
Name: go-jira

Owner: Netflix-Skunkworks

Description: simple jira command line client in Go

Created: 2015-02-10 23:57:33.0

Updated: 2018-05-24 07:23:57.0

Pushed: 2018-05-24 07:23:55.0

Homepage: null

Size: 3701

Language: Go

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simple command line client for Atlassian's Jira service written in Go


You can download one of the pre-built binaries for go-jira here.


You can build and install the official repository with Go:


This will checkout this repository into $GOPATH/src/, build, and install it.

Because golang likes fully qualified import paths, forking and contributing can be a bit tricky.

If you want to tinker or hack on go-jira, the easiest way to do so is to fork the repository and clone directly into the official path like this:

git clone $GOPATH/src/

From within that source dir you can build and install modifications from within that directory like:

go install ./...

Setting up TAB completion

Since go-jira is build with the “kingpin” golang command line library we supports bash/zsh shell completion automatically:

For example, in bash, adding something along the lines of:

eval "$(jira --completion-script-bash)"

to your bashrc, or .profile (assuming go-jira binary is already in your path) will cause jira to offer tab completion behavior.

e: jira [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

 Command Line Interface

al flags:
  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
, --verbose ...            Increase verbosity for debugging
, --endpoint=ENDPOINT      Base URI to use for Jira
, --insecure               Disable TLS certificate verification
, --quiet                  Suppress output to console
  --unixproxy=UNIXPROXY    Path for a unix-socket proxy
  --socksproxy=SOCKSPROXY  Address for a socks proxy
, --user=USER              user name used within the Jira service
  --login=LOGIN            login name that corresponds to the user used for authentication

lp:                Show help.
rsion:             Prints version
knowledge:         Transition issue to acknowledge state
sign:              Assign user to issue
tach create:       Attach file to issue
tach get:          Fetch attachment
tach list:         Prints attachment details for issue
tach remove:       Delete attachment
cklog:             Transition issue to Backlog state
ock:               Mark issues as blocker
owse:              Open issue in browser
ose:               Transition issue to close state
mment:             Add comment to issue
mponent add:       Add component
mponents:          Show components for a project
eate:              Create issue
eatemeta:          View 'create' metadata
ne:                Transition issue to Done state
p:                 Mark issues as duplicate
it:                Edit issue details
itmeta:            View 'edit' metadata
ic add:            Add issues to Epic
ic create:         Create Epic
ic list:           Prints list of issues for an epic with optional search criteria
ic remove:         Remove issues from Epic
port-templates:    Export templates for customizations
elds:              Prints all fields, both System and Custom
-progress:         Transition issue to Progress state
suelink:           Link two issues
suelinktypes:      Show the issue link types
suetypes:          Show issue types for a project
bels add:          Add labels to an issue
bels remove:       Remove labels from an issue
bels set:          Set labels on an issue
st:                Prints list of issues for given search criteria
gin:               Attempt to login into jira server
gout:              Deactivate session with Jira server
nk:                Mark issues as blocker
open:              Transition issue to reopen state
quest:             Open issue in requestr
solve:             Transition issue to resolve state
art:               Transition issue to start state
op:                Transition issue to stop state
btask:             Subtask issue
ke:                Assign issue to yourself
do:                Transition issue to To Do state
ansition:          Transition issue to given state
ansitions:         List valid issue transitions
ansmeta:           List valid issue transitions
assign:            Unassign an issue
export-templates:  Remove unmodified exported templates
ew:                Prints issue details
te:                Vote up/down an issue
tch:               Add/Remove watcher to issue
rklog add:         Add a worklog to an issue
rklog list:        Prints the worklog data for given issue
v1 vs v0 changes
Golang library import

For the new version of go-jira you should use:

rt ""

If you have code that depends on the old apis, you can still use them with this import:

rt ""
Configs per command

Instead of requiring a exectuable template to get configs for a given command now you can create a config to be applied to a command. So if you want to use template: table by default for yor jira list you can now do:

t $HOME/.jira.d/list.yml
late: table

Where previously you needed something like:

t $HOME/.jira.d/config.yml
  echo "template: table";;

Custom Commands

Now you can create your own custom commands to do common operations with jira. Please see the details Custom Commands section below for more details. If you want to create a command jira mine that lists all the issues assigned to you now you can modify your .jira.d/config.yml file to add a custom-commands section like this:

name: mine
help: display issues assigned to me
script: |-
  {{jira}} list --query "resolution = unresolved and assignee=currentuser() ORDER BY created"

Then the next time you run jira help you will see your usage:

ra mine --help
e: jira mine

lay issues assigned to me

  --help                 Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
, --verbose ...          Increase verbosity for debugging
, --endpoint=ENDPOINT    Base URI to use for Jira
, --user=USER            Login name used for authentication with Jira service
  --unixproxy=UNIXPROXY  Path for a unix-socket proxy
, --insecure             Disable TLS certificate verification
Incompatible command changes

Unfortunately during the rewrite between v0 and v1 there were some necessary changes that broke backwards compatibility with existing commands. Specifically the dups, blocks, add worklog and add|remove|set labels commands have had the command word swapped around:

Login process change

We have, once again, changed how login happens for Jira. When authenticating against Atlassian Cloud Jira API Tokens are now required. Please read the Authentication section below for more information.

If you use a privately hosted Jira service, you can chose to use the API Token method or continue using the session login api. Please read the Authentication section below for more information.

Previously jira used attempt to get a JSESSION cookies by authenticating with the webservice standard GUI login process. This has been especially problematic as users need to authenticate with various credential providers (google auth, etc). We now attempt to authenticate via the session login api. This may be problematic for users if admins have locked down the session-login api, so we might have to bring back the error-prone Basic-Auth approach. For users that are unable to authenticate via jira hopefully someone in your organization can provide me with details on a process for you to authenticate and we can try to update jira.


go-jira uses a configuration hierarchy. When loading the configuration from disk it will recursively look through all parent directories in your current path looking for a .jira.d directory. If your current directory is not a child directory of your homedir, then your homedir will also be inspected for a .jira.d directory. From all of .jira.d directories discovered go-jira will load a <command>.yml file (ie for jira list it will load .jira.d/list.yml) then it will merge in any properties from the config.yml if found. The configuration properties found in a file closests to your current working directory will have precedence. Properties overriden with command line options will have final precedence.

The complicated configuration hierarchy is used because go-jira attempts to be context aware. For example, if you are working on a “foo” project and you cd into your project workspace, wouldn't it be nice if jira ls automatically knew to list only issues related to the “foo” project? Likewise when you cd to the “bar” project then jira ls should only list issues related to “bar” project. You can do this with by creating a configuration under your project workspace at ./.jira.d/config.yml that looks like:

ect: foo

You will need to specify your local jira endpoint first, typically in your homedir like:

r ~/.jira.d

<<EOM >~/.jira.d/config.yml

Then use jira login to authenticate yourself as $USER. To change your username, use the -u CLI flag or set user: in your config.yml

Dynamic Configuration

If the .jira.d/config.yml file is executable, then go-jira will attempt to execute the file and use the stdout for configuration. You can use this to customize templates or other overrides depending on what type of operation you are running. For example if you would like to use the “table” template when ever you run jira ls, then you can create a template like this:


 "editor: emacs -nw"

  echo "template: table";;

Or if you always set the same overrides when you create an issue for your project you can do something like this:

 "project: GOJIRA"

    echo "assignee: $USER"
    echo "watchers: mothra"

Custom Commands

You can now create custom commands for jira just by editing your .jira.d/config.yml config file. These commands are effectively shell-scripts that can have documented options and arguments. The basic format is like:


Where the individual commands are maps with these keys:


These are possible keys under the command options property:


These are possible keys under the command args property:

Script Template

The script property is a template that whould produce /bin/sh compatible syntax after the template has been processed. There are 2 key template functions {{args}} and {{options}} that return the parsed arguments and option flags as a map.

To demonstrate how you might use args and options here is a custom-test command:

name: custom-test
help: Testing the custom commands
  - name: abc
    short: a
    default: default
  - name: day
    type: ENUM
      - Monday
      - Tuesday
      - Wednesday
      - Thursday
      - Friday
    required: true
  - name: ARG
    required: true
  - name: MORE
    repeat: true
script: |
  echo COMMAND {{args.ARG}} --abc {{}} --day {{}} {{range $more := args.MORE}}{{$more}} {{end}}

Then to run it:

ra custom-test
R Invalid Usage: required flag --day not provided

ra custom-test --day Sunday
R Invalid Usage: enum value must be one of Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday, got 'Sunday'

ra custom-test --day Tuesday
R Invalid Usage: required argument 'ARG' not provided

ra custom-test --day Tuesday arg1
AND arg1 --abc default --day Tuesday

ra custom-test --day Tuesday arg1 more1 more2 more3
AND arg1 --abc default --day Tuesday more1 more2 more3

ra custom-test --day Tuesday arg1 more1 more2 more3 --abc non-default
AND arg1 --abc non-default --day Tuesday more1 more2 more3

ra custom-test --day Tuesday arg1 more1 more2 more3 -a short-non-default
AND arg1 --abc short-non-default --day Tuesday more1 more2 more3

The script has access to all the environment variables that are in your current environment plus those that jira will set. jira sets environment variables for each config property it has parsed from .jira.d/config.yml or the command configs at .jira.d/<command>.yml. It might be useful to see all environment variables that jira is producing, so here is a simple custom command to list them:

name: env
help: print the JIRA environment variables available to custom commands
script: |
  env | grep JIRA

You could use the environment variables automatically, so if your .jira.d/config.yml looks something like this:

name: print-project
help: print the name of the configured project
script: "echo $JIRA_PROJECT"

When you run command like jira edit it will open up your favorite editor with the templatized output so you can quickly edit. When the editor closes go-jira will submit the completed form. The order which go-jira attempts to determine your prefered editor is:


go-jira has the ability to customize most output (and editor input) via templates. There are default templates available for all operations, which may or may not work for your actual jira implementation. Jira is endlessly customizable, so it is hard to provide default templates that will work for all issue types.

When running a command like jira edit it will look through the current directory hierarchy trying to find a file that matches .jira.d/templates/edit, if found it will use that file as the template, otherwise it will use the default edit template hard-coded into go-jira. You can export the default hard-coded templates with jira export-templates which will write them to ~/.jira.d/templates/.

Writing/Editing Templates

First the basic templating functionality is defined by the Go language 'text/template' library. The library reference documentation can be found here, and there is a good primer document here. go-jira also provides a few extra helper functions to make it a bit easlier to format the data, those functions are defined here.

Knowing what data and fields are available to any given template is not obvious. The easiest approach to determine what is available is to use the debug template on any given operation. For eample to find out what is available to the “view” templates, you can use:

 view GOJIRA-321 -t debug

This will print out the data in JSON format that is available to the template. You can do this for any other operation, like “list”:

 list -t debug

For Atlassian Cloud hosted Jira API Tokens are now required. You will automatically be prompted for an API Token if your jira endoint ends in If you are using a private Jira service, you can force jira to use an api-token by setting the authentication-method: api-token property in your $HOME/.jira.d/config.yml file. The API Token needs to be presented to the Jira service on every request, so it is recommended to store this API Token security within your OS's keyring, or using the pass service as documented below so that it can be programatically accessed via jira and not prompt you every time. For a less-secure option you can also provide the API token via a JIRA_API_TOKEN environment variable. If you are unable to use an api-token for an Atlassian Cloud hosted Jira then you can still force jira to use the old session based authentication (until it the hosted system stops accepting it) by setting authentication-method: session.

If your Jira service still allows you to use the Session based authention method then jira will prompt for a password automatically when get a response header from the Jira service that indicates you do not have an active session (ie the X-Ausername header is set to anonymous). Then after authentication we cache the cloud.session.token cookie returned by the service session login api and reuse that on subsequent requests. Typically this cookie will be valid for several hours (depending on the service configuration). To automatically securely store your password for easy reuse by jira You can enable a password-source via .jira.d/config.yml with possible values of keyring or pass.

User vs Login

The Jira service has sometimes differing opinions about how a user is identified. In other words the ID you login with might not be ID that the jira system recognized you as. This matters when trying to identify a user via various Jira REST APIs (like issue assignment). This is especially relevent when trying to authenticate with an API Token where the authentication user is usually an email address, but within the Jira system the user is identified by a user name. To accomodate this jira now supports two different properties in the config file. So when authentication using the API Tokens you will likely want something like this in your $HOME/.jira.d/config.yml file:

: person

You can also override these values on the command line with jira --user person --login The login value will be used only for authentication purposes, the user value will be used when a user name is required for any Jira service API calls.

keyring password source

On OSX and Linux there are a few keyring providers that go-jira can use (via this golang module). To integrate go-jira with a supported keyring just add this configuration to $HOME/.jira.d/config.yml:

word-source: keyring

After setting this and issuing a jira login, your credentials will be stored in your platform's backend (e.g. Keychain for Mac OS X) automatically. Subsequent operations, like a jira ls, should automatically login.

pass password source

An alternative to the keyring password source is the pass tool (documentation here). This uses gpg to encrypt/decrypt passwords on demand and by using gpg-agent you can cache the gpg credentials for a period of time so you will not be prompted repeatedly for decrypting the passwords. The advantage over the keyring integration is that pass can be used on more platforms than OSX and Linux, although it does require more setup. To use pass for password storage and retrieval via go-jira just add this configuration to $HOME/.jira.d/config.yml:

word-source: pass

This assumes you have already setup pass correctly on your system. Specifically you will need to have created a gpg key like this:

g --gen-key

Then you will need the GPG Key ID you want associated with pass. First list the available keys:

g --list-keys
  2048R/A307D709 2016-12-18
                 Go Jira <>
  2048R/F9A047B8 2016-12-18

Then initialize the pass tool to use the correct key:

ss init "Go Jira <>"

You probably want to setup gpg-agent so that you dont have to type in your gpg passphrase all the time. You can get gpg-agent to automatically start by adding something like this to your $HOME/.bashrc

 -f $HOME/.gpg-agent-info ]; then
. $HOME/.gpg-agent-info

 ! -f $HOME/.gpg-agent.conf ]; then
t <<EOM >$HOME/.gpg-agent.conf
ult-cache-ttl 604800
cache-ttl 604800
ult-cache-ttl-ssh 604800
cache-ttl-ssh 604800

 -n "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]; then
nc  -U "${GPG_AGENT_INFO%%:*}" >/dev/null </dev/null
if [ ! -S "${GPG_AGENT_INFO%%:*}" -o $? != 0 ]; then
    # set passphrase cache so I only have to type my passphrase once a day
    eval $(gpg-agent --options $HOME/.gpg-agent.conf --daemon --write-env-file $HOME/.gpg-agent-info --use-standard-socket --log-file $HOME/tmp/gpg-agent.log --verbose)

rt GPG_TTY=$(tty)

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.