
Name: babel-plugin-transform-react-pug

Owner: Pug

Description: A plugin for transpiling pug templates to jsx

Created: 2015-12-27 23:37:08.0

Updated: 2018-05-24 04:50:24.0

Pushed: 2018-05-16 09:25:18.0

Homepage: null

Size: 314

Language: JavaScript

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babel-plugin-transform-react-pug npm version

Use Pug templates to write react components.

babel-plugin-transform-react-pug is a plugin for babel which transpiles pug syntax within template literals to jsx.

Write your components this way:

rt default const ReactComponent = props => pug`
if props.shouldShowGreeting
  p.greeting Hello World!

button(onClick=props.notify) Click Me

And it will be transpiled into:

rt default const ReactComponent = props => (
iv className="wrapper">
{props.shouldShowGreeting && (
  <p className="greeting">Hello World</p>
<button onClick={props.notify}>Click Me</button>


Full information of the syntax you can find in official documentation: pugjs.org.

Basic example
t Component = props => pug`          //- const Component = props => (
v                                    //-   <div>
if props.amount > MAX_AMOUNT         //-     {props.amount > MAX_AMOUNT ? (
  OtherComponent(fluid crucial)      //-       <OtherComponent fluid crucial />
else                                 //-     ) : (
  p You can set bigger amount ;)     //-       <p>You can set bigger amount ;)</p>
                                     //-     )}
each item, index in props.items      //-     {props.items.map((item, index) => (
  div(key=item.id)                   //-       <div key={item.id}>
    h3 Header #{index + 1}           //-         <h3>Header {index + 1}</h3>
    = item.body                      //-         {item.body}
                                     //-       </div>
                                     //-     )}
                                     //-   </div>
                                     //- )

How to pass functions and other primitives
t Component = props => pug`          //- const Component = props => (
v                                    //-   <div>
button(                              //-     <button
  type="button"                      //-       type="button"
  onClick=props.onClick              //-       onClick={props.onClick}
) Click Me                           //-     >Click Me</button>
OtherComponent(                      //-     <OtherComponent
  ...props.objectWithPropsForChild   //-       {...props.objectWithPropsForChild}
  fluid                              //-       fluid
  data-array=[1, 2, 3]               //-       data-array={[1, 2, 3]}
)                                    //-     />
                                     //-   </div>
                                     //- )

Define local variables and use javascript in attributes
t Component = props => pug`          //- const Component = props => (
agment                               //-   <Fragment>
button(                              //-     <button
  ...one                             //-       {...one}
  ...two                             //-       {...two}
  onClick=() => alert('Hello')       //-       onClick={() => alert('Hello')}
  text='number ' + 10                //-       text={'number ' + 10}
)                                    //-     ></button>
- const variable = format(props.no)  //-
p Variable is #{variable}            //-     <p>Variable is {format(props.no)}</p>
                                     //-   </Fragment>
                                     //- )


If you'd prefer to use interpolation, you can. This is possible by using ${} within your template.

t Component = props => pug`
${props.items.map((item, index) => pug`li(key=${index}) ${item}`)}

Eslint integration

Install eslint-plugin-react-pug if you use eslint-plugin-react.

CSS Modules

It's not supported well yet.

  1. Install via yarn or npm

     add --dev babel-plugin-transform-react-pug
    install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-react-pug
  2. Add to babel configuration before transpiling jsx (usually in .babelrc)

    lugins": [
  3. Now all your templates written with pug are understood by react and browsers.


Integrating with create-react-app is tricky because it does not allow you to modify babel configuration. There are two documented possibilities:

React Native

Just add this plugin to the list in .babelrc file.

"presets": ["react-native"]
"presets": ["react-native"],
"plugins": ["transform-react-pug"]

We don't need transform-react-jsx here because it's coming with react-native preset.

How it works

Coming soon…

Can I import template from other files?


Coming soon…

How to get syntax highlighting in IDE (or text editors)?

Here is an instruction for Atom text editor.

  1. Install language-babel and language-pug-jade

    I suggest language-pug-jade because it works better for me. But there are more approaches for building pugjs grammar: language-pug and atom-pug, and you can try them too.

  2. Open settings of language-babel in atom

  3. Find the field under “JavaScript Tagged Template Literal Grammar Extensions”

  4. Enter: pug:source.pug

    More details: gandm/language-babel#javascript-tagged-template-literal-grammar-extensions

  5. Restart the atom



This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.