
Name: ui-router

Owner: Myplanet

Description: UI-Router for Nested Routing by the AngularUI Team!

Created: 2014-02-25 20:48:46.0

Updated: 2014-02-26 03:33:47.0

Pushed: 2014-02-26 03:33:47.0


Size: 2254

Language: JavaScript

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AngularUI Router  Build Status

The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views

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AngularUI Router is a routing framework for AngularJS, which allows you to organize the parts of your interface into a state machine. Unlike the $route service in Angular core, which is organized around URL routes, UI-Router is organized around states, which may optionally have routes, as well as other behavior, attached.

States are bound to named, nested and parallel views, allowing you to powerfully manage your application's interface.

- Note: UI-Router is under active development. As such, while this library is well-tested, the API may change. Consider using it in production applications only if you're comfortable following a changelog and updating your usage accordingly.

Get Started

(1) Get UI-Router in one of 4 ways:

(2) Include angular-ui-router.js (or angular-ui-router.min.js) in your index.html, after including Angular itself (For Component users: ignore this step)

(3) Add 'ui.router' to your main module's list of dependencies (For Component users: replace 'ui.router' with require('angular-ui-router'))

When you're done, your setup should look similar to the following:

ctype html>
l ng-app="myApp">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script>
    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router']);
    // For Component users, it should look like this:
    // var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-ui-router')]);
Nested States & Views

The majority of UI-Router's power is in its ability to nest states & views.

(1) First, follow the setup instructions detailed above.

(2) Then, add a ui-view directive to the <body /> of your app.

 index.html -->
<div ui-view></div>
<!-- We'll also add some navigation: -->
<a ui-sref="state1">State 1</a>
<a ui-sref="state2">State 2</a>

(3) You'll notice we also added some links with ui-sref directives. In addition to managing state transitions, this directive auto-generates the href attribute of the <a /> element it's attached to, if the corresponding state has a URL. Next we'll add some templates. These will plug into the ui-view within index.html. Notice that they have their own ui-view as well! That is the key to nesting states and views.

 partials/state1.html -->
State 1</h1>
i-sref="state1.list">Show List</a>
 partials/state2.html -->
State 2</h1>
i-sref="state2.list">Show List</a>

(4) Next, we'll add some child templates. These will get plugged into the ui-view of their parent state templates.

 partials/state1.list.html -->
List of State 1 Items</h3>

i ng-repeat="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
 partials/state2.list.html -->
List of State 2 Things</h3>

i ng-repeat="thing in things">{{ thing }}</li>

(5) Finally, we'll wire it all up with $stateProvider. Set up your states in the module config, as in the following:

p.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

 For any unmatched url, redirect to /state1

 Now set up the states
.state('state1', {
  url: "/state1",
  templateUrl: "partials/state1.html"
.state('state1.list', {
  url: "/list",
  templateUrl: "partials/state1.list.html",
  controller: function($scope) {
    $scope.items = ["A", "List", "Of", "Items"];
.state('state2', {
  url: "/state2",
  templateUrl: "partials/state2.html"
.state('state2.list', {
  url: "/list",
    templateUrl: "partials/state2.list.html",
    controller: function($scope) {
      $scope.things = ["A", "Set", "Of", "Things"];

(6) See this quick start example in action.

Go to Quick Start Plunker for Nested States & Views

(7) This only scratches the surface

Dive Deeper!

Multiple & Named Views

Another great feature is the ability to have multiple ui-views view per template.

Pro Tip: While multiple parallel views are a powerful feature, you'll often be able to manage your interfaces more effectively by nesting your views, and pairing those views with nested states.

(1) Follow the setup instructions detailed above.

(2) Add one or more ui-view to your app, give them names.

 index.html -->
<div ui-view="viewA"></div>
<div ui-view="viewB"></div>
<!-- Also a way to navigate -->
<a ui-sref="route1">Route 1</a>
<a ui-sref="route2">Route 2</a>

(3) Set up your states in the module config:

p.config(function($stateProvider) {
.state('index', {
  url: "",
  views: {
    "viewA": { template: "index.viewA" },
    "viewB": { template: "index.viewB" }
.state('route1', {
  url: "/route1",
  views: {
    "viewA": { template: "route1.viewA" },
    "viewB": { template: "route1.viewB" }
.state('route2', {
  url: "/route2",
  views: {
    "viewA": { template: "route2.viewA" },
    "viewB": { template: "route2.viewB" }

(4) See this quick start example in action.

Go to Quick Start Plunker for Multiple & Named Views

Report an Issue

Help us make UI-Router better! If you think you might have found a bug, or some other weirdness, start by making sure it hasn't already been reported. You can search through existing issues to see if someone's reported one similar to yours.

If not, then create a plunkr that demonstrates the problem (try to use as little code as possible: the more minimalist, the faster we can debug it).

Next, create a new issue that briefly explains the problem, and provides a bit of background as to the circumstances that triggered it. Don't forget to include the link to that plunkr you created!

Note: If you're unsure how a feature is used, or are encountering some unexpected behavior that you aren't sure is a bug, it's best to talk it out in the Google Group or on StackOverflow before reporting it. This keeps development streamlined, and helps us focus on building great software.

Please keep in mind that the issue tracker is for issues. Please do not post an issue if you need help or support. Instead, see one of the above-mentioned forums or IRC.


(1) See the Developing section below, to get the development version of UI-Router up and running on your local machine.

(2) Check out the roadmap to see where the project is headed, and if your feature idea fits with where we're headed.

(3) If you're not sure, open an RFC to get some feedback on your idea.

(4) Finally, commit some code and open a pull request. Code & commits should abide by the following rules:


UI-Router uses grunt >= 0.4.x. Make sure to upgrade your environment and read the Migration Guide.

Dependencies for building from source and running tests:

There are a number of targets in the gruntfile that are used to generating different builds:

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.