
Name: agent

Owner: Librato

Description: Librato Agent

Created: 2015-12-19 14:20:06.0

Updated: 2018-03-21 11:15:54.0

Pushed: 2017-06-15 22:23:24.0


Size: 27

Language: null

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Librato Agent

Release Notes for the Librato Agent

Supported Platforms

June 16, 2017

This release upgrades the agent from upstream collectd 5.5.0 to 5.7.1, removes support for Fedora and adds support for Amazon Linux 2016.09 and 2017.03.

Notable changes from upstream collectd 5.7.1 include:

This release also provides the hiredis library as packages for:


July 26, 2016

This is a maintenance release, which addresses the following bugs in earlier versions of Librato Agent.


July 14, 2016

This release breaks the single collectd package into two packages: collectd and collectd-core and deprecates 32bit support for the Librato Agent (no 32bit packages were built for this release; if you need 32bit support, please use 5.5.0-librato49).

collectd-core contains the core collectd system, while collectd contains the default configs that allow you to get up and running quickly. As collectd-core does not ship with default plugin configs, this makes it perfect for using with config management tools.

Additionally, this release adopts a new versioning scheme by appending a minor version to the Librato version number.


July 05, 2016

This release fixes a bug on CentOS 6, where the Docker plugin failed to run due to a Python 2.6 compatibility issue.


June 21, 2016

This release fixes a bug on Fedora, where running `yum update` was causing vanilla collectd to get installed.


May 26, 2016

This release updates CentOS 6 hard runtime dependencies.


May 18, 2016

This release addresses an issue in the MongoDB plugin where negative replication lags were being reported.


May 13, 2016

This release enables the collectd GenericJMX plugin to gather Managed Beans (MBeans) metrics from an MBeanServer using Java Management Extensions (JMX). Librato Agent provides a default configuration file which is located at /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d/jvm.conf:

Plugin java

ude "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/jvm_default.conf"

gin "java">
lugin "GenericJMX">
  Host "localhost"
  ServiceURL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:17264/jmxrmi"
  Collect "memory_heap"
  Collect "memory_nonheap"
  Collect "classes"
  Collect "threads"
  Collect "compilation"
  Collect "garbage_collector"
  Collect "memory_pool"

The configuration of the GenericJMX plugin consists of a Connection block which specifies how to connect to an MBeanServer and what data to retrieve. ServiceURL specifies the MBeanServer to query and the multiple Collect blocks specify which of the MBean blocks to gather with this connection. A set of default metrics are provided at /opt/collectd/share/collectd/jvm_default.conf.


May 10, 2016

This release fixes an issue where the Apache plugin would ignore some of the metrics reported by Apache versions 2.4.13 or newer.

We are also changing the Apache plugin's configuration so the default url for mod_status is http://localhost/server-status?auto. This aligns our plugin with Apache's documentation and most distribution defaults.

Plugin "apache"
gin "apache">
Instance "apache">
   URL "http://localhost/server-status?auto"

May 4, 2016

This release adds MongoDB monitoring capabilities to Librato Agent. MongoDB versions 3.x and 2.x are supported. A default configuration file is provided at /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d/mongodb.conf. Please review and edit it to match your environment.

If necessary, update Host and Port to the host and port corresponding to your MongoDB instance. If authentication has been enabled for your MongoDB deployment, set User and Password to a user who has access to the admin database. Database can optionally specify a space-separated list of additional databases to monitor. If set, Database must begin with admin. Use the Name configuration parameter to set the plugin instance for the reported metrics, which is mongodb by default.

dPlugin python>
obals true

gin python>
dulePath "/opt/collectd/share/collectd"
dulePath "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/pymongo.egg"

port "collectd-mongodb"

odule "collectd-mongodb">
# Host ""
# Port "27017"
# User "username"
# Password "password"
# Database "admin"
# Name "mongodb"

May 3, 2016

First and foremost, this release introduces Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) as a supported platform.

It also brings in an upstream fix to support Varnish 4.1 and some minor improvements to the systemd script.


May 2, 2016

Release fixes unhandled python exceptions in NGINX Plus and Elasticsearch plugins.


Apr 25, 2016

This release enables the native PostgreSQL queries to the Librato Agent. A number of “canned queries” are defined in /opt/collectd/share/collectd/postgresql_default.conf that make it easy to collect per-database statistics for memory use, indexing performance, tuple activity (inserts, updates, deletes, etc), commits and rollbacks, and much more.

The packaged configuration will attempt to gather statistics for the native postgres database using the UNIX socket. In most cases this will not work, since PostgreSQL uses peer authentication for the UNIX socket. Adjust your PostgreSQL authentication or Librato Agent plugin settings in /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d/postgresql.conf as needed.

Plugin postgresql
gin postgresql>
atabase postgres>
Host "/var/run/postgresql"
Port "5432"
User "postgres"
Database foo>
 Instance "custom-name"
 Host ""
 Port "5432"
 User "username"
 Password "password"
 SSLMode "prefer"

The following queries are enabled for the postgres database by default.


Apr 19, 2016

Update: This release also introduces support for Debian 7 (wheezy).

Update #2: This release also adds support for the i386 architecture with Debian 8 (jessie). This was an oversight on our part previously.

This release adds Elasticsearch monitoring capabilities to Librato Agent. Elasticsearch versions 2.x, 1.x and 0.90 are supported. A default configuration file is provided at /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d/elasticsearch.conf. Please review and edit the following section to match your environment.

The plugin will attempt to connect to Elasticsearch over Update the Url configuration parameter to match the setting in your Elasticsearch configuration file. By default, the cluster name will serve as the plugin instance for the reported metrics. Use the Name configuration parameter to override this value.

gin "python">
ModulePath "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/"

Import "collectd-elasticsearch"

<Module "collectd-elasticsearch">
    #Url ""
    #Name "mycluster"
    #Verbose true

Apr 18, 2016

This release corrects a number of dependencies that were never moved from recommended or suggested to actual hard dependencies, particularly those libraries for python, mysqlclient, and memcached.

It also marks the introduction of support for Amazon Linux 2016.03. For all practical purposes the package should be universal across 2015.09 and 2016.03, but we're now officially treating 2015.09 as deprecated.


Apr 8, 2016

This release performs a “reset” of our Varnish configuration to disable a number of module classes providing metrics that are largely used only for debugging or deep troubleshooting. The resulting set of metrics is common across all supported platforms, meaning we no longer need specialized patches to support Varnish across different OS releases.

This also means we're getting closer to an official Varnish integration. :wink:


Mar 21, 2016

This release enables the native MySQL plugin and patches it to report the following additional metrics.

A default configuration file also gets installed under /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d/mysql.conf, and looks as follows. Edit it according to your MySQL server deployment. Please see MySQL Plugin for more details.

Plugin mysql
gin "mysql">
atabase "mydb">
Host ""
User "root"
Password ""
Port 3306
MasterStats true
InnodbStats true

Mar 17, 2016

This release enables support for the HAProxy plugin. The plugin has also been patched to prefix metrics with backend and frontend, depending on the source of the metrics and the proxy type. Health-specific metrics, such as uptime_seconds, are not prefixed. This adheres more closely to Librato's dynamic source convention. We are also appending the name of the proxy to the source.


Mar 4, 2016

This release enables the native Zookeeper plugin. By default, the plugin will look for a Zookeeper service running on localhost TCP port 2181. Change this by editing /opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d/zookeeper.conf, as shown below.

Plugin zookeeper
gin "zookeeper">  
ost ""
ort "2181"

Mar 3, 2016

Officially support the Apache plugin. The plugin has been patched to return hostname_g as the host rather than the service address. This adheres more closely to Librato's dynamic source convention. Also, the Node/Instance will be appended to the source.


Mar 2, 2016

The previous release added five new metrics to track overall container state and image counts within Docker. Unfortunately it would report one copy of each metric (stream) for every container running on the host, resulting in N streams instead of 1 global (hostname) stream per metric. This release fixes that oversight.


Feb 26, 2016

This release introduces a handful of new Docker metrics for tracking container counts by state and total image count.


Feb 24, 2016

Instead of reporting absolute values for bytes (“complex”) and inodes, we have disabled both of those and now report percentages by default instead. This change results in fewer, yet more useful, disk capacity metrics for the user.


Jan 27, 2016

Update the Docker plugin to accommodate the breaking Docker stats API changes for network metrics introduced in API version 1.21.


Jan 12, 2016

Adds support for our new NGINX Plus integration, with over 70 metrics courtesy of NGINX's ngx_http_status_module.


Jan 8, 2016

This release introduces container-level blkio (disk) metrics for Docker containers. The following metrics are now available:

Bytes Operations

Jan 7, 2016

Adjust systemd configuration to allow CAP_SETGID and CAP_SETUID. This is needed for user/group privilege demotion by the Docker plugin.


Dec 30, 2015

Small bump to fix an inaccurate configuration comment.


Dec 29, 2015

Bump the default Interval setting to 60 seconds based on feedback from users.


Dec 9, 2015

Disable some Varnish settings that were causing warnings on older distributions. This plugin is not yet recognized as an official integration (no server-side preconfigurations) but metrics will be received by Librato if librato.varnish.* is added to the user-defined whitelist.


Dec 8, 2015

Fix service path for EL6.


Dec 8, 2015

Enable the --deb-no-default-config-files flag for all deb packages. Needed to keep our configuration in /opt/collectd/etc without warnings by Debian.


Nov 13, 2015

Officially support the Memcached plugin. The plugin has been patched to return hostname_g as the host rather than the service address. This adheres more closely to Librato's dynamic source convention. Also, the Node/Instance will be appended to the source.


Nov 6, 2015

Introducing support for EL7 and Ubuntu Wily.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.