
Name: Rocket.Chat.Ansible

Owner: Rocket.Chat

Description: Deploy Rocket.Chat with Ansible!

Created: 2015-12-11 17:40:12.0

Updated: 2018-05-24 06:13:21.0

Pushed: 2018-05-19 20:40:48.0

Homepage: null

Size: 211

Language: Ruby

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Rocket.Chat Ansible Galaxy Travis-CI

Deploy Rocket.Chat, the ultimate open source web chat platform, with Ansible!

Supported Platforms

If you'd like to see your distribution/operating system supported, please raise an issue!

Running into problems?

Please be sure you've read the FAQ and all documentation before raising an issue.

Role Variables

All variables have sane defaults set in defaults/main.yml


| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_automatic_upgrades | false | A boolean value that determines whether or not to upgrade Rocket.Chat upon source code changes | | rocket_chat_upgrade_backup | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not to back up the current Rocket.Chat version when upgrading | | rocket_chat_upgrade_backup_path | "{{ rocket_chat_application_path }}"| The path to store the back up of Rocket.Chat when rocket_chat_upgrade_backup is true | | rocket_chat_application_path | /var/lib/ | The destination on the filesystem to deploy Rocket.Chat to | | rocket_chat_version | latest | The version of Rocket.Chat to deploy; see the Rocket.Chat releases page for available options | | rocket_chat_tarball_remote | See defaults/main.yml | The remote URL to fetch the Rocket.Chat tarball from (uses rocket_chat_version) | | rocket_chat_tarball_sha256sum | See defaults/main.yml | The SHA256 hash sum of the Rocket.Chat tarball being fetched | | rocket_chat_tarball_fetch_timeout | 100 | The time (in seconds) before the attempt to fetch the Rocket.Chat tarball fails | | rocket_chat_tarball_validate_remote_cert | true | A boolean value that determines wether or not to validate the SSL certs for the Rocket.Chat tarball remote | | rocket_chat_service_user | rocketchat | The name of the user that will run the Rocket.Chat server process | | rocket_chat_service_group | rocketchat | The name of the primary group for the rocket_chat_service_user user | | rocket_chat_service_host | "{{ ansible_fqdn }}" | The FQDN of the Rocket.Chat system | | rocket_chat_service_port | 3000 | The TCP port Rocket.Chat listens on | | rocket_chat_node_version | 4.5.0 | The version of NodeJS to install that n understands | | rocket_chat_node_prefix | /usr/local/n/versions/node/{{ rocket_chat_node_version }} | The path to the node binary directory that n installs | | rocket_chat_npm_dist | /usr/bin/npm | The path to the original npm binary, before n installs any Node versions | | rocket_chat_include_mongodb | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not to deploy MongoDB | | rocket_chat_mongodb_keyserver | | The GPG key server to use when importing the MongoDB repo key | | rocket_chat_mongodb_gpg_key | 7F0CEB10 | The GPG key fingerprint to import for the MongoDB repo | | rocket_chat_mongodb_server | | The IP/FQDN of the MongoDB host | | rocket_chat_mongodb_port | 27017 | The TCP port to contact the MongoDB host host via | | rocket_chat_mongodb_packages | mongodb | The name of the MongoDB package(s) to install (differs for different distros - see vars/) | | rocket_chat_mongodb_config_template | mongod.conf.j2 | The /etc/mongod.conf template to deploy | | rocket_chat_include_nginx| true | A boolean value that determines whether or not to deploy Nginx | | rocket_chat_ssl_generate_certs | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not to generate the Nginx SSL certs | | rocket_chat_ssl_key_path | /etc/nginx/rocket_chat.key | The destination path for the Nginx SSL private key | | rocket_chat_ssl_cert_path | /etc/nginx/rocket_chat.crt | The destination path for the Nginx SSL certificate | | rocket_chat_ssl_deploy_data | false | A boolean value that determines whether or not to deploy custom SSL data (cert/key files) | | rocket_chat_ssl_key_file | ~ | If not using SSL cert generation, this is the path to the Nginx SSL private key on the Ansible control node, for deployment | | rocket_chat_ssl_cert_file | ~ | If not using SSL cert generation, this is the path to the Nginx SSL cert on the Ansible control node, for deployment | | rocket_chat_nginx_enable_pfs | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not to enable PFS when deploying Nginx | | rocket_chat_nginx_generate_pfs_key | true | A boolean value that determines whether or not to generate a PFS key file | | rocket_chat_nginx_pfs_key_numbits | 2048 | Numbits to pass to OpenSSL when generating a PFS key file | | rocket_chat_nginx_pfs_key_path | /etc/nginx/rocket_chat.pem | The destination path for the Nginx PFS key file | | rocket_chat_nginx_pfs_file | ~ | If not using PFS key generation, this is the path to the Nginx PFS key on the Ansible control node, for deployment |

Some variables differ between operating systems/distributions. These are set in the vars/ directory, typically in a file named after the distribution.

RHEL/CentOS variables

Set in vars/RedHat.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_dep_packages | - git | A list of Rocket.Chat dependencies to install | | | - GraphicsMagick | | | | - nodejs | | | | - npm | | | | - make | | | rocket_chat_mongodb_packages | - mongodb | A list of MongoDB server packages to install | | | - mongodb-server | | | rocket_chat_mongodb_repl_lines | 'replSet=001-rs' | The value for the MongoDB replica set | | rocket_chat_mongodb_fork | true | A boolean value that sets whether or not to fork the MongoDB server process | | rocket_chat_mongodb_pidfile_path | /var/run/mongodb/ | The path to the pidfile for the MongoDB server process | | rocket_chat_mongodb_logpath | /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log | The log file path for the MongoDB server | | rocket_chat_mongodb_unixsocketprefix | /var/run/mongodb | The path for the MongoDB UNIX socket prefix | | rocket_chat_mongodb_dbpath | /var/lib/mongodb | The path for MongoDB to store its databases | | rocket_chat_nginx_process_user | nginx | The user for that will be used to spawn the Nginx server process |

RHEL/CentOS 7 variables

Set in vars/RedHat_7.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_service_update_command | systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl restart rocketchat | The command to use to inform the service management system when a service manifest has changed | | rocket_chat_service_template | | | | src | rocketchat.service.j2 | The source template to deploy for the Rocket.Chat service manifest | | dest | /usr/lib/systemd/system/rocketchat.service | The destination to deploy the Rocket.Chat service manifest to | | rocket_chat_tarball_validate_remote_cert | false | A boolean value that determines wether or not to validate the SSL certs for the Rocket.Chat tarball remote |

Debian variables

Set in vars/Debian.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_dep_packages | - git | A list of Rocket.Chat dependencies to install | | | - graphicsmagick | | | | - nodejs | | | | - npm | | | | - make | | | rocket_chat_mongodb_packages | - mongodb-server | A list of MongoDB server packages to install | | | - mongodb-shell | | | rocket_chat_mongodb_repl_lines | replication: | The value for the MongoDB replica set | | | replSetName: "001-rs" | | | rocket_chat_nginx_process_user | www-data | The user for that will be used to spawn the Nginx server process |

Debian 8 variables

Set in vars/Debian_8.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_service_update_command | systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl restart rocketchat | The command to use to inform the service management system when a service manifest has changed | | rocket_chat_service_template | | | | src | rocketchat.service.j2 | The source template to deploy for the Rocket.Chat service manifest | | dest | /etc/systemd/system/rocketchat.service | The destination to deploy the Rocket.Chat service manifest to | | rocket_chat_mongodb_apt_repo | deb wheezy/mongodb-org/3.0 main | The APT repository for MongoDB |

Ubuntu variables

Set in vars/Ubuntu.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_dep_packages | - git | A list of Rocket.Chat dependencies to install | | | - graphicsmagick | | | | - nodejs | | | | - npm | | | | - make | | | rocket_chat_mongodb_packages | - mongodb-server | A list of MongoDB server packages to install | | | - mongodb-shell | | | rocket_chat_mongodb_repl_lines | replication: | The value for the MongoDB replica set | | | replSetName: "001-rs" | | | rocket_chat_nginx_process_user | www-data | The user for that will be used to spawn the Nginx server process |

Ubuntu 16 variables

Set in vars/Ubuntu_15.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_service_update_command | systemctl daemon-reload ; systemctl restart rocketchat | The command to use to inform the service management system when a service manifest has changed | | rocket_chat_service_template | | | | src | rocketchat.service.j2 | The source template to deploy for the Rocket.Chat service manifest | | dest | /etc/systemd/system/rocketchat.service | The destination to deploy the Rocket.Chat service manifest to | | rocket_chat_mongodb_apt_repo | deb wheezy/mongodb-org/3.0 main | The APT repository for MongoDB |

Ubuntu 14 variables

Set in vars/Ubuntu_14.yml

| Name | Default Value | Description | |—————————|———————–|————————————| | rocket_chat_service_update_command | initctl reload-configuration ; service rocketchat restart | The command to use to inform the service management system when a service manifest has changed | | rocket_chat_service_template | | | | src | rocketchat_upstart.j2 | The source template to deploy for the Rocket.Chat service manifest | | dest | /etc/init/rocketchat.conf | The destination to deploy the Rocket.Chat service manifest to | | rocket_chat_mongodb_apt_repo | deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse | The APT repository for MongoDB | | rocket_chat_tarball_validate_remote_cert | false | A boolean value that determines wether or not to validate the SSL certs for the Rocket.Chat tarball remote |

Install this role from Ansible Galaxy

This role is available for download from Ansible Galaxy. To install this role, and track it in your Ansible code-base, use something similar to the following in your requirements.yml:

c: RocketChat.Server
rsion: v1.9.0
th: roles/external/

Note: you must specify version as v1.9.0 if you're still using Ansible 1.9.4

Install the Ansible 2.0 version of this role

With the release of Ansible 2.0, this role is officially supported with some performance enhancements and extra features (automatic upgrades, for instance). To use the Ansible 2.0 version of this role, you can install it using the ansible-galaxy command line tool using a requirements.yml (both mentioned above) to specify the version you wish to use.

Here's an example requirements.yml file to install via ansible-galaxy will fetch the Ansible 2.0 code:

src: RocketChat.Server
path: roles/external
Note: master has been rebased on v2.0 and is now the most current code of the role. If you want the latest just don't include any version at all and ansible-galaxy will pull in the latest tag, or you can include version: master to always be current.
Example Playbook

A simple playbook to run this role on all chat_servers systems:

hosts: chat_servers
 - RocketChat.Server

A playbook to deploy Rocket.Chat to chat_servers but exclude the deployment of MongoDB and use an external instance. Also permit automatic upgrades of Rocket.Chat (Ansible 2.0 required for rocket_chat_automatic_upgrades! See the Install from Ansible Galaxy secion):

hosts: chat_servers

  rocket_chat_automatic_upgrades: true
  rocket_chat_include_mongodb: false

  - RocketChat.Server
Available tags

To run a specific set of plays, with the --tags flag, the available tags are:

Management of the Rocket.Chat service

This role will deploy a service named rocketchat. You can use your native service management system to start/stop/reload/restart the service.

Testing via Vagrant

To test this role, you'll find a Vagrantfile and provision.yml playbook in the tests/ directory. This is, as you might have guessed, for running test deployments via Vagrant.

If you'd like to test some changes, or simply see how the role works/provision a little play Rocket.Chat server locally, you can cd into tests/ and run vagrant up (provided you have Vagrant & VirtualBox installed).

If you take a look at the Vagrantfile, you'll see there's a deployment for each currently supported platform - simply comment out any you don't want to deploy (don't forget their Ansible config at the bottom, either!). Once deployment is finished, if you want to try Rocket.Chat out, you can visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser (the port 4000 varies here, based on which platform you're deploying, see the forwarded_port value for your platform).




Feel free to: Raise an issue Contribute

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.