
Name: muse

Owner: funcool

Description: Clojure(Script) library that makes remote data access code elegant and efficient

Created: 2015-11-03 11:13:23.0

Updated: 2017-06-03 22:44:55.0

Pushed: 2015-12-04 10:53:35.0


Size: 74

Language: Clojure

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Clojars Project

Muse is a Clojure library that works hard to make your relationship with remote data simple & enjoyable. We believe that concurrent code can be elegant and efficient at the same time.

Oftentimes, your business logic relies on remote data that you need to fetch from different sources: databases, caches, web services or 3rd party APIs, and you can't mess things up. Muse helps you to keep your business logic clear of low-level details while performing efficiently:

Having all this gives you the ability to access remote data sources in a concise and consistent way, while the library handles batching and overlapping requests to multiple data sources behind the scenes.

Heavily inspired by:


The Idea

A core problem of many systems is balancing expressiveness against performance.

uire '[clojure.set :refer [union intersection]])

n num-common-friends
ount (intersection (friends-of x) (friends-of y))))

Here, (friends-of x) and (friends-of y) are independent, and you want it to be fetched concurrently in a single batch. Furthermore, if x and y refer to the same person, you don't want to redundantly re-fetch their friend list.

Muse allows your data fetches to be implicitly concurrent:

uire '[muse.core :as muse])

n num-common-friends [x y]
use/fmap (comp count intersection) (friends-of x) (friends-of y)))

e/run! (num-common-friends 1 2))

Attention! API is subject to change

Include the following to your lein project.clj dependencies:

e "0.4.0"]

All functions are located in muse.core:

uire '[muse.core :as muse])

Simple helper to emulate async request to the remote source with unpredictable response latency:

In ClojureScript:

uire '[promesa.core :as prom])

n remote-req [id result]
(fn [resolve reject]
  (let [wait (rand 1000)]
   (println "-->" id ".." wait)
   (js/setTimeout #(do (println "<--" id)
                       (resolve result))

In Clojure:

uire '[promesa.core :as prom])

n remote-req [id result]
(fn [resolve reject]
  (let [wait (rand 1000)]
   (println "-->" id ".." wait)
   (Thread/sleep wait)
   (println "<--" id)
   (resolve result)))))

Define data source (list of friends by given user id):

uire '[muse.core :as muse])

record FriendsOf [id]
etch [_] (remote-req id (set (range id)))))

n friends-of [id]
riendsOf. id))

Run simplest scenario:

ends-of 10)
> #core.FriendsOf{:id 10}

e/run! (friends-of 10))
-> 10 .. 877.3953983155727
-- 10
> #<Promise {:status :pending}>

ef (muse/run! (friends-of 10)))
-> 10 .. 412.97080768100585
-- 10
> #{0 7 1 4 6 3 2 9 5 8}

e/run!! (friends-of 10)) ;; blocks until done
-> 10 .. 834.4564727277141
-- 10
> #{0 7 1 4 6 3 2 9 5 8}

There is nothing special about it (yet), let's do something more interesting:

e/fmap count (friends-of 10))
> #<MuseMap (clojure.core$count@1b932280 core.FriendsOf[10])>

e/run!! (muse/fmap count (friends-of 10)))
-> 10 .. 844.5086574753595
-- 10
> 10

e/fmap inc (muse/fmap count (friends-of 3)))
> #<MuseMap (clojure.core$comp$fn__4192@4275ef0b core.FriendsOf[3])>

e/run!! (muse/fmap inc (muse/fmap count (friends-of 3))))
-> 3 .. 334.5374146247876
-- 3
> 4

Let's imagine we have another data source: users' activity score by given user id.

record ActivityScore [id]
etch [_] (remote-req id (inc id))))

Nested data fetches (you can see 2 levels of execution):

n first-friend-activity []
>> (friends-of 10)
   (muse/fmap sort)
   (muse/fmap first)
   (muse/flat-map #(ActivityScore. %))))

e/run!! (first-friend-activity))
-> 10 .. 576.5833162596521
-- 10
-> 0 .. 275.28637368204966
-- 0
> 1

And now a few amazing facts.

uire '[clojure.set :refer [union intersection]])

n num-common-friends [x y]
use/fmap (comp count intersection) (friends-of x) (friends-of y)))

1) muse automatically runs fetches concurrently:

e/run!! (num-common-friends 3 4))
-> 3 .. 50.56579162982433
-> 4 .. 247.60281831534402
-- 3
-- 4
> 3

2) muse detects duplicated requests and caches results to avoid redundant work:

e/run!! (num-common-friends 5 5))
-> 5 .. 781.2024344113081
-- 5
> 5

3) seq operations will also run concurrently:

n friends-of-friends [id]
>> (friends-of id)
   (muse/traverse #(friends-of %))
   (muse/fmap (partial apply union))))

e/run!! (friends-of-friends 5))
-> 5 .. 972.1322804759812
-- 5
-> 0 .. 498.6426390505534
-> 1 .. 136.49940971567355
-> 4 .. 874.777296180928
-- 1
-> 3 .. 910.0740298270428
-- 0
-> 2 .. 995.5441177163739
-- 4
-- 3
-- 2
> #{0 1 3 2}

4) you can implement BatchedSource protocol to tell muse how to batch requests:

record FriendsOf [id]
etch [_] (remote-req id (set (range id))))

etch-multi [_ users]
(let [ids (cons id (map :id users))]
  (->> ids
       (map #(vector %1 (set (range %1))))
       (into {})
       (remote-req ids)))))

e/run!! (friends-of-friends 5))
-> 5 .. 783.7984574012655
-- 5
-> (0 1 4 3 2) .. 420.575997272024
-- (0 1 4 3 2)
> #{0 1 3 2}

If you come from Haskell you will probably like shortcuts:

e/<$> inc (muse/<$> count (friends-of 3)))
> #<MuseMap (clojure.core$comp$fn__4192@6f2c4a58 core.FriendsOf[3])>

e/run!! (muse/<$> inc (muse/<$> count (friends-of 3))))
> 4

Custom response cache id:

record Timeline [username]
etch [_] (remote-req username (str username "'s timeline ")))

esource-id [_] username))

e/fmap count (Timeline. "@kachayev"))
> #<MuseMap (clojure.core$count@1b932280 core.Timeline[@kachayev])>

e/run!! (muse/fmap count (Timeline. "@kachayev")))
-> @kachayev .. 929.3864355882571
-- @kachayev
> 21

e/run!! (muse/fmap str (Timeline. "@kachayev") (Timeline. "@kachayev")))
@kachayev .. 809.035607308747
chayev's timeline @kachayev's timeline "

Thorough documentation coming soon.


Muse can be used from ClojureScript code with few minor differences:


MuseAST monad is compatible with cats library, so you can use mlet/return interface as well as fmap & bind functions provided by cats.core:

uire '[cats.core :as m])

record Post [id]
etch [_] (remote-req id {:id id :author-id (inc id) :title "Muse"})))

record User [id]
etch [_] (remote-req id {:id id :name "Alexey"})))

n get-post [id]
/mlet [post (Post. id)
       user (User. (:author-id post))]
(m/return (assoc post :author user))))

e/run!! (get-post 10))
-> 10 .. 813.5857785197163
-- 10
-> 11 .. 449.5124897284112
-- 11
> {:author {:id 11, :name "Alexey"}, :id 10, :author-id 11, :title "Muse"}
Real-World Data Sources

HTTP calls:

uire '[muse.core :as muse])
uire '[promesa.core :as prom])

n async-get [url]
rom/future (slurp url)))

record Gist [id]
etch [_] (async-get (str "" id))))

e/run!! (muse/fmap count (Gist. "21e7fe149bc5ae0bd878")))
> 86085

n gist [id]
use/fmap count (Gist. id)))

ill fetch 2 gists concurrently
e/run!! (muse/fmap compare (gist "21e7fe149bc5ae0bd878") (gist "b5887f66e2985a21a466")))
> 1

For an example of the use with database queries, see a detailed example here: “Solving the N+1 Selects Problem with Muse”).

How Does It Work?
TODO & Ideas
Known Restrictions

Release under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license.


or simply…


Thanks go to Simon Marlow for creating/leading Haxl project (and talking about it). And to Facebook for open-sourcing it.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.