
Name: ny-power

Owner: International Business Machines

Description: null

Created: 2018-04-10 14:53:58.0

Updated: 2018-05-18 18:58:15.0

Pushed: 2018-05-18 18:58:14.0

Homepage: null

Size: 441

Language: Python

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Turning Open Data into an Open Event Stream with MQTT and microservices

We're fortunate that more institutions are publishing their data in the open. However, those formats aren't always the most accessible for consuming that data in applications. Take for instance the NY ISO data on the NY power grid. This 5 minute resolution data on the state of the grid is best served as an event stream.

Once we have converted the raw data into an event stream we can add additional processing. For instance, estimating the CO2 emissions generated over the course of the day. All of this is done as a series of microservices on Kubernetes, each tackling one specific part of the problem. This makes debug and adding new features much easier.

The Problem in Depth

We recently bought a Chevy Bolt EV, which we use as our primary vehicle. We charge at home with a Level 2 charger. When should we charge the car?

Static time of use billing in our area marks peak at 2pm - 7pm weekdays. While that's the only time the power company doesn't want you to charge, the grid varies a lot over the course of the day to match demand. The New York State Independent System Operator (NYISO) is responsible for managing the power grid in NY State. They provide near real time data about what fuel sources are being used to generate electricity in NY State.

NY Power Realtime Grid

While the data that powers this is public, there is no public API. The NY ISO does publish a set of 5 minute resolution CSV files on their servers at These are updated every 5 to 20 minutes.

Instead of having every application parse CSV files directly, we can do better by making the data into a real time stream. This is done by polling and parsing the CSV in a micro service and publishing new events to a public MQTT service. The overhead for consuming a public MQTT service is very low, and requires just an open socket. After injesting this data we can also provide “value add” analysis of it, such as computing the estimated CO2 emitted per kWh of electricity generated over the course of the day. This added value data is also published on the MQTT bus and can be consumed directly.

A web page which connects directly to the MQTT service over a websocket shows how you can provide a dynamic web site with no server polling, only updating when relevant data is provided.

The entire application is deployed in Kubernetes using Helm. This makes it possible to bring up new copies of the application with very few user steps, and work on a development version of the application while a production version is running.

When the user has completed this Code Pattern they will understand how to:


Architecture Diagram

  1. The user accesses the website
  2. The web browser directly accesses the MQTT service
  3. The applications data pump polls NY ISO every minute looking for new data.
  4. Data is pushed to MQTT service
  5. The archiver is subscribed to the MQTT service sends all new data to Influx DB
  6. On any new data it computes current CO2 / kWh, and publishes both it, and the recent time series to the MQTT service.
Included components
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1. Install and configure Helm

Install Helm. Full instructions are at

Create a new cluster in IBM Cloud and initialize helm for it:

eate cluster
 cs cluster-create <clustername>

t kubectl config for it
bx cs cluster-config <clusternam> | grep export)

itialize helm
lm init
2. Configure Container Registry

The ny-power application needs to upload a number of custom images. You need to create a custom container registry to upload into.

 cr namespace-add ny-power
3. Build required images

5 images are needed for the application to run. In order to simplify this there are 2 makefile targets that exist to generate and display versions of the 5 images. When build images is called the version number for the image is incremented every time to allow for rolling upgrades.

nerate all images
ke build-images

The image versions can be displayed with

ke image-versions
4. Update Helm values.yaml

Open up ny-power/values.yaml and edit the image versions in the yaml.

You can optionally change the shared secret under mqtt.secret as well. This is a shared secret needed to provide write access to the mqtt stream.

5. Install with Helm
ml install ny-power

This will autogenerate a unique name such as laughing-frog. Helm allows you to have more than one version of an application running at the same time in the same cluster for developent, qa, or A/B testing purposes.

You can see the status of deployment with:

ml status <laughing-frog>
6. Make changes and experiment

As you make changes to the application, either in the helm configuration, or make changes to the applications and images, you can do a live upgrade of the cluster.

Set any updated image versions in your values.yaml and run:

lm upgrade <laughing-frog> ny-power

Sample output


A successful deployment looks like the following:

lm status lovely-sasquatch
 DEPLOYED: Mon Apr  9 10:03:51 2018
SPACE: default

                                 TYPE    DATA  AGE
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-mqtt-pump  Opaque  1     5h

                                  STATUS  VOLUME                                    CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES  STORAGECLASS      AGE
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-influx-nfs  Bound   pvc-47abb773-3bf4-11e8-aca5-da75763193ce  20Gi      RWX           ibmc-file-silver  5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-mqtt-nfs    Bound   pvc-47ac4f95-3bf4-11e8-aca5-da75763193ce  20Gi      RWX           ibmc-file-silver  5h

ly-sasquatch-ny-power-services-reader  5h

ly-sasquatch-ny-power-read-services  5h

                              TYPE          CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-influx  ClusterIP  <none>        8086/TCP                     5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-mqtt    LoadBalancer  1883:30350/TCP,80:30403/TCP  5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-web     LoadBalancer  80:32332/TCP                 4h

                               DESIRED  CURRENT  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE  AGE
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-archive  1        1        1           1          5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-pump     1        1        1           1          5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-influx   1        1        1           1          5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-mqtt     1        1        1           1          5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-web      2        2        2           2          4h

                                                READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-archive-7c4fb447f7-vxhf7  1/1    Running  0         5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-pump-86dd6fd597-77dtp     1/1    Running  1         5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-influx-687bbffbc5-z586j   1/1    Running  0         5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-mqtt-5c4d7744b5-pp77l     1/1    Running  0         5h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-web-764dd7797c-95wsl      1/1    Running  0         4h
ly-sasquatch-ny-power-web-764dd7797c-x9dfv      1/1    Running  0         4h

A successful deployment of the application will look as follows:

NY Power intensity

This visualizes a number of things:

  1. The current carbon intensity of the NY ISO grid
  2. A historical view of carbon intensity over the last 20 hours to visualize trends
  3. The current mix of fuels in the NY ISO grid

All of these will be updated everytime there is new information published on the MQTT bus with no user interaction or polling needed.


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Apache 2.0

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.