
Name: FaQCs

Owner: LANL-Bioinformatics

Description: Quality Control of Next Generation Sequencing Data

Created: 2014-01-22 22:36:38.0

Updated: 2017-12-10 23:31:01.0

Pushed: 2017-10-13 06:12:43.0


Size: 7455

Language: Perl

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FaQCs: Quality Control of Next Generation Sequencing Data

3D QC plot
  1. The main program is developed in Perl v 5.8.8.
  2. Parallel::ForkManager module from CPAN
  3. String::Approx module from CPAN
  4. R for ploting
  5. Jellyfish for kmer counting (Optional) (

Note: The two Perl modules can be installed by script in the lib directory.

cd lib


Usage: perl [options] [-u unpaired.fastq] -p reads1.fastq reads2.fastq -d out_directory
Version 1.36
Input File: (can use more than once)
        -u            <Files> Unpaired reads

        -p            <Files> Paired reads in two files and separate by space
        -mode         "HARD" or "BWA" or "BWA_plus" (default BWA_plus)
                      BWA trim is NOT A HARD cutoff! (see bwa's bwa_trim_read() function in bwaseqio.c)

        -q            <INT> Targets # as quality level (default 5) for trimming

        -5end         <INT> Cut # bp from 5 end before quality trimming/filtering 

        -3end         <INT> Cut # bp from 3 end before quality trimming/filtering 

        -adapter      <bool> Trim reads with illumina adapter/primers (default: no)
                      -rate   <FLOAT> Mismatch ratio of adapters' length (default: 0.2, allow 20% mismatches)
                      -polyA  <bool>  Trim poly A ( > 15 ) 
                      -keepshort  turn on this will keep short portion of reads instead of keep longer portion of reads

        -artifactFile  <File>    additional artifact (adapters/primers/contaminations) reference file in fasta format 
        -min_L        <INT> Trimmed read should have to be at least this minimum length (default:50)

        -avg_q        <NUM> Average quality cutoff (default:0, no filtering)

        -n            <INT> Trimmed read has more than this number of continuous base "N" will be discarded. 
                      (default: 2, "NN") 

        -lc           <FLOAT> Low complexity filter ratio, Maximum fraction of mono-/di-nucleotide sequence  (default: 0.85)

        -phiX         <bool> Filter phiX reads (slow)

        -ascii        Encoding type: 33 or 64 or autoCheck (default)
                      Type of ASCII encoding: 33 (standard) or 64 (illumina 1.3+)

        -out_ascii    Output encoding. (default: 33)
        -prefix       <TEXT> Output file prefix. (default: QC)

        -stats        <File> Statistical numbers output file (default: prefix.stats.txt)

        -d            <PATH> Output directory.
        -t            <INT > # of CPUs to run the script (default:2 )

        -split_size   <INT> Split the input file into several sub files by sequence number (default: 1000000) 

        -qc_only      <bool> no Filters, no Trimming, report numbers.

        -kmer_rarefaction     <bool>   
                      Turn on the kmer calculation. Turn on will slow down ~10 times. (default:Calculation is off.)
                      (meaningless if -subset is too small)
                      -m  <INT>     kmer for rarefaction curve (range:[2,31], default 31)

        -subset       <INT>   Use this nubmer x split_size for qc_only and kmer_rarefaction  
                              (default: 10,  10x1000000 SE reads, 20x1000000 PE reads)

        -discard      <bool> Output discarded reads to prefix.discard.fastq (default: 0, not output)

        -substitute   <bool> Replace "N" in the trimmed reads with random base A,T,C ,or G (default: 0, off)

        -trim_only    <bool> No quality report. Output trimmed reads only.

        -replace_to_N_q  <INT>  For NextSeq data, to replace base G to N when below this quality score (default:0, off)

        -5trim_off    <bool> Turn off trimming from 5'end.

        -debug        <bool> keep intermediate files

Output Files

Expected output files

Example qc_report.pdf file


======== Version 1.36

======== Version 1.35

======== Version 1.34

======== Version 1.33

======== Version 1.32

======== Version 1.31

======== Version 1.3

======== Version 1.2

======== Version 1.1 New features and changes in illumina_fastq_qc version 1.1 with respect to version 1.0:

======== Version 1.0 Stable function release. Features:


Chienchi Lo, PatrickS.G. Chain (2014) Rapid evaluation and Quality Control of Next Generation Sequencing Data with FaQCs. BMC Bioinformatics. 2014 Nov 19;15

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.