply a more abstract version of pattern where you could have a parse function that uses the same regex to match a code snippet manually. What this feature really opens up is full Babel traversals / introspection, which are more correct and flexible than anything regular expressions can do. In our --suspect-parses collection, we use babel introspection to very tightly determine if there are multiple exports in any source code file in a bundle.

First create a bundle.

Next, decide if using provided --suspect-parses or your own custom parse functions with one or more file paths to --path. A parse function should follow these guidelines:

heck if source matches selection criteria.

param   {String}      src Source code snippet
returns {String|null}     String snippet match or falsy if no match

le.exports = function (src) {
 Find a occurrences of token "first" and return containing line.
turn (src.match(/^.*first.*$/m) || [])[0];

In this simple example, we're just using regular expressions, but for complex projects / investigations you'll likely want to step up to some Babel magic.

Then run:

custom parse file
spectpack \
action=parse --bundle=bundle.js \

spect parses
spectpack \
action=parse --bundle=bundle.js \

Suspect Parses: The --suspect-parses flag looks for known “suspect” code snippets that potentially contain inefficient code. See the source code for the full breakdown of SUSPECT_PARSES.

Outputs: A JSON, text, or tab-separate-value report. For example:

spectpack \
action=parse \
bundle="/PATH/TO/bundle.js" \
format=text \
ectpack --action=parse


* Path:                /Users/rye/scm/fmd/simple-proj/dist/bundle.js
* Num Matches:         3
* Num Unique Files:    3
* Num All Files:       3
* Custom Parses:
* Suspect Parses:


* Num Matches:         1
* Num Files Matched:   1

* 1: ./lib/mod-a.js
    * Matches: 1
            module.exports = {
              first: __webpack_require__(/*! ./first */ 2),
              second: __webpack_require__(/*! ./second */ 3)

* Num Matches:         1
* Num Files Matched:   1

* 4: ./lib/mod-b.js
    * Matches: 1
            module.exports.first = __webpack_require__(/*! ./first */ 2);
          // ...
            module.exports.second = __webpack_require__(/*! ./second */ 3);

Detect the occurrence of 1+ patterns in code sections of the bundle. This is useful for detecting anti-patterns, some of which we aggregate in a useful option --suspect-patterns.

Note: There is a good deal of overlap with parse in suspect patterns, were we're doing the same thing with different approaches (code parsing vs regex grepping). In general, parsing is far more powerful and correct. But, there's always a use for quick and dirty regular expressions which we discuss further in this section.

First create a bundle. Then run:

single pattern
spectpack \
action=pattern --bundle=bundle.js \

ltiple patterns
spectpack \
action=pattern --bundle=bundle.js \
pattern "2016" "unicorn"

spect patterns
spectpack \
action=pattern --bundle=bundle.js \


Suspect Patterns: The --suspect-patterns flag looks for known “suspect” patterns that potentially contain inefficient code. See the source code for the full breakdown of SUSPECT_PATTERNS.

Outputs: A JSON, text, or tab-separate-value report. For example:

spectpack \
action=pattern \
bundle="/PATH/TO/bundle.js" \
format=text \


* Path:                /PATH/TO/bundle.js
* Num Matches:         17
* Num Unique Files:    14
* Num All Files:       17
* Custom Patterns:
* Suspect Patterns:
    * MULTIPLE_EXPORTS_SINGLE: [^\n]*(module\.|)exports\s*=\s*{(\s*.*__webpack_require__\(.*){2}
    * MULTIPLE_EXPORTS_MUTIPLE: [^\n]*((module\.|)exports\..*\s*=\s*.*__webpack_require__\(.*\s*){2}


* Num Matches:         1
* Num Files Matched:   1

* 1103: ../~/custom-lib/lib/index.js
    * Matches: 1
        * MULTIPLE_EXPORTS_SINGLE - /[^\n]*(module\.|)exports\s*=\s*{(\s*.*__webpack_require__\(.*){2}/:
            module.exports = {
              Foo: __webpack_require__(/*! ./components/foo */ 1104),
              Bar: __webpack_require__(/*! ./components/bar */ 1135),

* Num Matches:         1
* Num Files Matched:   1

* 1581: ../~/lodash/string.js
    * Matches: 1
        * MULTIPLE_EXPORTS_SINGLE - /[^\n]*(module\.|)exports\s*=\s*{(\s*.*__webpack_require__\(.*){2}/:
            module.exports = {
              'camelCase': __webpack_require__(/*! ./string/camelCase */ 1582),
              'capitalize': __webpack_require__(/*! ./string/capitalize */ 1587),

* Num Matches:         1
* Num Files Matched:   1

* 1862: ../~/lodash/lang.js
    * Matches: 1
        * MULTIPLE_EXPORTS_SINGLE - /[^\n]*(module\.|)exports\s*=\s*{(\s*.*__webpack_require__\(.*){2}/:
            module.exports = {
              'clone': __webpack_require__(/*! ./lang/clone */ 1863),
              'cloneDeep': __webpack_require__(/*! ./lang/cloneDeep */ 1869),

Detect the occurrence of 1+ files by the base name (resolved from node_modules). This is useful for detecting anti-patterns based on files that should never be part of a webpack bundle. We aggregate useful file patterns in the option --suspect-files.

First create a bundle. Then run:

single file pattern
spectpack \
action=files --bundle=bundle.js \

ltiple file patterns
spectpack \
action=files --bundle=bundle.js \
pattern "underscore" "jquery"

spect files
spectpack \
action=files --bundle=bundle.js \

Suspect Files: The --suspect-files flag looks for known “suspect” file patterns that potentially contain inefficient code. See the source code for the full breakdown of SUSPECT_FILES.

Outputs: A JSON, text, or tab-separate-value report. For example:

ectpack --action=files


* Path:                /PATH/TO/bundle.js
* Num Matches:         4
* Num Files:           4
* Custom Patterns:
    * underscore\/
* Suspect Patterns:
    * LODASH: lodash/(index|lodash|lodash\.min|array|collection|date|function|lang|math|number|object|seq|string|util)\.js
    * MOMENT_LOCALE_ROOT: moment\/locale \^\\\.\\\/\.\*\$

* lodash/index.js
* underscore/underscore.js
* lodash/lang.js
* moment/locale ^\.\/.*$


* Matches:            1
    * LODASH - /lodash\/(index|lodash|lodash\.min|array|collection|date|function|lang|math|number|object|seq|string|util)\.js/: lodash/index.js
* Refs:
    * 1400: ../~/foo/~/lodash/index.js

* Matches:            1
    * CUSTOM - /underscore\//: underscore/
* Refs:
    * 2650: ../~/bar/~/underscore/underscore.js

* Matches:            1
    * LODASH - /lodash\/(index|lodash|lodash\.min|array|collection|date|function|lang|math|number|object|seq|string|util)\.js/: lodash/lang.js
* Refs:
    * 2820: ../~/baz/~/lodash/lang.js

ment/locale ^\.\/.*$
* Matches:            1
    * MOMENT_LOCALE_ROOT - /moment\/locale \^\\\.\\\/\.\*\$/: moment/locale ^\.\/.*$
* Refs:
    * 2855: ../~/moment/locale ^\.\/.*$
Other Useful Tools

Other tools that inspect Webpack bundles:

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.