
Name: graph_starter

Owner: Neo4j Examples

Description: Ruby Rails engine gem to provide automatic UI for an asset portal

Created: 2015-10-19 07:45:10.0

Updated: 2018-04-27 12:36:16.0

Pushed: 2018-04-27 12:36:15.0

Homepage: null

Size: 757

Language: JavaScript

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= GraphStarter

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.


Install the gem in your Gemfile:

gem 'graph_starter'

Mount the engine in your config/routes.rb:

mount GraphStarter::Engine => "/"

Define some models (note that models should inherit from GraphStarter::Asset):

class Product < GraphStarter::Asset
  # `title` property is added automatically

  property :name
  property :description
  property :price, type: Integer


  has_one :in, :vendor, type: :SELLS_PRODUCT

These models are simply Neo4j.rb ActiveNode modules so you can refer to the Neo4j.rb documentation to define them. Because they inherit from GraphStarter::Asset they will all have the Asset Neo4j label in addition to the model's label.


You can see an example repository and Heroku application hosting some sample data from the Natural History Museum


Custom actions
Home page

To change what is displayed at the root of the engine's mount point, define an AssetsController like this:

class AssetsController < ::GraphStarter::AssetsController
  def home

And define a app/views/assets/home.html.(erb|slim|haml|etc...) view.


Define a app/views/layouts/graph_starter/_custom_menu.html.(erb|slim|haml|etc...) view. Here is an example of an app using devise and Slim:
  .ui.item = link_to 'Groups', groups_path if @current_user_is_admin
- if user_signed_in?
  .ui.item Logged in as #{}
  .ui.item = link_to 'Sign out', main_app.destroy_user_session_path, method: 'delete'
- else
  .ui.item = link_to 'Sign in', main_app.new_user_session_path
  .ui.item = link_to 'Sign up', main_app.new_user_registration_path
User model

If you would like to have authorization for your application you should define a user model. You can do this in two ways. If you're using Rails you can define it in your config/application.rb:

config.graph_starter.user_class = :Person

Otherwise you can do it via GraphStarter.configure:

GraphStarter.configure do |config|
  config.user_class = :Person

If course if you have a User class this will be used automatically


Models inheriting from GraphStarter::Asset are simply ActiveNode models, thus you can refer to the [Neo4j.rb documentation](Neo4j.rb documentation) to define them. There are a few class methods defined by GraphStarter that you should know about:


Your asset models need to have a property which is defined as the “name property”. This is what is used to describe the asset in the UI. By default if you define a name property or a title property then they will be used automatically. Otherwise you should call name_property :property_name on your model to specify which property should represent the model.


The GraphStarter UI has search fields. By default these searches are done on the name_property field, but you can specify a list of properties that you'd like to use:

search_properties :title, :name, :description

If you would like for your asset model to be categorized by another asset model, you can call category_association :association_name on your model to define it. This will display the categories for your asset in the UI appropriately. For example:

class Product
  has_many :out, :departments, type: :IN_DEPARTMENT

  category_association :departments
has_images / has_image

If you call has_images in your model a has_many association called images will be defined on your model which will allow you to use the following methods:




GraphStarter::Image objects (which the association represents) have the following properties: title, description, details (serialized object), original_url, and a paperclip property called source. Refer to the paperclip documentation

has_image works the same as has_images except that it creates a has_one association called image


Allows users to rate assets. A 5-star rating UI will appear on the asset's show page. Ratings are stored as an integer from 1 to 5 on the RATES relationship. This relationship is represented by the GraphStarter::Rating ActiveRel model.




Set the @title instance variable in your controller to determine the title of the HTML page. Defaults to your application's name


Define a current_user method to return the currently authenticated user. Setup automatically if you use devise



Define a current_user method to return the currently authenticated user. Setup automatically if you use devise



To overwrite the center panel of the display page for an asset, define a view in app/views/<model_slug>/body.html.(erb|slim|haml). The asset object is available via the asset variable.

For example if you had a Product model, products would be displayed at the URL /products/<product ID> and so you could define a view at app/views/products/body.html.(erb|slim|haml) to change what is displayed.

Rendering lists of assets

If you need to display a list of assets in your custom view, you can use GraphStarter's built-in card listing partial:

render partial: 'graph_starter/assets/cards', locals: {assets: var}

Global configuration

These variables can be configured before you load your application / script like this:

hStarter.configure do |config|
nfig.menu_models = %i(GraphGist Industry UseCase)


A list of models which are display on the UI menu. By default this is all models.

ig.menu_models = %i(GraphGist Industry UseCase)

A filter which is applied to your models when displaying them. Does not apply to admins.

ig.scope_filters = {
aphGist: -> (var) do
"#{var}.status = 'live'"


A definition of CSS classes from Semantic UI's icons to be used for icons next to asset links for those models. Can include multiple class names.

ig.icon_classes = {
aphGist: 'file text icon',
rson: 'user'


Properties on models which can be edited by users with access to edit the assets.

nfig.editable_properties = {
GraphGist: %w(title url featured status)

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.