
Name: swift-commander

Owner: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Description: swift commander is a wrapper for various command line openstack swift clients to provide a simplified user interface

Created: 2015-01-14 17:28:30.0

Updated: 2017-07-10 22:58:23.0

Pushed: 2016-12-15 19:04:32.0

Homepage: null

Size: 206

Language: Python

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swift commander (swc) is a wrapper to various command line client tools for openstack swift cloud storage systems. The purpose of swc is 3 fold:

Basic Operations

if swc is invoked without any options it shows a basic help page:

t Commander (swc) allows you to easily work with a swift object store.
supports sub commands that attempt to mimic standard unix file system tools.
e sub commands are currently implemented: (Arguments in square brackets are 

c upload <src> <targ>   -  copy file / dirs from a file system to swift
c download <src> <targ> -  copy files and dirs from swift to a file system
c cd <folder>           -  change current folder to <folder> in swift
c ls [folder]           -  list contents of a folder - or the current one
c mkdir <folder>        -  create a folder (works only at the root)
c rm <path>             -  delete all file paths that start with <path>
c pwd                   -  display the current swift folder name
c cat|more|less <file>  -  download a file to TMPDIR and view with cat, more or less
c vi|emacs|nano <file>  -  download a file to TMPDIR and edit it with vi|emacs or nano
c chgrp <group> <fld.>  -  grant/remove rw access to current swift account or container
c rw <group> <folder>   -  add rw access to current swift account or container
c ro <group> <folder>   -  add ro access to current swift account or container
c publish|hide </fld.>  -  make root folder public (web server mode) or hide it
c list <folder> [filt]  -  list folder content (incl. subfolders) and filter
c search <str> <folder> -  search for a string in text files under /folder
c openwith <cmd> <file> -  download a file to TMPDIR and open it with <cmd>
c header <file>         -  display the header of a file in swift
c meta <file>           -  display custom meta data of a file in swift
c mtime <file>          -  show the original mtime of a file before uploaded
c size <folder>         -  show the size of a swift or a local folder
c compare <l.fld> <fld> -  compare size of a local folder with a swift folder
c hash <locfile> <file> -  compare the md5sum of a local file with a swift file
c arch <src> <targ>     -  create one tar archive for each folder level
c unarch <src> <targ>   -  restore folders that have been archived
c auth                  -  show current storage url and auth token
c env                   -  show authentication env vars (ST_ and OS_)
c clean                 -  remove current authtoken credential cache

c upload /local/folder /swift/folder
c upload --symlinks /local/folder /swift/folder (save symlinks)
c compare /local/folder /swift/folder
c download /swift/folder /scratch/folder
c download /swift/folder $TMPDIR
c rm /archive/some_prefix
c more /folder/some_file.txt
c openwith emacs /folder/some_file.txt
Important: What you need to know about the Swift architecture
swc upload

use swc upload /local_dir/subdir /my_swift_container/subfolder to copy data from a local or networked posix file system to a swift object store. swc upload wraps swift upload of the standard python swift client:

box:~/sc$ swc upload ./testing /test
uploading ./test ***
to Swift_Account:/test/ ***
uting:swift upload --changed --segment-size=1073741824 --use-slo --segment-container=".segments_test" --header="X-Object-Meta-Uploaded-by:joe" --object-name="" "test" "./test"
please wait... ***

the swc wrapper adds the following features to upload:

as an addional feature you can add multiple metadata tags to each uploaded object, which is great for retrieving archived files later:

box:~/sc$ swc upload ./test /test/example/meta project:grant-xyz collaborators:jill,joe,jim cancer:breast
uploading ./test ***
to Swift_Account:/test/example/meta ***
uting:swift upload --changed --segment-size=1073741824 --use-slo --segment-container=".segments_test" --header="X-Object-Meta-Uploaded-by:petersen" --header=X-Object-Meta-project:grant-xyz --header=X-Object-Meta-collaborators:jill,joe,jim --header=X-Object-Meta-cancer:breast --object-name="example/meta" "test" "./test"
please wait... ***


These metadata tags stay in the swift object store with the data. They are stored just like other important metadata such as change data and name of the object.

box:~/sc$ swc meta example/meta/fld11/file13
   Meta Cancer: breast
 Collaborators: jill,joe,jim
ta Uploaded-By: petersen
  Meta Project: grant-xyz
    Meta Mtime: 1420047068.977197

if you store metadata tags you can later use an external search engine such as ElasticSearch to quickly search for metadata you populated while uploading data

alias: you can use swc up instead of swc upload

swc download

use swc download /my_swift_container/subfolder /local/subfolder to copy data from a swift object store to local or network storage. swc downloadwrapsswift download` of the standard python swift client:

box:~/sc$ swc download /test/example/ $TMPDIR/ 

alias: you can use swc down instead of swc download

swc arch

swc arch is a variation of swc upload. Instead of uploading the files as is, it creates a tar.gz archive for each directory and uploads the tar.gz archives. swc arch is different from default tar behavior because it does not create a large tar.gz file of an entire directory structure as large tar.gz files are hard to manage (as one cannot easily navigate the directory structure within or get quick access to a spcific file). Instead swc arch creates tar.gz files that do not include sub directories and it creates a separate tar.gz file for each directory and directory level. The benefit of this approach is that the entire directory structure remains intact and you can easily navigate it by using swc cd and swc ls

swc cd, swc, ls, swc mkdir

these commands are simplified versions of the equivalent standard GNU tools and should work very similar to these tools.

swc mtime

use swc mtime /my_swift_container/subfolder/file to see the modification time data from a swift object store to local or network storage. swc download wraps swift download of the standard python swift client:

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.