
Name: gwizard

Owner: SalesforceIQ

Description: A modular toolkit for building web services with Guice, inspired by DropWizard

Created: 2015-05-29 17:32:34.0

Updated: 2017-02-02 19:09:18.0

Pushed: 2017-02-02 19:26:50.0

Homepage: null

Size: 270

Language: Java

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GWizard is a modular, opinionated toolkit for building RESTful web services on a Guice backbone. GWizard is implemented as a set of Guice modules (packaged in separate maven modules) which you can mix and match to enable features like logging, jaxrs services, hibernate, etc with near-zero boilerplate.


The best place for help is the gwizard Google Group:!forum/gwizard


Example Project

The best way to understand GWizard is to fork a simple example project:


GWizard requires a minimum of Java 7.


GWizard was inspired by Dropwizard, and shares the same goal - to help you build production-ready RESTful web services with a minimum of boilerplate and fuss. To do that we've made some (sane) decisions for you, and the first and most important is to use Guice to glue everything together.

The remaining decisions are guided by this philosophy:

Yeah Yeah, Show Me Some Code

Here's a complete JAX-RS REST service which you can run from the command line:


ic class Main {
/** A standard JAX-RS resource class */
public static class HelloResource {
    public String hello() {
        return "hello, world";

public static class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
    protected void configure() {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Guice.createInjector(new MyModule(), new RestModule())

The Modules

Note: GWizard is ready to use today, but this project is young and the contracts may change in the future.

These are the modules currently present in GWizard. See their individual README files for detailed information.


The ConfigModule loads and binds a configuration object from a YAML file, using Dropwizard's nifty system property override mechanism.

README for gwizard-config


The LoggingModule sets up Logback and routes all the 'other' logging frameworks into it so you get a single seamless log. GWizard applications should simply log via SLF4J.

README for gwizard-logging


The WebModule provides a Jetty webserver configured to allow you to use Guice ServletModules in your application. If you are building JAX-RS REST services, you don't need to install this module directly; use the RestModule (gwizard-rest) which installs this module for you.

README for gwizard-web


The RestModule bakes in RESTEasy and turns any JAX-RS-annotated classes which have been registered in your modules into REST endpoints. Installing this module automatically installs the WebModule.

README for gwizard-rest


The JerseyModule is an alternative to gwizard-rest, based on Jersey instead of RESTEasy. Jersey v2 does not play nicely with Guice, and the jersey2-guice adapter (used by this module) may break with future Jersey point releases. This module is here for the poor souls that are forced to use Jersey for one reason or another; since you write your JAX-RS classes the same either way, most developers should never notice the difference between Jersey and RESTEasy.

As with gwizard-rest, you do not need to explicitly install the WebModule.

README for gwizard-jersey


The HibernateModule provides a little bit of glue around guice-persist to give you Hibernate (as a JPA provider) without a lot of boilerplate.

README for gwizard-hibernate


The ServicesModule provides Guava Services, allowing multiple services to start up and run in parallel. This module is used by gwizard-web and gwizard-metrics but you can also use it to manage your own services.

If you're already using gwizard-web or gwizard-metrics, you don't need to explicitly include this module.

README for gwizard-services


The MetricsModule glues in the Metrics library. At the moment, it only adds a JMX Reporter to report metrics. It also uses metrics-guice to scan Guice-instantiated classes for @Timed, @Metered and other annotations.


The HealthCheckModule glues in the metrics-healthchecks library.

README for gwizard-healthchecks


The RpcModule provides a simple and convenient RPC system for pure-Java SOA systems.

README for gwizard-rpc


We will try to cover some design questions.

Another framework??

It really isn't. GWizard is just a tiny bit of glue holding together excellent components written by other people. GWizard is “just a library” with fewer lines of actual code than there are lines of text in the README files.

What's wrong with Dropwizard? Isn't there a Guice module for DW?

We like DW; as opinionated developers, it's a pleasure to find an opinionated framework which shares most of our opinions. We just wish it had one more opinion - dependency injection (of any flavor) would have cut out most of the boilerplate in Dropwizard; “bag” objects like Environment and Bootstrap could disappear from the API footprint entirely. Aside from that:

GWizard came about because as we progressively Guice-ified a Dropwizard application, we replaced more and more of DW. This is the logical conclusion of that process. We try to preserve the spirit of Dropwizard, and leverage DW's code as dependency jars where reasonable.

However, Dropwizard is vastly more mature, with many more features, and lovely documentation. If you like it, use it!

Why did you pick RESTEasy over Jersey?

We didn't, originally, which is how we discovered what a trainwreck Jersey2 has become.

Jersey1 worked great with Guice. For Jersey2, the team wrote their own DI framework from scratch (HK2) and littered it with global state, config files in META-INF/service, and other JavaEE-isms that make my skin crawl. In the year and a half that Jersey2 has been released, nobody has managed to make it play 100% nicely with Guice. The most valiant attempt uses reflection to punch values into private final fields in HK2's static globals. It will likely break in future point releases of Jersey.

If I sound bitter writing this, it's because I wasted a stupid amount of time getting it to work. By comparison, RESTEasy comes pre-baked with Guice integration that worked almost immediately.

I'm sorry I doubted you, Team JBoss.

The truth is it doesn't really matter which JAX-RS framework you use. You write your resource classes the same either way. If you need Jersey, use gwizard-jersey. Otherwise stick with gwizard-rest.

What about Dagger instead of Guice?

Dagger2 looks neato! We'll consider migrating (or creating DWizard) just as soon as it supports AOP. Aspects are just too useful for managing transaction state, identity, etc. AOP doesn't appear to be on the Dagger2 roadmap yet, and in the mean time, Guice works great.

What's missing?

LOTS. Health checks, web views, more configuration options for Jetty, instructions on how to build a fat jar (you can just follow Dropwizard's example), probably some sort of very simple authentication/authorization framework (AOP is grand). Maybe a little bit of glue for MongoDB.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.