
Name: mlvs

Owner: HHS IDEA Lab

Description: Medical License Verification System - A standardized medical licenses code and means for verification (Includes a reference implementation)

Created: 2013-12-30 22:29:08.0

Updated: 2017-05-07 19:55:54.0

Pushed: 2015-03-12 17:14:44.0


Size: 299

Language: Python

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Medical License Validation Specification (MLVS)

Version 0.0.5 (DRAFT)

Created December 31, 2013

Updated: August 19, 2014

URL: https://github.com/HHSIDEAlab/mlvs


The goals of MVLS are to :

This repository contains both a technical specification and two reference implementations. The reference implementations are designed to help medical boards quickly and inexpensivley implement mlvs.

As noted this is a draft and CMS is interested in feedback from the community and medical license organizations in particular. If your organization would like to pilot this functionality with CMS, as part of the NPPES Modernization Project (http://npi.io), please email alan.viars AT cms.hhs.gov.

Comments and feedback are welcome.

Understanding MLVS in 20 Seconds

The end goal here is to get license issuing authroities to publish information in a uniform way. To that end, this document describes very simple means for doing so.

The first part of MLVS defines a license code. This code is a unique, predictable, string for representing a particular license. For example, MA-MDR-1234567 is a medical doctor in Massachusetts with the license number 1234567.

The second part of the specification defines a URL structure for pointing to status information on particular license. For example https://example.com/license/MA/MDR/1234567.json points to information about the medical doctor in Massachusetts with the license number 1234567. As you might notice the URL contains the same the elements as the code. The first part is the state, the second part is the license type, and the third part is the license number (or identifier). This is intentionally structured in such a way (using only HTTP GET) that the specification can be implemented using content delivery networks. In other words, it is designed to be very simple and inexpensive to implement.

Although this document is a draft, its contents are incorporated into the NPPES Modernization effort. In other words this specification is precisely how the NPPES redesign automatically validates licenses. See https://github.com/HHSIDEAlab/npi or http://npi.io for more information.

Medical License Verification Specification

  1. The Code

A string that adheres to the convention shall be formatted as follows:




MD-MDR-3001234   # Medical Doctor, license 3001234 in Maryland
AK-DEN-829281    # Dentist license, 829281 in Arkansas
CO-DOS-908232    # Doctor of Osteopathy, license 908232, in Colorado

The format of the license number or identifier will vary by state and issuing body.

2.1 The URL

The URL is in the following format.

2.2 Resource Response Details

The specification also defines RESTful protocol that can be implemented without the need to write any software. Adherence of the specification can be achieved by simply copying files to a web server with a predictable URL pattern.

The following text defines compliance with the URL specification.

Details About the Response
Field Name Details Required
first_name A string of the provider's First Name Y
last_name A string of the provider's Last Name Y
state A two-letter string representing the state. This filed shall onlyuse offical two-letter abbreviations. See https://www.usps.com/send/official-abbreviations.htm Y
credential A text string describing the type of credential.

For example, "Medial Doctor" for license_type "MDR"
license_type A three-letter string containing a code resenting a license type. Codes can be found in the document `USProviderLicenseTypesFeb2014.csv` contained in the docs folder of this repository. Valid license_type examples include:

"MDR" (Medical Doctor)

"DOS"(Doctor of Osteopathy)

"PAS" (Physician Assistant)
code Implementation of part 1 of the MLVS specification. It is a concatenation of state code, the license type code, and the license number or identifier. Sperated by dashes. Valid code examples include:

"CA-MDR-12387123" (Medical Doctor) in California

"VA-DOS-232859"(Doctor of Osteopathy) in Virginia

"NY-PAS-98323" (Physician Assistant) in New York
number A string containing the license number issued by the issuing authority. Y
npi A string containing the National Provider Identifier (NPI) issued by CMS/NPPES. N
status A string containing the a code indicating the status of the license. Valid codes are:

"ACTIVE" (Active)

"ACTIVE_WITH_RESTRICTIONS (Active with Restrictions)

"EXPIRED" (Expired)

"REVOKED" (Revoked)

"DECEASED" (Deceased)

created_at The date this record was first created. Format YYYY-MM-DD. Y
updated_at The date this record was last updated. Format YYYY-MM-DD. Y

The examples below are demonstrated with “curl”, a command-line web client that is installed on Mac OSX and Linux and can be downloaded for Windows. Curl is just used as an example. You could use many other tools or almost any programming language.

In the curl example below, the server is “somelicenseauthority.example.com”, the state is “WV”, the license type is MDR (Medical Doctor), and the license number is “234234534”.

curl https://somelicenseauthority.example.com/license/WV/MDR/3242345345.json

The server responds with:

"first_name": "Leonard",
"last_name": "McCoy",
"state": "WV",
"license_type": "MDR",
"credential": "Medical Doctor", 
"code": "WV-MDR-3242345345",
"number": "3242345345",
"npi": "1323353456",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"issued_by": "West Virginia State Medical Board",
"date_issued": "2010-12-30",
"date_expires": "2015-12-30",
"date_created": "2013-12-30",
"date_updated": "2014-01-30"

If we do the same thing again with the verbose “-v” option we can see the HTTP response code and the mimetype.

curl -v https://somelicenseauthority.example.com/license/CA/MDR/2342345345.json

Responds with

< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
    "first_name": "River",
    "last_name": "Song",
    "state": "CA",
    "license_type": "MDR",
    "credential": "Medical Doctor",
    "code": "CA-MDR-3242345345",
    "number": "2342345345",
    "npi": "1223353456",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "issued_by": "California State Medical Board",
    "date_issued": "2010-12-30",
    "date_expires": "2015-12-30",
    "date_created": "2013-12-30",
    "date_updated": "2014-01-30"

Here is a negative example where the resource does not exist. We will use the “-I” flag to just read the response head.

curl -I https://somelicenseauthority.example.com/license/CA/DOS/999999999

This response means there is no DOS license (Doctor of Osteopathy) issued in CA with the number 999999999. The body of the response is unimportant, since there is no record.

  1. Implementation Notes

There are three ways to go about implementing this specification:

  1. Upload Files to a Web Server - Create, and periodically update, the necessary JSON files and place them on any web server within a directory “license” and a subdirectory “[STATE]-[LICENSE-TYPE]” where [STATE] is a a two letter abbreviation and [LICENSE-TYPE] is a three letter code corresponding to a license type. It is not necessary to stand up a dedicated web server to implement this specification. You can use a content delivery network, such as Amazon AWS S3, to implement this specification. The mention of S3 is provided as an example, and should not be misconstrued as an endorsement.

  2. Roll Your Own - Implement the above specification using any technology stack you like.

  3. Reference Implementation - Use the free, open-source reference implementation described below.

  4. Reference Implemenation #1

The command line tool csv2mlvs converts a CSV file to a MLVS directory structure decribed in the previous sections. This script may be used to easily create structure necessary so that all that is left to do is to upload the structure to a web server or content delivery network.

This tool is part of provider-data-tools. It can be installed using the following command.

pip install pdt

csv2mlvs my.csv output

Where my.csv is a CSV containing provider data and output is the directory where output files and subdirectories are created. Upload the output to an accesible web server. Using a CDN for this task is very inexpensive way to accomplish this.

Please see https://github.com/HHSIDEAlab/provider-data-tools for more information.

  1. Reference Implemenation #2

The project contained within this GitHub repository is a full server reference implementaion of the specification in Django. It can be deployed on almost any operating system or web server. By default the underlying database is SQLite, but this can be changed.

License records can be added and updated via Django's standard administrative interface. The default URL is /admin.

Here is how to get started. These instructions are meant to be executed inside a terminal. These instructions assume python and pip are already installed:

git clone https://github.com/HHSIDEAlab/mlvs.git cd mlvs pip install -r mlvs/requirements.py python manage.py syncdb

When prompted, say yes to create a super user so you can add licenses using the Django admin interface. Then start the development server like so.

python manage.py runserver

Point your browser to To get tot he admin, navigate to Then look for 'Licenses' to view/add/edit/delete Licenses. the URL to server the licenses is as described in the specification [TWO-LETTER-STATE-CODE]/[THREE-LETTER-LICENSE-TYPE-CODE]/[LICENSE-NUMBER].json`

Read more about Django here: http://djangoproject.com

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.