
Name: cc-api-v3-style-guide

Owner: Cloud Foundry

Description: Style Guide for Cloud Controller v3 API

Created: 2015-08-03 18:14:11.0

Updated: 2017-03-27 03:12:57.0

Pushed: 2017-10-05 22:23:30.0

Homepage: null

Size: 90

Language: null

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Cloud Controller API v3 Style Guide (Proposal)

Table of contents

This document serves as a style guide for the Cloud Controller API. It is intended to act as a repository for patterns and best practices when designing and developing new API endpoints.

This is a living document; It will change over time as we learn more about our users and develop features.

Guiding Principles
API Technologies
API Design Inspirations
Overview Example

Here is an example request to get apps filtered by query parameters:


Note that the examples in the style guide to not encode query strings. This is to make the examples more human-readable. In actuality, all requests and responses must contain correctly encoded characters. For more information see Query Parameters.

Here is the respective response body:

agination": {
"total_results": 3,
"total_pages": 2,
"first": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?names=dora,kailan&order_by=created_at&page=1&per_page=2"
"last": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?names=dora,kailan&order_by=created_at&page=2&per_page=2"
"next": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?names=dora,kailan&order_by=created_at&page=2&per_page=2"
"previous": null

esources": [
  "guid": "guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28",
  "name": "dora",
  "desired_state": "STOPPED",
  "total_desired_instances": 0,
  "buildpack": null,
  "created_at": "2015-08-06T00:36:20Z",
  "updated_at": null,
  "environment_variables": {

  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28"
    "space": {
      "href": "/v2/spaces/ab09cd29-9420-f021-g20d-123431420768"
    "processes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/processes"
    "routes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/routes"
    "packages": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/packages"
    "droplets": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/droplets"
    "start": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/start",
      "method": "PUT"
    "stop": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/stop",
      "method": "PUT"
    "assign_current_droplet": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-00133700-abcd-1234-9000-3f70a011bc28/current_droplet",
      "method": "PUT"
  "guid": "guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922",
  "name": "kailan",
  "desired_state": "STOPPED",
  "total_desired_instances": 0,
  "buildpack": null,
  "created_at": "2015-08-07T00:40:52Z",
  "updated_at": null,
  "environment_variables": {

  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922"
    "space": {
      "href": "/v2/spaces/881029ab-4edd-4920-af10-6386967209d1"
    "processes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/processes"
    "routes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/routes"
    "packages": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/packages"
    "droplets": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/droplets"
    "start": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/start",
      "method": "PUT"
    "stop": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/stop",
      "method": "PUT"
    "assign_current_droplet": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/guid-bd7369a8-deed-ff1a-2315-77410293a922/current_droplet",
      "method": "PUT"

URL structure

All endpoints must be prefixed with /v3/. Pattern: /v3/...

Collections of resources are referenced by their resource name (plural)
Pattern: /v3/:resource name
Example: /v3/apps

Individual resources are referenced their resource name (plural) followed by the guid
Pattern: /v3/:resource name/:guid
Example: /v3/apps/25fe21b8-8de2-40d0-93b0-c819101d1a11


Used to retrieve a single resource or a list of resources.


Show individual resource:

Responses (Resource)

|Scenario|Code|Body| |—|—|—| | Authorized User | 200 | Resource | | Unauthorized User | 404 | Error |

List collection of resources:

Responses (Collection)

|Scenario|Code|Body| |—|—|—| | User With Complete Visibility | 200 | List of All Resources | | User With Partial Visibility | 200 | List of Visible Resources | | User With No Visibility | 200 | Empty List |


Used to create a resource.


Create a resource:


me: "cool_app",
ace_guid: "123guid"


|Scenario|Code(s)|Body| |—|—|—| | Authorized User (sync) | 201 | Created Resource | | Authorized User (async) | 202 | Empty w/ Location Header -> Job | | Read-only User | 403 | Error | | Unauthorized User | 403 | Error |


Used to trigger an action. To update a resource, use PATCH


Trigger an action:


nstances": 100,
emory_in_mb": 2048


|Scenario|Code(s)|Body| |—|—|—| | Authorized User (sync) | 200 | Empty | | Authorized User (async) | 202 | Empty w/ Location Header -> Job | | Read-only User | 403 | Error | | Unauthorized User | 404 | Error |


Used to update a portion of a resource.


Partially update a resource:

H /v3/apps/:guid

ame": "new_app_name"


|Scenario|Code(s)|Body| |—|—|—| | Authorized User (sync) | 200 | Updated Resource | | Authorized User (async) | 202 | Empty w/ Location Header -> Job | | Read-only User | 403 | Error | | Unauthorized User | 404 | Error |


Used to delete a resource.


Delete a resource:

TE /v3/apps/:guid

|Scenario|Code(s)|Body| |—|—|—| | Authorized User (sync) | 204 | N/A | | Authorized User (async) | 202 | Empty w/ Location Header -> Job | | Read-only User | 403 | Error | | Unauthorized User | 404 | Error | | Missing Resource | 404 | Error |


A resource represents an individual object within the system, such as an app or a service. It is represented as a JSON object.

A resource MUST contain the following fields:

A resource may contain additional fields which are the attributes describing the resource.

A resource MUST contain a links field containing a links object, which is used to provide URLs to relationships and actions for the resource.

A resource MUST include a self link object in the links field.


uid": "a-b-c",
reated_at": "2015-07-06T23:22:56Z",
pdated_at": "2015-07-08T23:22:56Z",

ame": "dora",
escription": "an example app",

inks": {
"self": {
  "href": "/v3/apps/a-b-c"


Links provide URLs to relationships and actions for a resource. Links are represented as a JSON object.

Each member of a links object is a “link”.
A link MUST be a JSON object. A link MUST contain a href field, which is a string containing the link's relative URL. A link may contain a method field, which is a string containing the HTTP verb that must be used to follow the URL. If the method field is not included then the link MUST be available using GET.

ks": {
elf": {
"href": "/v3/apps/a-b-c"

pace": {
"href": "/v3/apps/a-b-c/relationships/space"

rocesses": {
"href": "/v3/apps/a-b-c/relationships/processes"

tart": {
"href": "/v3/apps/a-b-c/start",
"method": "PUT"

Note that the key is links to reduce the likelihood of collisions with a hypothetical resource field named links.


A collection is a list of multiple Resources. A collection is represented as a JSON object.

A collection MUST contain a resources field. The resources field is an array containing multiple Resources.

A collection MUST contain a pagination field containing a pagination object.


esources": [
  "guid": "a-b-c",
  "created_at": "2015-07-06T23:22:56Z",
  "updated_at": "2015-07-08T23:22:56Z",

  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/a-b-c"
  "guid": "d-e-f",
  "created_at": "2015-07-06T23:22:56Z",
  "updated_at": "2015-07-08T23:22:56Z",

  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/d-e-f"

agination": {
"total_results": 2,
"total_pages": 1,
"first": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?page=1&per_page=10"
"last": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?page=1&per_page=10"
"next": null,
"previous": null


Pagination may be used by Collections to limit the number of resources returned at a time. Pagination is requested by a client through the use of query parameters. Pagination is represented as a JSON object.

Pagination MUST include a total_results field with an integer value of the total number of records in the collection.

Pagination MUST include a total_pages field with an integer value of the total number of pages in the collection.

Pagination MUST include the following fields for pagination links:

Pagination links may be null. For example, if the page currently being displayed is the first page, then previous link will be null.

When pagination links contain a URL, they MUST be a JSON object with a field named href containing a string with the URL for the next page.

The URL MUST include all query parameters required to maintain consistency with the original pagination request. For example, if the client requested for the collection to be returned in a specific order direction via a query parameter, then the pagination links must include the proper query parameter to maintain the requested direction.

The following query parameters MUST be used for pagination:

When collections are ordered by a subset of fields, each field MAY be prepended “-” to indicate descending order direction. If the field is not prepended, the ordering will default to ascending.

If there are additional pagination query parameters, the parameters MUST have names that conform to the acceptable query parameter names.

ination:" {
otal_results": 20,
otal_pages": 2,
irst": {
"href": "/v3/apps?order_by=-created_at&page=1&per_page=10"

ast": {
"href": "/v3/apps?order_by=-created_at&page=2&per_page=10"

ext": {
"href": "/v3/apps?order_by=-created_at&page=2&per_page=10"

revious": null


Actions are API requests that are expected to initiate change within the Cloud Foundry runtime. This is differentiated from requests which update a record, but require additional updates ? such as restarting an app ? to cause changes to a resource to take affect.

Actions MUST use use PUT as their HTTP verb.

Actions may accept a request body.

Actions MUST be listed in the links for the related resource.


PUT /v3/apps/:guid/start

Query Parameters

Query Parameters MUST include ONLY the following characters:

Query parameters that accept multiple values MUST be pluralized.

If any request receives a query parameter it does not understand, the response MUST be a 400 Bad Request.

All query parameters MUST be properly url-encoded. If a query parameter value includes the comma (,) character, the comma MUST be double encoded. Note that for readability purposes, the examples throughout this document do not show encoded query strings.


Single value: GET /v3/apps?names=firstname

Multiple values: GET /v3/apps?names=firstname,secondname

Single value with comma: GET /v3/apps?names=comma%2Cname

Field Names

Resource Fields MUST include ONLY the following characters:

Resource fields that accept multiple values MUST be pluralized.


esources": [
  "guid": "guid-1",
  "environment_variables": {
    "animal": "fish",
    "color": "teal"


Filtering is the use of query parameters to return a subset of resources within a Collection.

Filter query parameters MUST have names that conform to the acceptable query parameter names.

Filters MUST allow a client to request resources matching multiple values of by accepting the filter as an array.

Filter parameters MUST be able to be combined with other filters on the same collection.

Example multiple value request,second_name

Example single value request

Example combined filters

Status Codes

The HTTP status code returned for errors MUST be included in the documented status codes.

Issues with v2 error format

Currently looks like v2.

code": 100001,
description": "The app is invalid: Invalid app state provided",
error_code": "CF-AppInvalid"


This proposal includes code which would be an internal unique identifier of a class of error. This could be used for support scripts for CF operators. The method for maintaining a list of these codes and their meanings would need to be determined

tatus": 400,
ode": 123455,
ype": "Invalid Request",
escription": "The request body is not valid.",
rrors": [
  "resource": "app",
  "messages": [
    "Names must be unique",
    "Names may not contain numbers"
  "resource": "lunch",
  "messages": [
    "Potatoes cannot be perfectly round"

Response Codes
Successful Requests

|Status Code|Description|Verbs| |—|—|—| |200 OK|This status MUST be returned for synchronous requests that complete successfully and have a response body. This must only be used if there is not a more appropriate 2XX response code. |GET, PATCH, PUT| |201 Created|This status MUST be returned for synchronous requests that result in the creation of a new resource.|POST| |202 Accepted|This status MUST be returned for requests that have been successfully accepted and will be asynchronously completed at a later time. See more in the async section. |POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE| |204 No Content|This status MUST be returned for synchronous requests that complete successfully and have no response body.|DELETE


|Status Code|Description|Verbs| |—|—|—| |302 Found| This status MUST be returned when the cloud controller redirects to another location. Example: Downloading a package from an external blob store. |GET| |303 See Other| This status MUST be returned when an async job finishes. It must include a location header containing the resource link. See more in the async section. |GET|

Client Errors

|Status Code|Description|Verbs| |—|—|—| |400 Bad Request|This status MUST be returned for requests that provide malformed or invalid data. Examples: invalid JSON, unexpected query parameters or request fields.|GET, PATCH, POST, PUT, DELETE| |401 Unauthenticated|This status MUST be returned if the requested resource requires an authenticated user but there is no OAuth token provided, or the OAuth token provided is invalid.|GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE, PUT| |403 Forbidden|This status MUST be returned if the request cannot be performed by the user due to lack of permissions. Example: User with read-only permissions to a resource tries to update it. |POST, PATCH, DELETE, PUT| |404 Not Found|This status MUST be returned if the requested resource does not exist or if the user requesting the resource has insufficient permissions to view the resource.|GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE| |422 Unprocessable Entity|This status MUST be returned if the request is semantically valid, but performing the requested operation would result in a invalid state. Example: Attempting to start an app without assigning a droplet.|POST, PATCH, PUT|

Server Errors

|Status Code|Description |—|—|—| |500 Internal Server Error|This status MUST be returned when an unexpected error occurs. |502 Bad Gateway|This status MUST be returned when an upstream service failure causes a request to fail. Example: Being unable to reach requested service broker.


Associations are sometimes created by setting a relationship_guid field on one of the resources.

Other times associations are added via PUT requests to a nested resource.

An association can then be deleted via DELETE /v3/apps/guid/routes { route_guid: the guid }.

This currently feels a little clunky for several reasons:


Add a relationship object to resources similar to the jsonapi spec.

Creating an app could change to allow creating relationships at create time by including the relationships object. Some relationships could be required at creation such as space in the app case.


ame": "blah",
elationships": {
space": {"guid": "1234"},
routes": [
 {"guid": "2345"},
 {"guid": "3456"}

Modifying relationships later could be done through a nested relationship resource

Setting a *-to-one relationship:

H /v3/apps/guid/relationships/space

ata": {"guid": "some-guid"}

Clearing a *-to-one relationship:

H /v3/apps/guid/relationships/space

ata": null

Adding to a *-to-many relationship (not an overwrite/replace):


ata": [{"guid": "asdf" }, {"guid": "gfds" }]

Replacing all items in a *-to-many relationship:

H /v3/apps/guid/relationships/routes

ata": [{"guid": "some-guid" }, {"guid": "whatever" }]

Clearing all items in a *-to-many relationship:

H /v3/apps/guid/relationships/routes

ata": []

Removing some items from a *-to-many relationship:

TE /v3/apps/guid/relationships/routes

ata": [{"guid": "asdf" }, {"guid": "hgfg" }]

Nested Resources

Nested resources can optionally be accessed through their parent resource.


This will be equivalent to


These end points are optional and may not exist for all resources. Good opportunities for creating them:

Including Related Resources

This is a mechanism for including multiple related resources in a single response.

A use case for this would be to display an HTML page that includes information about both an app and its space and would like to gather this information in one HTTP request.


Included resources are in-lined under their pluralized resource name in an included object on the primary resource. If a resource within a resource ? resource.otherresource ? is requested, it is added in the top level included object and not repeated. Associations between included resources and requested resources must be shown in the 'relationships' section for the requested resource. Duplicate included resources are not repeated


agination": {
"total_results": 3,
"total_pages": 1,
"first": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?order_by=-created_at&page=1&per_page=10"
"last": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?order_by=-created_at&page=1&per_page=10"
"next": {
  "href": "/v3/apps?order_by=-created_at&page=1&per_page=10"
"previous": null

esources": [
  "guid": "643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5",
  "name": "my_app3",
  "desired_state": "STOPPED",
  "total_desired_instances": 0,
  "buildpack": "name-2009",
  "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:03Z",
  "updated_at": null,
  "environment_variables": {
    "magic": "beautiful"
  "relationships": {
    "space": {
      "guid": "space2-guid"
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5"
    "space": {
      "href": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid"
    "processes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/processes"
    "routes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/routes"
    "packages": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/packages"
    "droplets": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/droplets"
    "start": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/start",
      "method": "PUT"
    "stop": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/stop",
      "method": "PUT"
    "assign_current_droplet": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/643e170c-42cf-4704-840f-4fc22e95f3c5/current_droplet",
      "method": "PUT"
  "guid": "3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef",
  "name": "my_app2",
  "desired_state": "STOPPED",
  "total_desired_instances": 0,
  "buildpack": null,
  "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:02Z",
  "updated_at": null,
  "environment_variables": {

  "relationships": {
    "space": {
      "guid": "space1-guid"
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef"
    "space": {
      "href": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid"
    "processes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/processes"
    "routes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/routes"
    "packages": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/packages"
    "droplets": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/droplets"
    "start": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/start",
      "method": "PUT"
    "stop": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/stop",
      "method": "PUT"
    "assign_current_droplet": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/3b310427-c9f0-4e7c-ab66-5f5d9a86a4ef/current_droplet",
      "method": "PUT"
  "guid": "8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec",
  "name": "my_app2",
  "desired_state": "STOPPED",
  "total_desired_instances": 0,
  "buildpack": null,
  "created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:02Z",
  "updated_at": null,
  "environment_variables": {

  "relationships": {
    "space": {
      "guid": "space1-guid"
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec"
    "space": {
      "href": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid"
    "processes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/processes"
    "routes": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/routes"
    "packages": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/packages"
    "droplets": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/droplets"
    "start": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/start",
      "method": "PUT"
    "stop": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/stop",
      "method": "PUT"
    "assign_current_droplet": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/8c943e87-c00c-4d0b-8583-d5c49111a5ec/current_droplet",
      "method": "PUT"

ncluded": {
"spaces": [
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "space1-guid",
      "url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-07T00:35:20Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "relationships": {
      "organization": {"guid": "org1-guid"},
      "space_quota_definition": {"guid": "spacequota1-guid}
    "entity": {
      "name": "name-76",
      "organization_guid": "org1-guid",
      "space_quota_definition_guid": "spacequota1-guid",
      "allow_ssh": true,
      "organization_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid",
      "developers_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/developers",
      "managers_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/managers",
      "auditors_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/auditors",
      "apps_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/apps",
      "routes_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/routes",
      "domains_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/domains",
      "service_instances_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/service_instances",
      "app_events_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/app_events",
      "events_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/events",
      "security_groups_url": "/v2/spaces/space1-guid/security_groups" 
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "space2-guid",
      "url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-07T00:35:20Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "relationships": {
      "organization": {"guid": "org2-guid"},
      "space_quota_definition": {"guid": "spacequota1-guid}
    "entity": {
      "name": "name-77",
      "organization_guid": "org2-guid",
      "space_quota_definition_guid": "spacequota1-guid",
      "allow_ssh": true,
      "organization_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid",
      "developers_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/developers",
      "managers_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/managers",
      "auditors_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/auditors",
      "apps_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/apps",
      "routes_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/routes",
      "domains_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/domains",
      "service_instances_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/service_instances",
      "app_events_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/app_events",
      "events_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/events",
      "security_groups_url": "/v2/spaces/space2-guid/security_groups" 
"organizations": [
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "org1-guid",
      "url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-13T17:31:34Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "relationships": {
      "quota_definition": {"guid": "quota1-guid"}
    "entity": {
      "name": "org1",
      "billing_enabled": false,
      "quota_definition_guid": "dad3cc94-2ec9-4178-b6af-0c7819812e1c",
      "status": "active",
      "quota_definition_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/dad3cc94-2ec9-4178-b6af-0c7819812e1c",
      "spaces_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/spaces",
      "domains_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/domains",
      "private_domains_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/private_domains",
      "users_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/users",
      "managers_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/managers",
      "billing_managers_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/billing_managers",
      "auditors_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/auditors",
      "app_events_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/app_events",
      "space_quota_definitions_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid/space_quota_definitions"
  } ,
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "org2-guid",
      "url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-13T17:38:34Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "relationships": {
      "quota_definition": {"guid": "quota2-guid"}
    "entity": {
      "name": "org2",
      "billing_enabled": false,
      "quota_definition_guid": "dad3cc94-2ec9-4178-b6af-0c7819812e1c",
      "status": "active",
      "quota_definition_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/dad3cc94-2ec9-4178-b6af-0c7819812e1c",
      "spaces_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/spaces",
      "domains_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/domains",
      "private_domains_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/private_domains",
      "users_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/users",
      "managers_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/managers",
      "billing_managers_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/billing_managers",
      "auditors_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/auditors",
      "app_events_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/app_events",
      "space_quota_definitions_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid/space_quota_definitions"
"quota_definitions": [
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "quota1-guid",
      "url": "/v2/quota_definitions/quota1-guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-13T17:31:34Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "entity": {
      "name": "default",
      "non_basic_services_allowed": true,
      "total_services": 100,
      "total_routes": 1000,
      "total_private_domains": -1,
      "memory_limit": 10240,
      "trial_db_allowed": false,
      "instance_memory_limit": -1,
      "app_instance_limit": -1
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "quota2-guid",
      "url": "/v2/quota_definitions/quota2-guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-13T17:31:34Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "entity": {
      "name": "basic",
      "non_basic_services_allowed": false,
      "total_services": 100,
      "total_routes": 1000,
      "total_private_domains": 10,
      "memory_limit": 10240,
      "trial_db_allowed": false,
      "instance_memory_limit": 2048,
      "app_instance_limit": 50
"space_quota_definitions": [
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "spacequota1-guid",
      "url": "/v2/space_quota_definitions/spacequota1_guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-13T17:31:39Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "entity": {
      "name": "spacequota1",
      "organization_guid": "org1-guid",
      "non_basic_services_allowed": true,
      "total_services": 60,
      "total_routes": 1000,
      "memory_limit": 20480,
      "instance_memory_limit": -1,
      "app_instance_limit": -1,
      "organization_url": "/v2/organizations/org1-guid",
      "spaces_url": "/v2/space_quota_definitions/spacequota1-guid/spaces"
    "metadata": {
      "guid": "spacequota2-guid",
      "url": "/v2/space_quota_definitions/spacequota2_guid",
      "created_at": "2015-10-13T17:31:39Z",
      "updated_at": null
    "entity": {
      "name": "spacequota2",
      "organization_guid": "org2-guid",
      "non_basic_services_allowed": true,
      "total_services": 60,
      "total_routes": 1000,
      "memory_limit": 20480,
      "instance_memory_limit": -1,
      "app_instance_limit": -1,
      "organization_url": "/v2/organizations/org2-guid",
      "spaces_url": "/v2/space_quota_definitions/spacequota2-guid/spaces"

Pagination of Related Resources

Related resources are paginated in a similar style to how normal responses are paginated.
The pagination data may be excluded if all results are included in the response.

GET /v3/apps/:guid?include=routes

uid": "guid",

ncluded": {
"routes": {
  "resources": [
    {"guid": "1"},
    {"guid": "2"}
  "pagination": {
    "total_results": 20,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "first": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/:guid/routes?order_by=-created_at&page=1&per_page=2"
    "last": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/:guid/routes?order_by=-created_at&page=10&per_page=2"
    "next": {
      "href": "/v3/apps/:guid/routes?order_by=-created_at&page=2&per_page=2"
    "previous": null

Requesting Partial Resources

uid": "some-guid",
ame": "Zach"

Proposal For Sub-Resources

If we want to be able to filter the fields of subresources, we could do something like:


uid": "some-guid",
ame": "Zach",
ncluded": {
"droplet": {
  "buildpack": "ruby"


Via Mark: The original impetus for the async flag was:

  1. The CC API could not make a major version bump, so it needed to be an additive change. The hope was to move CC to be fully async-by-default
  2. Long running requests could be triggered multiple times and bring down the CC
  3. Long running requests were getting clipped by network timeouts

The team later learned that not all endpoints need to be async (/v2/info for example). The overhead of background workers/ jobs is not worth it.

Requests including the async=true query parameter will resolve asynchronously. Instead of returning whatever resource is requested, the CC will return a job.


Remove both flags. Instead, endpoints are responsible for behaving either asynchronously (return 202) or synchronously (don't return 202).

For async endpoints: POST /v3/resource

The CC will return a 202 with a location header pointing to the job. Depending on the resource, it may also return a skeletal body containing the partial resource.

tion: /v3/jobs/123

keletor": "YOU! You will no longer stand between me and my destiny!"

Before the job has completed, GET requests made to the job endpoint will return 200 with information about the status of the job.


tatus": "in progress"

When the job has completed, GET request made to the job endpoint will return 303 and a location header to the resource (assuming it still exists).

See Other
tion: /v3/resource/:guid

Note that for asynchronous deletes, the redirect location will be to a no-longer-existent resource.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.