
Name: islandora_rest

Owner: Smithsonian Institution

Description: A very basic REST interface for islandora. It allows for the manipulation of objects, data-streams, and relationships. Only supports JSON.

Created: 2013-11-14 20:46:01.0

Updated: 2013-11-14 20:46:02.0

Pushed: 2013-11-14 19:05:44.0

Homepage: null

Size: 178

Language: PHP

GitHub Committers

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Current build status: Build Status

CI Server:


This module provides a number of REST end points for fetching/manipulating objects, datastreams, and object relationships from islandora.

The basic structure of the module is such that we define Drupal Menu?s for each resource type. Currently the resources are objects, datastreams, relationships, and solr. Each Menu defines a callback that generates the HTTP responses for any HTTP Methods requested of the given resource GET, PUT, POST, DELETE.

This callback will load a file dedicated to the particular resource located in includes folder and call a function associated with the HTTP method.

So for example if I make a GET request for an object, it will auto load the includes/ file and call a function mapped to the GET method:

tion islandora_rest_object_get_response(array $parameters) { ... }

If it were a PUT request for an object it would be:

tion islandora_rest_object_put_response(array $parameters) { ... }

These functions are responsible for performing any required actions, say purge an object, etc. As well as generating a response for the client which will typically be a JSON response.


Assumes the following global XACML polices have been removed from:


This module will still function with those policies in place but the tests this module defines will fail. Also when installing Islandora don't forget to deploy the policies it includes!

Islandora SOLR Search is an optional dependancy that will allow you to perform SOLR searches via this REST API. Follow the directions it provides if you wish to enable SOLR searches.


For each of the REST end-points defined below in the documentation section there exists a corresponding Drupal Permission (with the exception of SOLR which uses the permissions defined by the Islandora SOLR Search module).

After enabling this module navigate to and enable the features you want to expose. Note that XACML is still enforced on all REST end-points and access can still be denied regardless of what Drupal Permissions are enabled.


In an effort to simplify the datastream REST end-point multi-part responses for GET requests were investigated. With the intention of returning both the content and properties through a single request. While this is possible it is not well supported by jQuery, there exists a plug-in, I am unsure if this plugin works with all browsers. To get around this issue GET requests for a datastream can return either the content or properties but not both for the moment.

Also since PUT / DELETE support is lacking in IE6-9, we've provided the ability to mock PUT / DELETE requests as POST requests by adding an additional form-data field method to inform the server which method was actually intended.

At the moment multi-part PUT requests such as the one required to modify an existing datastream's content and properties are not implemented you can mock these PUT requests using aforementioned mechanism. POST and include an additional form-data field method with the value PUT.

Adding support for multi-part PUT requests is possible but would require writing or using and HTTP Request parsing library as PUT is not well supported in PHP.

Since we don't have an HTTP Request parsing library PUT requests are expecting raw application/json content as the request body.

Documentation Key

{variable} Required Parameter.

[variable] Optional Parameter no default defined, NULL or empty string likely be used.

[variable, ?default?] Optional Parameter and it?s default.

Common Responses

Unless otherwise specified each end-point can return the following responses.

Response: 401 Unauthorized No response body.

In general 401 means an anonymous user attempted some action and was denied. Either the action is not granted to anonymous uses in the Drupal permissions, or XACML denied the action for the anonymous user.

Response: 403 Forbidden No response body.

In general 403 means an authenticated user attempted some action and was denied. Either the authenticated user does not have a Drupal role that grants him/her permission to perform that action, or XACML denied the action for that user.

Response: 404 Not Found No response body.

In general a 404 will occur, when a user tries to perform an action on a object or datastream that doesn't not exist. Or XACML is hiding that object or datastream from the user.

404 Responses can be returned even if the user was not determined to have permission to perform the requested action, as the resource must be first fetched from fedora before the users permission can be determined.

Response: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: application/json

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | message | A detail description of the error.

Any problem can trigger a 500 error, but in general you'll find that this is typically an error returned by Fedora.

Describe An Existing Object
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Parameters

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object

Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the requested object | label | The object?s label | models | An array of the objects models. | state | Object?s state, either ?A?, ?I?, ?D? | owner | The objects owner | created | Created date of the object, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ | modified | Last modified date of the object, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ | datastreams | Any array of objects each describing a data stream. See GET datastream for more details.

Example Response

d": "islandora:root",
bel": "Root Object",
ner": "fedoraAdmin",
dels": ["islandora:collectionCModel"],
ate": "A",
eated": "2013-05-27T09:53:39.286Z",
dified": "2013-06-24T04:20:26.190Z",
tastreams": [{
dsid": "RELS-EXT",
label": "Fedora Object to Object Relationship Metadata.",
state": "A",
size": 1173,
mimeType": "application\/rdf+xml",
controlGroup": "X",
created": "2013-06-23T07:28:32.787Z",
versionable": true,
versions": []

Create A New Object
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

POST (form-data)

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object, if not given the namespace will be used to create a new one (optional). | label | The label of the new object (optional). | owner | The owner of the new object, if not given it will be the currently logged in (optional). | namespace | Used to create a PID for a new empty object if pid is not given (optional).

Response: 201 Created Content-Type: application/json

Returns the same response as a GET Object request.

Modify An Existing Object?S Properties
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object, if not given the namespace will be used to create a new one.

Request Body (raw) Content-Type: application/json

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | label | The new label of the object (optional) | owner | The new owner of the object (optional) | state | The new state of the object, either ?A?, ?I?, ?D? (optional)

Only given variables will change the object the others will retain their original values.

Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the requested object | label | The object?s label | state | Object?s state, either ?A?, ?I?, ?D? | owner | The objects owner | modified | Last modified date of the object, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Delete An Existing Object
URL syntax


HTTP Method


Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object.

Response: 200 OK No response body.
List Existing Relationships
URL syntax

islandora/rest/v1/object/{pid}/relationship?[predicate][uri][object][literal, false]

HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object. | predicate | The predicate to limit the results to. (optional) | uri | The uri of the predicate, required if predicate is present. | object | The object to limit the results to. (optional) | literal | True if the object is literal, false otherwise. Defaults to false. (optional)

Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

A JSON array with each field containing the following values.

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | predicate | object that describes the predicate | object | An object that describes the object.

Example Response

redicate": {
"value": "hasModel",
"alias": "fedora-model",
"namespace": "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#"

bject": {
"literal": false,
"value": "islandora:collectionCModel"

Add A New Relationship
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object.

Post (form-data)

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | uri | The predicate URI for the given predicate | predicate | The predicate of the relationship. | object | Object of the relationship. | literal | True if the object of the relationship is a literal, false if it is a URI | datatype | If the object is a literal, the datatype of the literal (optional)

Response: 201 Created No response body.
Remove An Existing Relationship
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Content-Type: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object.

Request Body (raw) Content-Type: application/json

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | uri | The uri of the predicate, required if predicate is present. | predicate | The predicate to limit the remove to (optional) | object | The object to limit the remove to (optional) | literal | True if the object is literal, false otherwise. Defaults to false (optional)

Response: 200 Ok No response body.
Describe A Existing Datastream
URL syntax

islandora/rest/v1/object/{pid}/datastream/{dsid}?[content, true][version]

HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object | dsid | Data stream Identifier. | content | True to return the datastream?s content, False to return it?s properties. | version | The version of the datastream to return, identified by its created date of the datastream in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (optional) If not given the latest version of the data stream will be returned.

Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

If content is false these properties are returned. When requesting a specific version of the data stream, these values are limited to a subset described here.

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | dsid | The datastream's persistent identifier | label | The datastream's label | size | The datastream's size in bytes | state | The datastream?s state, either ?A?, ?I?, ?D? | mimeType | The datastream?s MIME Type | controlGroup | The datastream's control group, either X, M, E, R | versionable | A boolean value if the datastream is versionable | created | Created date of the datastream, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ | versions | Any array of objects each describing each datastream version not including the latest, contains a subset of the fields described here.

Example Response

sid": "RELS-EXT",
abel": "Fedora Object to Object Relationship Metadata.",
tate": "A",
ize": 1173,
imeType": "application\/rdf+xml",
ontrolGroup": "X",
reated": "2013-06-23T07:28:32.787Z",
ersionable": true,
ersions": [{
"label": "Old Label.",
"state": "A",
"size": "1000",
"mimeType": "application\/rdf+xml",
"controlGroup": "X",
"created": "2013-05-23T06:26:32.787Z"

If content is true the datastream?s content is returned, and the appropriate content-type will be set by the server for the datastream?s content.

Create A New Datastream
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object to add the datastream to.

Post (form-data)

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | dsid | The new datastream's persistent identifier | label | The new datastream's label (optional) | state | The new datastream?s state, either ?A?, ?I?, ?D? (optional) Defaults to ?A? | mimeType | The new datastream?s MIME Type (optional) if not provided then it is guessed from the uploaded file. | controlGroup | The new datastream's control group, either X, M, E, R | versionable | A boolean value if the datastream is versionable (optional) Defaults to true | multipart file as request content | File to use as the datastream?s content

Response: 201 Created Content-Type: application/json

Returns the same response as a GET Datastream request.

Modify An Existing Datastreams Properties And Content
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object to add the datastream to. | dsid | The persistent datastream identifier.

Request Body (raw) Content-Type: application/json

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | label | The datastream's new label (optional) | state | The datastream?s new state, either ?A?, ?I?, ?D? (optional) | mimeType | The new datastream?s MIME Type (optional) if not provided then it is guessed from the uploaded file. | versionable | A boolean value if the datastream is versionable (optional) Defaults to true | multipart file as request content | File to replace existing datastream (for Managed datastreams)

Response: 200 Ok Content-Type: application/json

Returns the same response as a GET Datastream request.

Delete An Existing Datastream
URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | pid | Persistent identifier of the object, if not given the namespace will be used to create a new one. | dsid | Data stream Identifier.

Response: 200 OK No response body.
Search For Objects

This is a light wrapper for the SOLR own end point. It incorporates XACML alters to restrict the search results for the given user.

URL syntax


HTTP Method



Accept: application/json

Get Variables

| Name | Description | | ————- | ———————————————————— | | query | The SOLR query to execute. | … | See the SOLR documentation for the additional parameters it can take.

Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json

The result will be unmodified server side since all the query types support the return of JSON directly to the user. So this will more or less just delegate to those respective end points. See the documentation for SOLR for more info.


This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.