
Name: flow

Owner: NMDP/Be The Match Bioinformatics Research

Description: Consensus assembly and variant calling workflow.

Created: 2014-12-15 21:50:08.0

Updated: 2017-10-18 08:07:01.0

Pushed: 2015-05-26 16:45:44.0


Size: 682

Language: null

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Consensus assembly and variant calling workflow.

Hacking flow

Install Nextflow

rl -fsSL get.nextflow.io | bash 

  N E X T F L O W
  Version 0.13.5 build 2985
  last modified 07-05-2015 12:30 UTC (07:30 CDT)

flow installation completed.

Run workflow locally (requires workflow dependencies to be installed locally)

nextflow run main.nf 
X T F L O W  ~  version 0.13.5
ching main.nf
m up] executor > local
654161] Submitted process > interleave (example)
88ef80] Submitted process > fastqToSsake (example)
c3d689] Submitted process > reformat (example)
21d368] Submitted process > alignReads (example)
a1c58f] Submitted process > ssake (example)
ing example.reads.bwa.sorted.bam (readsBam) into: tutorial/final
ing example.reads.bwa.sorted.vcf.gz (readsVcf) into: tutorial/final
e1a618] Submitted process > alignContigs (example)
ing example.contigs (contigsFasta) into: tutorial/final
ing example.contigs.bwa.sorted.bam (contigsBam) into: tutorial/final
ing example.contigs.bwa.sorted.vcf.gz (configVcf) into: tutorial/final

Run workflow locally using Docker image (requires only Docker to be installed locally)

nextflow run main.nf -with-docker nmdpbioinformatics/docker-flow:1.0-snapshot-2
X T F L O W  ~  version 0.13.5
ching main.nf
m up] executor > local
d7bd89] Submitted process > fastqToSsake (example)
b6cf05] Submitted process > interleave (example)
86ea16] Submitted process > reformat (example)
3370df] Submitted process > alignReads (example)
f4bbf7] Submitted process > ssake (example)
ing example.reads.bwa.sorted.bam (readsBam) into: tutorial/final
ing example.reads.bwa.sorted.vcf.gz (readsVcf) into: tutorial/final
fbdffd] Submitted process > alignContigs (example)
ing example.contigs (contigsFasta) into: tutorial/final
ing example.contigs.bwa.sorted.bam (contigsBam) into: tutorial/final
ing example.contigs.bwa.sorted.vcf.gz (configVcf) into: tutorial/final

Use SLURM executor, with or without Docker

ho "process.executor = 'slurm'" > nextflow.config
nextflow run main.nf -with-docker nmdpbioinformatics/docker-flow:1.0-snapshot-2
X T F L O W  ~  version 0.13.5
m up] executor > slurm
882358] Submitted process > fastqToSsake (example)
d3ac82] Submitted process > interleave (example)
9cbbaf] Submitted process > reformat (example)
2f652d] Submitted process > alignReads (example)
270f79] Submitted process > ssake (example)
ing example.reads.bwa.sorted.bam (readsBam) into: tutorial/final
ing example.reads.bwa.sorted.vcf.gz (readsVcf) into: tutorial/final
55682c] Submitted process > alignContigs (example)
ing example.contigs (contigsFasta) into: tutorial/final
ing example.contigs.bwa.sorted.bam (contigsBam) into: tutorial/final
ing example.contigs.bwa.sorted.vcf.gz (configVcf) into: tutorial/final

Note that when using the SLURM executor, the Nextflow working directory must be mounted on a volume shared to all SLURM nodes.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.