
Name: fleece

Owner: racker

Description: keeps you warm in the serverless age

Created: 2016-01-22 18:57:56.0

Updated: 2018-02-28 21:09:08.0

Pushed: 2018-03-26 19:51:19.0


Size: 176

Language: Python

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To start using fleece with a lambda project you will need to make 2 small updates to your project.

This should ensure that all handlers on the root logger are cleaned up and one with appropriate stream handlers is in place.

Retry logging calls

A retry wrapper for logging handlers that occasionally fail is also provided. This wrapper can be useful in preventing crashes when logging calls to external services such as CloudWatch fail.

For example, consider the following handler for CloudWatch using watchtower:


If the CloudWatch service is down, or rate limits the client, that will cause logging calls to raise an exception, which may interrupt the script. To avoid that, the watchtower handler can be wrapped in a RetryHandler as follows:


In the above example, logging calls that fail will be retried up to 5 times, using an exponential backoff algorithm to increasingly space out retries. If all retries fail, then the logging call will, by default, give up silently and return, allowing the program to continue. See the documentation for the RetryHandler class for information on how to customize the retry strategy.

boto3 wrappers

This project includes fleece.boto3.client() and fleece.boto3.resource() wrappers that support a friendly format for setting less conservative timeouts than the default 60 seconds used by boto. The following additional arguments are accepted to set these timeouts:

Also for convenience, timeouts can be set globally by calling fleece.boto3.set_default_timeout() at startup. Globally set timeouts are then applied to all clients, unless explicitly overriden. Default timeouts set via the set_default_timeout() function apply to all threads, and for that reason it is a good idea to only call this function during start up, before any additional threads are spawn.

As an example, the following code written against the original boto3 package uses the default 60 second socket timeouts:

rt boto3
da = boto3.client('lambda')

If you wanted to use 15 second timeouts instead, you can simply switch to the fleece wrappers as follows:

 fleece import boto3
da = boto3.client('lambda')

You can import other boto3 attributes, but only client() and resource() accept the additional arguments documented in this section.

requests wrappers

This project also includes a wrapper for the requests package. When using fleece.requests, convenient access to set timeouts and retries is provided.

The high-level request functions such as requests.get() and requests.post() accept the following arguments:

The Session class is also wrapped. A session instance from this module also accepts the two arguments above, and passes them on to any requests it issues.

Finally, it is also possible to install global timeout and retry defaults that are used for any requests that don't specify them explicitly. This enables existing code to take advantage of retries and timeouts after changing the imports to point to this wrapped version of requests. Below is an example that sets global timeouts and retries:

 fleece import requests

 second timeout

retries with exponential backoff, also retry 429 and 503 responses
ests.set_default_retries(total=5, backoff_factor=1,
                         status_forcelist=[429, 503])

e defaults above apply to any regular requests, no need to make
anges to existing code.

request can override the defaults if desired
requests.put('https://...', timeout=25, retries=2)

ssions are also supported
 requests.Session() as session:
X-Ray integration

This project also bridges the gap of missing Python support in the AWS X-Ray Lambda integration.

  1. Make sure you add the following permissions to the Lambda execution role of your function: xray:PutTraceSegments and xray:PutTelemetryRecords.
  2. Enable active tracing under Advanced settings on the Configuration tab of your Lambda function in the AWS Console (or using the update_function_configuration API call).

You can mark any function or method for tracing by using the @trace_xray_subsegment decorator. You can apply the decorator to any number of functions and methods, the resulting trace will be properly nested. You have to decorate all the methods you want traced (e.g. if you decorate your handler function only, no other functions will be traced that it calls).

This module also provides wrappers for boto and requests so that any AWS API call, or HTTP request will be automatically traced by X-Ray, but you have to explicitly allow this behavior by calling monkey_patch_botocore_for_xray and/or monkey_patch_requests_for_xray. The best place to do this would be the main handler module where the Lambda entry point is defined.

A quick example (handler.py)
 fleece import boto3
 fleece.xray import (monkey_patch_botocore_for_xray,


lambda_handler(event, context):
return get_user()

# This function doesn't have to be decorated, because the API call to IAM
# will be traced thanks to the monkey-patching.
iam = boto3.client('iam')
return iam.get_user()

Note: the monkey-patched tracing will also work with the wrappers described above.

Connexion integration

Summary about what Connexion exactly is (from their project page):

Connexion is a framework on top of Flask that automagically handles HTTP requests based on OpenAPI 2.0 Specification (formerly known as Swagger Spec) of your API described in YAML format. Connexion allows you to write a Swagger specification, then maps the endpoints to your Python functions; this makes it unique, as many tools generate the specification based on your Python code. You can describe your REST API in as much detail as you want; then Connexion guarantees that it will work as you specified.

It's the perfect glue between your API Gateway API specification and your Lambda function. Fleece makes it very easy to use Connexion:

 fleece.connexion import call_api
 fleece.log import get_logger

er = get_logger(__name__)

lambda_handler(event, context):
return call_api(event, 'myapi', 'swagger.yml', logger)

You just have to make sure that the swagger.yml file is included in the Lambda bundle. For the API Gateway integration, we assume the request template defined by yoke for now.

Using this integration has the added benefit of being able to run your API locally, by adding something like this to your Lambda handler:

 fleece.connexion import get_connexion_app


_name__ == '__main__':
app = get_connexion_app('myapi', 'swagger.yml')
Fleece CLI

Fleece offers a limited functionality CLI to help build Lambda packages and run commands in a shell environment with AWS credentials from a Rackspace Fanatical AWS Account. The CLI functionality is not installed by default but can be installed as an extras package. NOTE: Package building with Fleece requires Docker.

install fleece[cli]
fleece build
e: fleece build [-h] [--python36] [--rebuild]
                [--requirements REQUIREMENTS]
                [--dependencies DEPENDENCIES] [--target TARGET]
                [--source SOURCE]

le Lambda builder.

tional arguments:
rvice_dir           directory where the service is located (default: $pwd)

onal arguments:
, --help            show this help message and exit
python36, -3        use Python 3.6 (default: Python 2.7)
rebuild             rebuild Python dependencies
                    requirements.txt file with dependencies (default:
                    comma separated list of system dependencies
target TARGET, -t TARGET
                    target directory for lambda_function.zip (default
source SOURCE, -s SOURCE
                    source directory to include in lambda_function.zip
                    (default: $service_dir/src)

To build a lambda package from the service's top-level directory:

eece build .

The assumptions made with the above command are that the source code of the service is in ./src, the requirements file is in ./src/requirements.txt and the output zip file will be written to ./dist. These defaults can be changed with the --source, --requirements and --target options respectively.

The build process will run in a Docker container based on the Amazon Linux image. If there are any additional dependencies that need to be installed on the container prior to installing the Python requirements, those can be given with the --dependencies option.

fleece run
e: fleece run [-h] [--username USERNAME] [--apikey APIKEY]
              [--config CONFIG] [--account ACCOUNT]
              [--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--role ROLE]

command in environment with AWS credentials from Rackspace FAWS API

tional arguments:
mmand               Command to execute

onal arguments:
, --help            show this help message and exit
                    Rackspace username. Can also be set via RS_USERNAME
                    environment variable
apikey APIKEY, -k APIKEY
                    Rackspace API key. Can also be set via RS_API_KEY
                    environment variable
config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                    Path to YAML config file with defined accounts and
                    aliases. Default is ./environments.yml
                    AWS account number. Cannot be used with
                    Environment alias to AWS account defined in config
                    file. Cannot be used with `--account`
role ROLE, -r ROLE  Role name to assume after obtaining credentials from
                    FAWS API

eece run --username $username --apikey $apikey --account $account 'aws s3 ls'
-10-02 12:03:18 bucket1
-06-08 14:31:07 bucket2
-08-10 17:28:47 bucket3
-08-10 17:21:58 bucket4
-08-15 20:33:02 bucket5

You can also setup an environments file to reduce command-line flags:

t environments.yml
name: development
account: '123456789012'
name: staging
account: '123456789012'
rs_username_var: MY_RS_USERNAME
rs_apikey_var: MY_RS_APIKEY
name: testing
account: '123456789012'
name: production
account: '123456789012'
role: LambdaDeployRole

eece run --username $username --apikey $apikey --environment testing 'aws s3 ls'
-10-02 12:03:18 bucket1
-06-08 14:31:07 bucket2
-08-10 17:28:47 bucket3
-08-10 17:21:58 bucket4
-08-15 20:33:02 bucket5

Note the staging environment example above, which provides a custom pair of environment variables from where the Rackspace username and API key are sourced. These would be used only if credentials are not explicitly given as part of the command.

fleece config
e: fleece config [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--username USERNAME]
                 [--apikey APIKEY] [--environments ENVIRONMENTS]
                 {import,export,edit,render} ...

iguration management

tional arguments:
                    Sub-command help
import              Import configuration from stdin
export              Export configuration to stdout
edit                Edit configuration
render              Render configuration for an environment

onal arguments:
, --help            show this help message and exit
config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                    Config file (default is config.yml)
                    Rackspace username. Can also be set via RS_USERNAME
                    environment variable
apikey APIKEY, -k APIKEY
                    Rackspace API key. Can also be set via RS_API_KEY
                    environment variable
                    Path to YAML config file with defined accounts and
                    environment names. Defaults to ./environments.yml

The fleece config command has a few sub-commands that work with configuration files. There are a number of arguments that apply to all commands:

The config commands work with two types of config files. The config.yml file is a “closed” config file, where all sensitive values are encrypted. Developers typically do not edit this file but instead export it to a temporary “open” configuration file where sensitive variables appear in plain text for editing. As soon as changes are made, the open config file is imported back into the closed config.yml.

The open configuration format is as follows:

es:                                 # stage definitions
od:                                 # stage name
environment: prod                   # environment associated with this stage
key: prod-key-here                  # KMS key, ARN or name with or without the "alias/" prefix are all valid
*/:                                 # regular expressions for custom stage names
environment: dev
key: dev-key-here
o: bar                              # plain text variable
ssword:                             # per-stage values, encrypted
+dev: :encrypt:my-dev-password      # per-stage keys must have a "+" prefix so they are
+prod: :encrypt:my-prod-password    # not taken as a nested dict
+/.*/: :encrypt:my-custom-password
sted:                               # nested dictionaries
inner_var: value
a_list:                             # list of dictionaries
  - username1:                      # per-stage values, without encryption
      +prod: bob-prod
      +/.*/: bob-dev
    password1:                      # per-stage values, encrypted
      +prod: :encrypt:bob-prod-pw
      +/.*/: :encrypt:bob-dev-pw
  - username2: user2
      +prod: :encrypt:prod-pw2
      +/.*/: :encrypt:dev-pw2

The stages section defines the available stages, along with their association to an environment and a KMS key. The environment, which must be defined in the environments.yml, links the stage to a AWS account. The KMS key can be given as an ARN or as an alias. The alias can be given with or without the alias/ prefix. Stage names can be given explicitly or as a regular expression (surrounded by /s). When fleece needs to match a stage name given in one of its commands, it will first attempt to do an equality match, and only when that fails it will try the regular expression based stage names. The regular expression stage names are evaluated in random order until one succeeds, so it is important to avoid ambiguities in the regex patterns.

The config section is where configuration variables are defined. A standard key/value pair in this section represents a plaintext variable that will be made available for all stages. A variable can be given per-stage values by making its value a sub-dictionary where the keys are the stage names prefixed by +. Regex patterns for stage names are supported here as well.

Any variables that are sensitive and need to be encrypted must have per-stage values, and these values must have the :encrypt: prefix so that fleece knows to encrypt them when the configuration is imported and stored in config.yml.

The available sub-commands are:

fleece config import

Reads a source configuration file from stdin and writes a config.yml file. The input data can be in YAML or JSON format.

fleece config export [--json]

Writes the contents of config.yml to stdout in the open format for editing. By default this command outputs a YAML file. Use --json to output in JSON format.

fleece config edit [--json] [--editor EDITOR]

This command exports the configuration to a temp file, then starts a text editor (vi by default) on this file. After the editor is closed, the modified file is re-imported. This is the most convenient workflow to edit the configuration.

fleece config render [--json] [--encrypt] [--python] <environment>

Writes the configuration variables for the given environment to stdout. There are four output options: YAML plaintext (the default), JSON plaintext (with --json), JSON encrypted (with --encrypt) and an encrypted Python module (with --python).

The encrypted configuration consists on a list of encrypted buffers that need to be decrypted and appended. The result of this operation is the JSON plaintext configuration. The following output is the output of --python, which includes the decrypt and decode logic:

YPTED_CONFIG = ['... encrypted blob here ...']
rt base64
rt boto3
rt json

config_json = ''
kms = boto3.client('kms')
for buffer in ENCRYPTED_CONFIG:
    r = kms.decrypt(CiphertextBlob=base64.b64decode(buffer.encode(
    config_json += r['Plaintext'].decode('utf-8')
return json.loads(config_json)

IG = load_config()

If this is saved as fleece_config.py in the source directory, the configuration can be imported with:

 fleece_config import CONFIG

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.