
Name: docker-aws

Owner: MILLION12

Description: Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 (command-line tool)

Created: 2015-03-31 20:28:05.0

Updated: 2017-03-14 23:44:22.0

Pushed: 2015-04-07 20:13:29.0


Size: 140

Language: Shell

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Amazon Web Services Docker Image

This is a million12/aws docker image with Amazon Web Services. It's based on CentOS-7 and offers ability to provide any argument to aws process. This Docker Image is using aws tool written by Timothy Kay and can be found under this link timkay/aws.

aws is a command-line tool that gives you easy access to Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3.

This container is built that any extra parameters provided to docker run will be passed directly to aws command. For example, if you run docker run [run options] million12/aws s3ls BUCKET_NAME you pass s3ls BUCKET_NAME to aws command.

ENV variables
AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key

For connecting with your AWS account you need two variables to be set that contains your private AWS keys:


docker run \
-ti \
--rm \
--env="EC2_ACCESS_KEY=your_key" \
--env="EC2_SECRET_KEY=your_key" \
million12/aws \

AWS CMD params

aws command can be used with some parameters to run with. Simple --help output below:

Usage: aws ACTION [--help]
where ACTION is one of
aws     xml-version
cfn     describestacks describestackresources describestackresource
ebn     check-dns-vailability create-application create-application-version
        create-configuration-template create-environment create-storage-location
        delete-application delete-application-version delete-configuration-template
        delete-environment-configuration describe-application-versions
        describe-applications describe-configuration-options
        describe-configuration-settings describe-configuration-options
        describe-environment-resources describe-environments list-solution-stacks
        rebuild-environment request-environment-info restart-app-server
        retrieve-environment-info swap-environment-cnames terminate-environment
        update-application update-application-version update-environment
ec2     add-group addgrp add-keypair addkey add-placement-group allocate-address allad
        associate-address aad attach-volume attvol authorize auth
        cancel-spot-instance-requests cancel csir confirm-product-instance create-image
        cimg create-snapshot csnap create-spot-datafeed-subscription addsds
        delete-spot-datafeed-subscription delsds describe-spot-datafeed-subscription
        dsds describe-spot-instance-requests dsir describe-spot-price-history dsph
        create-volume cvol delete-group delgrp delete-placement-group delete-keypair
        delkey delete-snapshot delsnap delete-volume delvol deregister
        describe-addresses dad describe-availability-zones daz describe-security-groups
        describe-group describe-groups dgrp describe-image-attribute describe-images dim
        describe-instances din describe-instance-attributes dinatt
        describe-instance-status dins describe-keypairs dkey describe-placement-groups
        describe-regions dreg describe-reserved-instances
        describe-reserved-instances-offerings describe-snapshot-attribute dsa
        reset-snapshot-attribute rsa modify-snapshot-attribute msa describe-snapshots
        dsnap describe-volumes dvol describe-volume-status dvs detach-volume detvol
        disassociate-address disad get-console-output gco
        purchase-reserved-instance-offering reboot-instances reboot release-address rad
        register-image register request-spot-instances req-spot rsi revoke run-instances
        run-instance run start-instances start stop-instances stop
        modify-instance-attribute minatt terminate-instances tin create-tags ctags
        describe-tags dtags delete-tags deltags
elb     configure-healthcheck ch create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy cacsp
        create-lb-cookie-stickiness-policy clbcsp create-lb clb create-lb-listeners clbl
        delete-lb dellb delete-lb-listeners dlbl delete-lb-policy dlbp
        describe-instance-health dih describe-lbs dlb disable-zones-for-lb dlbz
        enable-zones-for-lb elbz register-instances-with-lb rlbi
        deregister-instances-from-lb dlbi set-lb-listener-ssl-cert slblsc
        set-lb-policies-of-listener slbpol
iam     groupaddpolicy pgp groupadduser groupcreate cg groupdel groupdelpolicy
        grouplistbypath lg grouplistpolicies lgp groupgetpolicy grouplistusers gg
        groupmod groupremoveuser groupuploadpolicy useraddcert useraddkey cak
        useraddloginprofile clp useraddpolicy pup usercreate cu userdeactivatemfadevice
        userdel userdelcert userdelkey userdelloginprofile dlp userdelpolicy
        userenablemfadevice usergetattributes gu usergetloginprofile glp userlistbypath
        lu userlistcerts userlistgroups userlistkeys userlistmfadevices userlistpolicies
        lup usergetpolicy usermod usermodcert usermodkey usermodloginprofile ulp
        userresyncmfadevice useruploadpolicy servercertdel servercertgetattributes
        servercertlistbypath servercertmod servercertupload accountaliascreate caa
        accountaliasdelete daa accountaliaslist laa listroles lr
pa      lookup
r53     list-resource-record-sets lrrs get-change gch get-hosted-zone ghz
        create-hosted-zone chz delete-hosted-zone dhz change-resource-record-set crrs
rds     modify-db-instance mdb delete-db-instance deldb add-tags-to-resource cdbtags
        describe-db-instances ddb create-db-snapshot cdbsnap describe-db-snapshots
        ddbsnap copy-db-snapshot cpdbsnap restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot rdb
        delete-db-snapshot deldbsnap download-db-log-file-portion downdblog
        describe-db-log-files ddlf
s3      ls get cat head mkdir put delete rmdir rm copy cp dmo post
sdb     create-domain cdom delete-attributes datt delete-domain ddom get-attributes gatt
        list-domains ldom put-attributes patt select domain-metadata
sqs     add-permission addperm change-message-visibility cmv create-queue cq
        delete-message dm delete-queue dq get-queue-attributes gqa list-queues lq
        receive-message recv remove-permission remperm send-message send
        set-queue-attributes sqa
aws versions: (ec2 2013-10-15, sqs 2012-11-05, elb 2011-11-15, sdb 2009-04-15, ebn 2010-12-01, cfn 2010-05-15, rds: 2013-09-09)
Documentation: Search in Google for 'aws <service>-<cmd> cli' e.g. 'aws rds-restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot cli'
The link with 'rds-' on the front will list all the parameter shortcuts

For more information about which command do what please visit official timkay/aws website.
Documentation Link.


Author: Marcin ryzy Ryzycki (
Author: Przemyslaw Ozgo (


Author: Timothy Kay (

Sponsored by - the new prototyping tool for building highly-interactive prototypes of your website or web app. Built on top of TYPO3 Neos CMS and Zurb Foundation framework.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.