
Name: TaskAMR

Owner: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Description: null

Created: 2018-05-14 15:54:32.0

Updated: 2018-05-15 18:44:33.0

Pushed: 2018-05-24 18:10:33.0

Homepage: null

Size: 81

Language: Rouge

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Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Finite Volumes using Legion


C18035 - TaskAMR has been acknowledged by NNSA for open source release. Please read the License.

Installation instructions
  1. At minimum, you need a C compiler, CLang (that includes LLVM), and MPI.
  2. I used gcc/4.9.3, clang/3.7.0, and openmpi/1.10.0-gcc_4.9.3
  3. git clone
  4. cd legion/language/
  5. ./ --debug
  6. For performance runs, repeat without the --debug.
  7. Test your installation with ./ ./examples/circuit.rg.
1D fixed-grid linear advection
  1. Setup model.rg
    sf linear_advection.rg model.rg
  2. Run the model
    un -n 4 <PATH_TO>/ ./1d_fix.rg 
  3. Plot the final time result linear.80.txt
  4. Note that output files from multiple resolutions can be given in sequence to measure the error convergence.
Model configuration
Global constants

global_const.rg requires the settings:

S_PER_BLOCK_X = -- must be multiple of 2 for AMR
L_1_BLOCKS_X = -- number of blocks at coarsest level
REFINEMENT_LEVEL = -- every level above 1 doubles max resolution
PARTITIONS = -- how many parallel pieces to break problem into (suggestion)
TH_X = -- DX = LENGTH_X / NX
NAL == -- simulation ends at T_FINAL <= time < T_FINAL + DT

These settings are shared with the AMR version. For fix-grid calculations, the resolution is fixed at CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * LEVEL_1_BLOCKS_X * 2 ** (MAX_REFINEMENT_LEVEL - 1).

Linear model constants

linear_constants.rg requires the settings:

-- velocity for linear advection
 -- fixed time step
ce CellValues = -- Do not change these
ce FaceValues = -- Do not change these
Initial conditions

In linear_advection.rg, the task initializeCells() can be altered to change the initial conditions.

1D fixed-grid Euler equations
  1. Setup model.rg
    sf euler.rg model.rg
  2. Change simulation run time in global_const.rg:
    NAL = 0.142681382
  3. Run the model
    un -n 4 <PATH_TO>/ ./1d_fix.rg 
  4. Change simulation resolution in global_const.rg:
    S_PER_BLOCK_X = 32
  5. Run the model
    un -n 4 <PATH_TO>/ ./1d_fix.rg 
  6. Plot the final time results euler.80.txt euler.1280.txt
Model configuration
Global constants

global_const.rg settings are the same as for linear advection.

Euler model constants

euler.rg requires the settings:

A = -- ratio of specific heats for ideal gas equation of state
 -- fixed time step
ce CellValues = -- Do not change these
ce FaceValues = -- Do not change these
Initial conditions

In euler.rg, the task initializeCells() can be altered to change the initial conditions.

1D AMR-grid linear advection
  1. Setup model.rg and model_amr.rg
    sf linear_advection.rg model.rg
    sf linear_advection_amr.rg model_amr.rg
  2. Run the model
    un -n 4 <PATH_TO>/ ./1d_amr.rg 
  3. Plot the final time result linear_amr.*.txt
Model configuration
Global constants

global_const.rg settings are the same as for fixed-grid linear advection with the exception that LENGTH_X / (CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * LEVEL_1_BLOCKS_X * 2 ** (MAX_REFINEMENT_LEVEL - 1)) is now the minimum grid size instead of the fixed grid size.

Linear model constants

linear_constants.rg settings are the same as for fixed-grid linear advection.

Initial conditions

Initial conditions settings are the same as for fixed-grid linear advection.

Convergence tests

To run the linear fixed-grid convergence test:

To run the euler fixed-grid convergence test:

To run the linear AMR-grid convergence test:
Unit tests

To run the unit tests for AMR grid refinement and coarsening:

un -n 4 <PATH_TO>/ ./unit_tests.rg 
Create a new physics model for 1D fixed-grid
Global constants

global_const.rg is required:

S_PER_BLOCK_X = -- must be multiple of 2
L_1_BLOCKS_X = -- number of blocks at coarsest level
REFINEMENT_LEVEL = -- every level above 1 doubles max resolution
PARTITIONS = -- how many parallel pieces to break problem into (suggestion)
 -- fixed time step
TH_X = -- DX = LENGTH_X / NX
NAL == -- simulation ends at T_FINAL <= time < T_FINAL + DT

These settings are shared with the AMR version. For fix-grid calculations, the resolution is fixed at CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * LEVEL_1_BLOCKS_X * 2 ** (MAX_REFINEMENT_LEVEL - 1).

Model specific fields must be in fspace's CellValues and FaceValues
ce CellValues

ce FaceValues

Model specific tasks

model.rg must implement following API:

 initializeCells(num_cells : int64,
                 cell_region: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues))

 calculateFlux(num_cells : int64,
               dx : double,
               dt : double,
               blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
               bloated_cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
               faces: region(ispace(int1d), FaceValues))

 applyFlux(dx : double,
           dt : double,
           blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
           cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
           faces: region(ispace(int1d), FaceValues))

 writeCells(nx : int64,
            cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues))
Create a new physics model for 1D AMR-grid
  1. Follow all steps to create a new physics model for 1D fixed-grid except that you will not need writeCells().
  2. model_amr.rg must implement following API:
     calculateGradient(num_cells : int64,
               dx : double,
               bloated_cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
               faces: region(ispace(int1d), FaceValues))

task flagRegrid(blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),

            faces: region(ispace(int1d), FaceValues))

task interpolateToChildren(num_children: int64,

                       blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
                       ghost_parents: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
                       ghost_children: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
                       children: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues))

task smoothGrid(blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits))

task updateRefinement(num_blocks: int64,

                  blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
                  cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
                  ghosts: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
                  children: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
                  child_cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
                  ghost_children: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits))

task writeAMRCells(ncells : int64,

               blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
               cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues))

task printAMRCells(level : int64,

               blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
               cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues))

task copyToChildren(blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),

                cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
                children: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues))

task calculateAMRFlux(num_cells : int64,

               dx : double,
               dt : double,
               blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
               bloated_cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
               bloated_children: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
               faces: region(ispace(int1d), FaceValues))

task calculateAMRGradient(num_cells : int64,

               dx : double,
               blocks: region(ispace(int1d), RefinementBits),
               bloated_cells: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
               bloated_children: region(ispace(int1d), CellValues),
               faces: region(ispace(int1d), FaceValues))

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.