
Name: dart_enhancement_proposals

Owner: Dart

Description: This repo contains info on DEP - Dart Enhancement Proposal

Created: 2015-01-28 19:19:41.0

Updated: 2018-04-26 08:07:07.0

Pushed: 2018-01-19 20:52:04.0


Size: 181

Language: Dart

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While we are still very much actively evolving the language, we are no longer using the DEP process for managing these changes.

This repository maintains and tracks Dart Enhancement Proposals. These guide the evolution of the Dart programming language. It's similar to Python's PEPs process and Scala's SIPs.

We use the issue tracker in this repo to track ongoing proposals:

What is a DEP?

A DEP is a detailed, concrete proposal to change part of the core Dart platform. “Platform” usually means the Dart language itself, but DEPs may also apply to core libraries or other tools that ship with the Dart SDK.

DEPs are the primary way that the Dart team and the larger Dart community work together to improve Dart over time. A DEP is a technical artifact in that it specifies what the proposed change is and how it can be implemented or specified. By the time a DEP reaches acceptance, it usually contains tests, a working implementation and spec language changes.

At the same time, a DEP is social artifact. It's a living repository that lets interested parties work together and build consensus on why the language should be changed in a certain way. It contains rationale and alternate approaches that were considered. Iterating on the DEP in public ensures people with good ideas can participate.

What is this process for?

Language design is hard. Designing a syntax and semantics that is elegant, expressive, and can be implemented efficiently requires deep understanding of parsers, compilers, and virtual machines.

Meanwhile, Dart users are writing sophisticated applications and frameworks with complex needs that require deep domain knowledge to understand.

To make a great language that can be used to write great programs means these people need to work together. The DEP process is how we do that. We want to:

This all sounds great for the community, which is of course what matters most. But the language team's resources are finite and this involves more work documenting and carefully following processes.

The other side of that coin is that the DEP process places some of the burden of due diligence on the proposer. It's up to the DEP author to clarify rationale, build consensus, and work through the technical challenges of the proposal. This helps us make effective use of the language team's time.

So anyone can change Dart?

Anyone can create and champion a DEP, but this does not mean that Dart is a democracy. The DEP process is a key part of how we decide how Dart should grow, but it's only one part. DEPs are managed by the DEP committee.

This is a handful of Dart team members who handle the adminstrivia of tracking proposals through the process. They also ultimately decide which proposals get accepted and which do not. Keeping this in the hands of a small group ensures Dart stays compact and consistent.

Also, because Dart is an open Ecma specification, TC52 has final say on what changes land in the spec. The DEP committee is approved and tasked by TC52 to manage the inflow of proposals for discussion. However, TC52 members can always bring proposals in directly or change them after they have been accepted. This is inherent in the Ecma standards process.

How does a proposal get accepted?

The actual mechanics of getting your proposal into the platform rely on Git and GitHub. Your DEP will be a repo, its status is tracked with an issue here. To see how all of that plays out, read the walkthrough.

As it works its way through that process, your proposal will be in one of a few states:


A DEP starts with you having an idea. You discuss it informally with the community, usually on the core-dev@dartlang.org list. At this point, it's just a concept. You and whoever else is interested iterate on it like this for a while.

If the concept comes together and seems like a workable idea, you write up a proposal. You file a tracking issue for the DEP. Your proposal is now a live draft DEP and the committee will look at it.

This begins an iterative design process with you, the DEP committee, and any other interested stakeholders. People give you feedback, file issues, etc. You tweak and flesh out your proposal and keep us informed as it evolves.


If things go well, the proposal reaches a state where we can't learn anything more about it without real working code. No one on Earth can do flawless design up front, so we don't consider a proposal solid until we've cast it into code hard code.

If we feel the proposal is promising and are ready to commit resources to it proving it out, it becomes experimental. This means the Dart team and any other interested contributors can begin working on an implementation. It will be behind an opt-in experimental flag, but this will culminate in real, production-quality code.


Once we have a working experimental implementation, we should have a handle on all of the tricky corners of its behavior. Equally important, we can now get real-world feedback from users.

If all of that goes well, we now have confidence that the proposal is a winner. We mark it accepted. This means that, as far the DEP committee is concerned, this should become an official part of the Dart platform.

You sign the external contributor form if you haven't already and the proposal goes to TC52. Please note that TC52 operates under a royalty-free patent policy, RFPP (PDF). If TC52 approves the feature, the experimental flag is removed and the implementation ships.

This is the path an accepted proposal takes, but not every DEP makes it to the end.


One of the realities of open source is that the time contributors have is often limited and unpredictable. Sometimes, the author of a DEP doesn't have the resources to keep pushing it forward. Or it may be that we don't have enough time to focus on it right now. Prioritization is always important and some good ideas may not be good ideas for today.

When that happens, a proposal may be marked inactive. This means we think it has merit but aren't actively working on it. We won't check up on it during DEP meetings and won't spend more time hacking on an experimental implementation. When our schedules or other tasks get finished, we may resume an inactive proposal.


Occasionally, a proposal hits a dead end during this process. We discover things problems with it that can't be solved, or it becomes clear that it isn't worth doing. In that case, the DEP will be closed.

This sounds sad, but closing changes is often good because it helps keep the platform small and focused. In many cases a DEP is closed because an even better solution is found.

A DEP may become closed during any stage of the DEP process. From the draft through the experimental implementation, we are constantly learning more about the proposal, and a showstopper may appear at any time.

How does the committee work?

We meet weekly to run through all of the live (draft and experimental) DEPs awaiting our feedback. We publish minutes from these meetings here in the repo. It's our job to explain what further work we think a DEP needs if it isn't moving forward. The author of a DEP may be asked to join in the meeting.

Currently, the DEP committee is:

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.