
Name: Lock-Google.Android

Owner: Auth0

Description: Native Login with Google and Lock for Android

Created: 2015-05-27 16:04:08.0

Updated: 2017-09-02 11:54:01.0

Pushed: 2017-08-09 13:57:00.0


Size: 276

Language: Java

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Auth0 is an authentication broker that supports social identity providers as well as enterprise identity providers such as Active Directory, LDAP, Google Apps and Salesforce.

Lock-Google helps you integrate native Login with Google Android SDK and Lock

Deprecation notice

This package relies on a token endpoint that is now considered deprecated. If your Auth0 client was created after Jun 8th 2017 you won't be able to use this package. This repository is left for reference purposes.

We recommend using browser-based flows to authenticate users. You can do that using the package's WebAuthProvider class, as explained in this document.


Android 4.0 or later & Google Play Services 10.2.+


The Lock-Google is available through Maven Central and JCenter. To install it, simply add the following line to your build.gradle:

ile ''
Google Developers Console
  1. Go to the Google Developers Console and create a new Project.
  2. Add a new OAuth client ID credential for a Web Application. Complete the Authorized redirect URIs by filling the field with your callback URL, which should look like https://{YOUR_DOMAIN} Take note of the CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET values as we're going to use them later, both in your android application as well as in the Auth0 dashboard configuration.
  3. Add a new OAuth client ID credential for an Android application. Obtain the SHA-1 of the certificate you're using to sign your application and complete the first field with it. Complete the last field with your android application Package Name and then click the Create button. Take note of the CLIENT ID value as we're going to use it later in the Auth0 dashboard configuration.
Auth0 Dashboard
  1. Go to the Auth0 Dashboard and click Social Connections. Click Google and a dialog will prompt.
  2. Complete the “Client ID” field with the CLIENT ID value obtained in the step 2 of the Google Developers Console section above.
  3. Complete the “Client Secret” field with the CLIENT SECRET value obtained in the step 2 of the Google Developers Console section above.
  4. Complete the “Allowed Mobile Client IDs” field with the CLIENT ID obtained in the step 3 of the Google Developers Console section above. Click the Save button.
  5. Return to the Auth0 Dashboard and click Clients. If you haven't created one yet, do that first and get into your client configuration page. At the bottom of the page, click the “Show Advanced Settings” link and go to the “Mobile Settings” tab.
  6. In the Android section, complete the Package Name with your application's package name. Finally, complete the Key Hashes field with the SHA-256 of the certificate you're using to sign your application. Click the “Save Changes” button.
Android Application
  1. In your android application, create a new String resource in the res/strings.xml file. Name it google_server_client_id and set as value the CLIENT_ID obtained in the step 2 of the Google Developers Console setup section above.
  2. Add the Google Play Services version MetaData to the AndroidManifest.xml file, inside the Application tag.
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
  1. Add the Internet Android permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file.
s-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  1. When creating a new instance of the GoogleAuthProvider pass the google_server_client_id value as the first parameter:
ic class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
ivate GoogleAuthProvider provider;

otected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Auth0 auth0 = new Auth0(getString(R.string.com_auth0_client_id), getString(R.string.com_auth0_domain));
final AuthenticationAPIClient client = new AuthenticationAPIClient(auth0);
provider = new GoogleAuthProvider(getString(R.string.google_server_client_id), client);


Depending on your use case, you'll need to add a few more lines of code to capture the authorization result. Follow the guides below:

If you need further help with the setup, please check Google's Sign-In for Android Guide.

Authenticate with Lock

This library includes an implementation of the AuthHandler interface for you to use it directly with Lock. Create a new instance of the GoogleAuthHandler class passing a valid GoogleAuthProvider. Don't forget to customize the scopes if you need to.

0 auth0 = new Auth0("auth0-client-id", "auth0-domain");
enticationAPIClient client = new AuthenticationAPIClient(auth0);

leAuthProvider provider = new GoogleAuthProvider("google-server-client-id", client);
ider.setScopes(new Scope(DriveScopes.DRIVE_METADATA_READONLY));
ider.setRequiredPermissions(new String[]{"android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS"});

leAuthHandler handler = new GoogleAuthHandler(provider);

Finally in the Lock Builder, call withAuthHandlers passing the recently created instance.

 = Lock.newBuilder(auth0, authCallback)

That's it! When Lock needs to authenticate using that connection name, it will ask the GoogleAuthHandler for a valid AuthProvider.

We provide this demo in the FilesActivity class. We also use the Google Drive SDK to get the user's Drive Files and show them on a list. Because of the Drive Scope, the SDK requires the user to grant the GET_ACCOUNTS android permission first. Keep in mind that this only affects this demo and that if you only need to authenticate the user and get his public profile, the GoogleAuthProvider won't ask for additional permissions.

Authenticate without Lock

Just create a new instance of GoogleAuthProvider with an AuthenticationAPIClient and the Server Client ID obtained in the Project's Credentials page.

0 auth0 = new Auth0("auth0-client-id", "auth0-domain");
enticationAPIClient client = new AuthenticationAPIClient(auth0);
leAuthProvider provider = new GoogleAuthProvider("google-server-client-id", client);

Override your activity's onActivityResult method and redirect the received parameters to the provider instance's authorize method.

ected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (provider.authorize(requestCode, resultCode, data)) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Call start with a custom authentication request code to begin the authentication flow.

ider.start(this, callback, RC_PERMISSIONS, RC_AUTHENTICATION);

That's it! You'll receive the result in the AuthCallback you passed.

We provide this demo in the SimpleActivity class.

Additional options
Using a custom connection name

To use a custom social connection name to authorize against Auth0, create the GoogleAuthProvider instance using the second constructor:

leAuthProvider provider = new GoogleAuthProvider("my-connection", "google-server-client-id", client);
Requesting a custom Google Scope

By default, the scope Scopes.PLUS_LOGIN is requested. You can customize the Scopes by calling setScopes with the list of Scopes. Each Google API (Auth, Drive, Plus..) specify it's own list of Scopes.

ider.setScopes(Arrays.asList(new Scope(Scopes.PLUS_ME), new Scope(Scopes.PLUS_LOGIN)));
Requesting custom Android Runtime Permissions

This provider doesn't require any special Android Manifest Permission to authenticate the user. But if your use case requires them, you can let the AuthProvider handle them for you. Use the setRequiredPermissions method.

ider.setRequiredPermissions(new String[]{"android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS"});

If you're not using Lock, then you'll have to handle the permission request result yourself. To do so, make your activity implement ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback and override the onRequestPermissionsResult method, calling provider.onRequestPermissionsResult with the activity context and the received parameters.

Log out / Clear account.

To log out the user so that the next time he's prompted to input his credentials call clearSession. After you do this the provider state will be invalid and you will need to call start again before trying to authorize a result. Calling stop has the same effect.

Remember the Last Login

By default, this provider will remember the last account used to log in. If you want to change this behavior, use the following method.

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.

What is Auth0?

Auth0 helps you to:

Create a free account in Auth0
  1. Go to Auth0 and click Sign Up.
  2. Use Google, GitHub or Microsoft Account to login.



Lock-Google is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.