
Name: linkage-disequilibrium

Owner: Google Genomics

Description: A suite of Java tools to calculate linkage disequilibrium between variants and load the results into BigQuery and BigTable.

Created: 2015-08-18 23:33:03.0

Updated: 2017-06-12 15:57:34.0

Pushed: 2016-05-05 20:12:49.0


Size: 1837

Language: Jupyter Notebook

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This repository contains tools for generating and interacting with linkage disequilibrium (LD) data, including

In addition, the tools have been used to create a publicly-available repository of LD on the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 data. See the example Datalab or the Google Genomics Cookbook data description for more details.


LD is the non-random association of alleles at distinct physical loci, and can arise due to many different factors in population genetics.

Knowing the extent of LD between variants is essential for filtering when using various population genetics algorithms, such as using principal component analysis to identify genome-wide population structure. Furthermore, LD between variants can be exploited when one is interested in an individual's genotype at a particular variant of interest, but that variant is not directly assayed in the experiment used (i.e. as a quick proxy for genotype imputation).

Calculating LD between a single pair of variants is conceptually simple. However, it is computationally burdensome for large data sets, as the number of calculations grows as O(N^2) for a data set of N variants.

This repository demonstrates the ability to perform the resource-heavy LD computation efficiently using Dataflow, as well as ways to interact with the resulting data.

Getting started
  1. git clone this repository.

  2. If you have not already done so, follow the Google Genomics getting started instructions to set up your environment including installing gcloud and running gcloud init.

  3. If you have not already done so, follow the Dataflow getting started instructions to set up your environment for Dataflow.

  4. Download the correct version of the ALPN documentation.

  5. See the ALPN documentation for a table of which ALPN jar to use for your JRE version.

  6. Then download the correct version from here.

  7. Use a recent version of Apache Maven (e.g., version 3.3.3) to build this code:


Now, pipelines can be run on Google Compute Engine using the example commands listed within the pipeline files themselves (see, for example,

Linkage disequilibrium calculation pipeline

Because calculation of LD can be performed independently for all pairs of variants of interest, it is an ideal candidate for parallelization. The pipeline takes as input a Google Genomics variant set and writes LD output to Cloud Storage as a file of LD results.

Each LD result is represented as a comma-separated line with 22 entries. Each variant is represented by eight values:

  1. chromosome
  2. start position (0-based half-open, like UCSC BED format)
  3. end position (0-based half open, like UCSC BED format)
  4. Google Genomics variant ID
  5. Semicolon-delimited list of rsids assigned to the variant
  6. The number of non-reference alleles defined for the variant
  7. The allele coded as 0 in the LD calculations
  8. The allele coded as 1 in the LD calculations

The final six values are:

  1. The number of chromosomes used in the LD calculation
  2. The number of chromosomes for which the query variant has the 1 allele
  3. The number of chromosomes for which the target variant has the 1 allele
  4. The number of chromosomes for which both the query and target variants have the 1 allele
  5. The allelic correlation coefficient measure of LD between the variants
  6. The D' measure of LD between the variants
Design decisions in LD calculations

There are multiple design decisions made in the pipeline that influence its results. Ensure your data is appropriate before running the pipeline blindly.

LD measures

The LD measures chosen to calculate were allelic correlation coefficient and D'. Note that each of these expects phased data as input.

Missing data

The standard way to handle missing data is to calculate the correlation based only on individuals who have genotype calls at both variants of interest. This may be problematic if no-calls are correlated with the presence of a particular allele, but is an expected way to handle the missing data. This is the method used in the pipeline.

A comparison to two other strategies (imputation or sampling) supports this being the method that most accurately recovers the true underlying Pearson correlation.

Multiallelic sites

Genotypic correlation is defined in the context of two alleles, and simply calculates the correlation between the counts of a given allele at each variant. Genotypic correlation is ill-defined in the context of variants with more than two distinct alleles.

Frequently, tri- or higher-allelic variants have two alleles that are present in nearly all individuals, with the other variants being extremely rare. As a result, we handle multiallelic sites by identifying the two most frequent alleles, and only using chromosomes that contain one of those two alleles in the LD calculation (i.e., effectively treating rare alleles as no-calls).

Sex chromosomes

Different models can be used to model LD on sex chromosomes. This pipeline uses the same genotype counts as encoded in the Variant in its calculation of LD metrics.

Loading LD calculations into BigQuery

Because the LD calculation pipeline writes its output as comma-separated lines, it is easy to load the data into BigQuery.

General instructions for loading data into BigQuery are available here. An example script for loading from CSV is available at When using that script, the schema for the table of LD results is available in this repository in the ld_bigquery_schema_fields.txt file.

Consequently, LD data can be loaded into a BigQuery table with the following code snippet:


on path/to/ \
ROJECTID $DATASETID $TABLE schema/ld_bigquery_schema_fields.txt $DATA
Loading LD calculations into BigTable

Because BigTable allows efficient access to extremely large datasets indexed by a single key, it is a natural choice for representation of LD data. The pipeline provides an example in which Dataflow is used to read data generated by the pipeline and writes the results into a BigTable. The key for each BigTable row is designed so that all LD results for a single query variant appear in a contiguous block of the table, sorted by the location of the target variants, and results for query variants are sorted by the location of query variants. This key design allows efficient access to all LD results for a single variant or a single region of the genome.

See the Google Genomics Cookbook for an example command line for this pipeline.

Querying LD calculations stored in BigTable

Once a BigTable storing LD data has been created, a mechanism for accessing the results must be created. The pipeline provides an example in which Dataflow is used to read a subset of data from an LD BigTable and write the results to GCS in the same format as it was originally written by the pipeline.

See the Google Genomics Cookbook for an example command line for this pipeline.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.