
Name: go-kafka-client-mesos

Owner: Elodina

Description: Go Kafka Client Mesos Framework

Created: 2016-01-25 16:43:37.0

Updated: 2016-02-17 08:33:40.0

Pushed: 2016-04-06 16:43:15.0

Homepage: http://www.elodina.net

Size: 3648

Language: Go

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go_kafka_client Mesos Framework

Build Status

Description Installation

Typical operations

Navigating the CLI


This framework aims to simplify running all sorts of software built on top of go_kafka_client on Mesos. Being actively developed right now.

Right now this framework supports running only the mirror maker.



Install go 1.5 (or higher) http://golang.org/doc/install

Install glide:

 get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide

Clone and build the project

# git clone https://github.com/elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos.git
# cd go-kafka-client-mesos
# glide install
# go build cli.go
# go build executor.go    
Scheduler configuration
cli help scheduler
e: scheduler [options]

--master: Mesos Master addresses.
--api: API host:port for advertizing.
--user: Mesos user. Defaults to current system user.
--storage: Storage for cluster state. Examples: file:go_kafka_client_mesos.json; zk:master:2181/go-mesos.
--log.level: Log level. trace|debug|info|warn|error|critical. Defaults to info.
--framework.name: Framework name.
--framework.role: Framework role.
--framework.timeout: Framework failover timeout.
Quick start

In order not to pass the API url to each CLI call lets export the URL as follows:

# export GM_API=http://master:6666

First lets start 1 mirror maker task with the default settings. Further in the readme you can see how to change these from the defaults.

cli add mirrormaker 0 --executor=executor
d tasks 0

type: mirrormaker
id: 0
state: inactive
cpu: 0.50
mem: 512.00
  num.producers: 1
  num.streams: 1
  queue.size: 10000

You now have a cluster with 1 task that is not started.

cli status
type: mirrormaker
id: 0
state: inactive
cpu: 0.50
mem: 512.00
  queue.size: 10000
  num.producers: 1
  num.streams: 1

Each mirror maker task requires some basic configuration.

cli update 0 --producer.config producer.config --consumer.config consumer.config --whitelist "^mytopic$"
iguration updated:

type: mirrormaker
id: 0
state: inactive
cpu: 0.50
mem: 512.00
  num.producers: 1
  num.streams: 1
  queue.size: 10000
  consumer.config: consumer.config
  producer.config: producer.config
  whitelist: ^mytopic$

Now lets start the task. This call to CLI will block until the task is actually started but will wait no more than a configured timeout. Timeout can be passed via –timeout flag and defaults to 30s. If a timeout of 0ms is passed CLI won't wait for tasks to start at all and will reply with “Scheduled tasks …” message.

cli start 0
ted tasks 0

type: mirrormaker
id: 0
state: running
cpu: 0.50
mem: 512.00
task id: mirrormaker-0-e5ab7581-1c31-d85d-ff14-77b5fb3de4d4
slave id: 20150914-091943-84125888-5050-10717-S1
executor id: mirrormaker-0
  hostname: slave0
  consumer.config: consumer.config
  producer.config: producer.config
  whitelist: ^mytopic$
  num.producers: 1
  num.streams: 1
  queue.size: 10000

By now you should have a single mirror maker instance running. Here's how you stop it:

cli stop 0
ped tasks 0

And remove:

cli remove 0
ved tasks 0

Typical operations

Shutting down framework

While the scheduler has a shutdown hook it doesn't actually finish the framework. To shutdown the framework completely (e.g. unregister it in Mesos) you may shoot a POST to /teardown specifying the framework id to shutdown:

rl -d frameworkId=20150807-094500-84125888-5050-14187-0005 -X POST http://master:5050/teardown

Navigating the CLI

Requesting help
cli help
lp: show this message
heduler: start scheduler
d: add task
date: update configuration
art: start task
atus: get current cluster status
op: stop task
move: remove task
detailed help from ./cli help <command>
Adding tasks to the cluster
cli help add
e: add <type> <id-expr> [options]


--executor: Executor binary name.
--api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
--cpu: CPUs per task. Defaults to 0.5.
--mem: Mem per task. Defaults to 512.
--constraints: Constraints (hostname=like:^master$,rack=like:^1.*$).

xpr examples:
0      - task 0
0,1    - tasks 0,1
0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
*      - all tasks in cluster

traint examples:
like:slave0    - value equals 'slave0'
unlike:slave0  - value is not equal to 'slave0'
like:slave.*   - value starts with 'slave'
unique         - all values are unique
cluster        - all values are the same
cluster:slave0 - value equals 'slave0'
groupBy        - all values are the same
groupBy:3      - all values are within 3 different groups
Configuring tasks in the cluster

All file-related configs should be set as file names located . (e.g. setting –producer.config producer.properties) OR http/https URLs (e.g. Please note that http URLs MUST end with file name to be downloaded as Mesos does not respect Content-Disposition header.

cli help update
e: update <id-expr> [options]

--api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
--cpu: CPUs per task.
--mem: Mem per task.
--constraints: Constraints (hostname=like:^master$,rack=like:^1.*$).
--whitelist: Regex pattern for whitelist. Providing both whitelist and blacklist is an error.
--blacklist: Regex pattern for blacklist. Providing both whitelist and blacklist is an error.
--producer.config: Producer config url or file name.
--consumer.config: Consumer config url or file name.
--num.producers: Number of producers.
--num.streams: Number of consumption streams.
--preserve.partitions: Preserve partition number. E.g. if message was read from partition 5 it'll be written to partition 5.
--preserve.order: E.g. message sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will remain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in destination topic.
--prefix: Destination topic prefix.")
--queue.size: Maximum number of messages that are buffered between the consumer and producer.
--options: Additional options for executor, separated by ';'.

xpr examples:
0      - task 0
0,1    - tasks 0,1
0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
*      - all tasks in cluster
traint examples:
like:slave0    - value equals 'slave0'
unlike:slave0  - value is not equal to 'slave0'
like:slave.*   - value starts with 'slave'
unique         - all values are unique
cluster        - all values are the same
cluster:slave0 - value equals 'slave0'
groupBy        - all values are the same
groupBy:3      - all values are within 3 different groups
Starting tasks in the cluster
cli help start
e: start <id-expr> [options]

--api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.
--timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait until the task receives Running status.

xpr examples:
0      - task 0
0,1    - tasks 0,1
0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
*      - all tasks in cluster
Stopping tasks in the cluster
cli help stop
e: stop <id-expr> [options]

--api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.

xpr examples:
0      - task 0
0,1    - tasks 0,1
0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
*      - all tasks in cluster
Removing tasks from the cluster
cli help remove
e: remove <id-expr> [options]

--api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.

xpr examples:
0      - task 0
0,1    - tasks 0,1
0..2   - tasks 0,1,2
0,1..2 - tasks 0,1,2
*      - all tasks in cluster
Cluster status
cli help status
e: status [options]

--api: API host:port for advertizing. Optional if GM_API env is set.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.