
Name: streamsx.protobuf

Owner: IBM Streams

Description: IBM Streams toolkit for parsing and creating Google Protocol Buffers

Created: 2018-02-09 13:55:39.0

Updated: 2018-02-11 20:00:59.0

Pushed: 2018-02-11 22:32:00.0


Size: 104

Language: Perl

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The streamsx.protobuf toolkit contains operators for interacting with serialized protocol buffer messages. It contains two conversion operators and two simple source operators.

Currently, this toolkit only supports proto2 syntax.

Examples can be found in the streamsx.protobuf.samples directory.

Conversion operators
  1. ProtobufParse takes a tuple with a blob field and emits a tuple matching the protoMessage parameter type it is given.

  2. ProtobufBuild takes a tuple as generated by the spl-schema-from-protobuf script (see below) and emits a serialized version in the Protobuf serialization format as a blob.

Important!! To compile these operators, your Makefile should include the following flag passed to sc:

APPDIR = $(shell basename `pwd`)

sc -M <main composite> -t <path to streamsx.protobuf> -w -Wl,-rpath="'\$$\$$ORIGIN/../toolkits/$(APPDIR)/impl/lib'"

Note, that -Wl is W followed by lowercase L. If this is not included, the sab bundle does not properly set the runtime library path to include the generated that is placed in the application directory.

Source operators
  1. ProtobufTCPSource creates a TCP server that will accept connections which can pass 1 or more Protobuf messages, each prefixed with a 4-byte record length.

  2. ProtobufFileSource reads binary files that contain Protobuf messages, each prefixed with a 4-byte record length.


The streamsx.protobuf toolkit requires the Protobuf libraries are installed on the compiling machine.

The easiest way to install them is from the CentOS base yum repository

install protobuf.x86_64
install protobuf-devel.x86_64


The following statements will set them for protobuf and protobuf-devel that are available with CentOS:

rt STREAMSX_PROTOBUF_INCLUDEPATH=/usr/include/google/protobuf
Generating SPL schemas from .proto files

This toolkit contains a script under streamsx.protobuf/bin called spl-schema-from-protobuf. This script will generate tuples in SPL to match the Protobuf messages in .proto files.

This generated schema is required to use the conversion operators.

ProtobufParse emits the tuple generated by the script corresponding to the Protobuf message it is receiving.

ProtobufBuild receives the tuple generated by the script corresponding to the Protobuf message it is producing.

Naming Conventions

For all message and enum names, _pb is appended to the identifier.

For all field names or enum values, _ (underscore) is appended to the identifier. An example can be seen in streamsx.protobuf.samples.


To use this toolkit, create an empty application. Place your .proto file inside your <application>/impl directory.

Run the command:

h to streamsx.protobuf toolkit>/bin/spl-schema-from-protobuf impl <your protobuf file name>

This will generate the SPL schema to use with the conversion operators. The files will be placed in your <application> directory within a nested directory structure based on the .proto message structure. For example, if your .proto file contains a package directive: package tutorial, then the generated files will be in <application>/tutorial.

The output will also include a console message providing the code snippet to add to your .spl application to use the generated SPL types.

As an example, if you use the protobuf tutorial file (address.proto), the directory structure created will include:


Next, you will use the operators within your application or composite operator.

Simple Example

If you have a Protobuf message named my.package.MyMessage, the files will look like this:

syntax = "proto2";

package my.package;

message MyMessage {
    required string field = 1;
namespace my.package;

use my.package::*;

type MyMessage_pb = tuple<
    rstring field_
ProtobufParse invocation
stream<blob recordData> serializedRecords = ProtobufFileSource() {
        file: "<binary file>";

stream<my.package::MyMessage_pb> myMessages = ProtobufParse(serializedRecords) {
        dataAttribute: recordData;
        protoMessage: "my.package.MyMessage";
        protoDirectory: "impl";
        protoRootFile: "MyMessage.proto";
ProtobufBuild invocation
stream<my.package::MyMessage_pb> myMessages = Beacon() {
        period: 1.0;
        myMessages: field_ = "<value>";

stream<blob recordData> serializedRecords = ProtobufParse(myMessages) {
        protoMessage: "my.package.MyMessage";
        protoDirectory: "impl";
        protoRootFile: "MyMessage.proto";
Under the hood

How do the converters work?

They utilize a grammar file in yapp, which is a Perl port of yacc. The grammar defines the proto2 syntax according to the Google language specification sheet. The yapp grammar is compiled into a Perl module, which generates a parse tree containing all message and enum definitions within the file. For each import from the root file, this process is repeated until all files have been processed.

The Build/Parse operators iterate through this parse tree to map Protobuf message values into and out of Streams tuples. At compile time, these operators run this parser to create the tree, and then they run the protoc command to generate the C++ that is the messages will use. The C++ is compiled into a shared object library named, which is stored in the application directory's impl/lib. This means that if more than one Build and/or Parse operator exists in the same composite, they cannot be compiled in parallel and they must used the same Protobuf definitions. Otherwise, race conditions will occur and one or both will be non-functional at run time.

Variable mapping is generated recursively, so infinitely complex messages can be handled. There are two limitations: These operators cannot handle group fields or oneof fields. Oneof fields are planned for future implementation, but group fields have been deprecated by Google in favor of nested messages.

Every available effort to ensure the readability of the generated code was made, as this makes debugging issues much easier. Feel free to take a look. However, all variable names are randomly generated to reduce the likelihood of a name collision. Name collisions are not checked beforehand, as the likelihood of not having a name collision in a message with 100 fields is (1-1/5220)100, which is infintessimally small.

Some older versions of the protoc compiler do not require the first line to state syntax = "proto2";, but this parser requires the statement to be present regardless of the version of protoc installed.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.