
Name: pm-scripts


Description: null

Created: 2018-03-02 09:52:58.0

Updated: 2018-05-17 10:12:25.0

Pushed: 2018-05-17 10:12:24.0


Size: 147

Language: JavaScript

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pm-scripts is a command line tool which allows users to create and resolve prediction markets on top of Gnosis.

Index of contents

pm-scripts should work for any OS. It has the following system requirements:

To install all the required software dependencies clone the project, go to the root folder and run:

upported chains
cripts can work with either Mainnet, Rinkeby, Kovan or Ropsten networks.
trading-db]( currently supports only Mainnet and Rinkeby networks.
rder to deploy contract on Kovan or Ropsten you would need to install an instance of
trading-db]( with the specific Ethereum node settings.
ncourage users to **use the Rinkeby network**.

*conf* directory contains all the configuration files needed by pm-scripts, which are: **config.json** and **markets.json**.
des that files, you can always specify any configuration file by providing its path as a parameter to pm-scripts as described in [How to run pm-scripts](#how-to-run-pm-scripts) paragraph.

ains the main pm-scripts configuration and has the following structure:

{ “mnemonic”: “(REQUIRED) YOUR MNEMONIC PHRASE”, “account”: “YOUR ACCOUNT ADDRESS”, “blockchain”: {

"protocol": "https",
"host": "",
"port": "443"

}, “pm-trading-db”: {

"protocol": "https",
"host": "",
"port": "443"

}, “ipfs”: {

"protocol": "https",
"host": "",
"port": "5001"

}, “gasPrice”: “1000000000”, “collateralToken”: “0xd19bce9f7693598a9fa1f94c548b20887a33f141” }

mnemonic**, is your HD wallet mnemonic phrase composed by 12 words ([HD wallet repository](;
account**, is your ethereum address, all transactions will be sent from this address. If not provided, pm-scripts will calculate it from your mnemonic phrase;
blockchain**, defines the Ethereum Node pm-scripts should send transactions to ( by default);
pm-trading-db**, defines the [pm-trading-db]( url, an Ethereum indexer which exposes a handy API to get your list of markets and their details (default:;
ipfs**, sets the IPFS node pm-scripts should send transactions to ( by default);
gasPrice**, the desired gasPrice
collateralToken**, the Collateral Token contract's address:
**Rinkeby:** 0xd19bce9f7693598a9fa1f94c548b20887a33f141
**Kovan:** 0x9326454039077bcea0705d6b68c8e9b104094a1c

ains a JSON array and defines all the markets you want to create and manage.

 Market properties
rder to create markets on top of Gnosis each market in the configuration file must provide the following properties, as also exemplified in the **examples** directory:

# Title
title of the market.

# Description
xt field describing the title of the market.

# resolutionDate
nes when the prediction market ends, you can always resolve a market before its resolutionDate expires.
at must be any recognised by
ascript Date constructor](,
 recommended to use an ISO date format like *2018-03-27T16:20:11.698Z*.

# currency
xt field defining which currency is holding the market's funds.

# fee
xt field defining the amount of fee held by the market creator. More info on the dedicated [pm-js documentation](

# funding
xt field representing how much funds to provid the market with.

# winningOutcome
xt field representing the winning outcome. If declared, pm-scripts  will try to resolve the market, but will always ask you to confirm before proceeding.

# outcomeType
nes the prediction market type. You must strictly provide 'CATEGORICAL' or 'SCALAR' (categorical market
calar market).

# upperBound (scalar markets)
xt field representing the upper bound of the predictions range. More info on [pm-js documentation](

# lowerBound (scalar markets)
xt field representing the lower bound of the predictions range.

# decimals (scalar markets)
es are passed in as whole integers and adjusted to the right order of magnitude according to the decimals property of the event description, which is a numeric integer.

# unit (scalar markets)
xt field representing the market's unit of measure, like '%' or '°C' etc...

# outcomes (categorical markets)
rray of text fields representing the available outcomes for the market.

How to run pm-scripts
re getting started **make sure you hold enough balance on your account** or transactions could fail.

main pm-scripts entry point is the lib/main.js file.
two main options are **deploy** and **resolve**:

node lib/main.js deploy node lib/main.js resolve

r you deploy *markets.json* will be updated with the addresses deployed and the ipfsHashes.

can also supply a custom pm-scripts configuration file and markets' file by providing the *-f* and *-m* parameters
owed by the full absolute path to your files:

e lib/main.js deploy -f path/to/pm-scripts/config -m path/to/markets/file`

rder to fund markets you may want to wrap Ethers to Collateral Tokens.
 provide the *-w* parameter followed by the amount of tokens you want to wrap.

following example wraps 1 Token before deploying the contracts defined into the
ult /conf directory of pm-scripts project:

e lib/main.js deploy -w 1e18`

ournament operators
should include in `package.json` your pm-apollo-token version with the deployed contract you want to use.
efault it's using `npm install`.

etting help

e lib/main.js -help`

esolving markets
rder to resolve markets you will have to specify, inside the market definition file, the winningOutcome property.
attention on the market type, for Scalar markets the winning outcome will ever be a value between the
r and lower bound of the market accordingly the number of decimals for the market.
categorical markets, the winningOutcome will ever be the index of the outcome in the 0-index outcomes array property.

lly run

e lib/main.js resolve`

etch markets data: pm-trading-db API
trading-db]( provides a handy Rest API serving all markets created on top of Gnosis.
 you create a market, go to{market_address} replace {market_address} with the address of your market and you will get access to all the market's data.

sing Custom Oracles

efault pm-scripts supports the CentralizedOracle only. Of course you would need to use a specific oracle, follow this few steps to enable it:

ploy your oracle on your testnet or mainnet
py the recent deployed oracle address
it the /config/markets.json file and place a new property **oracleAddress** inside those markets you want to be created by that oracle: "oracleAddress": "0x..0"
 ahead and deploy the markets

will now be able to create markets using the specified oracle.


 project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.