
Name: wgs2ncbi

Owner: Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Description: Toolkit for preparing genomes for submission to NCBI

Created: 2013-08-06 13:15:44.0

Updated: 2017-10-17 16:16:48.0

Pushed: 2017-10-31 22:13:19.0


Size: 2101

Language: Perl

GitHub Committers

UserMost Recent Commit# Commits
Kim Rutherford2015-11-17 01:46:48.01
Rutger Vos2018-02-27 14:49:15.0168

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WGS2NCBI - toolkit for preparing genomes for submission to NCBI

The process of going from an annotated genome to a valid NCBI submission is somewhat cumbersome. “Boutique” genome projects might produce a scaffolded assembly in FASTA format and predicted genes in GFF3 tabular format (e.g. produced by the “maker” pipeline) but no convenient tools appear to exist to turn these results in the format that NCBI requires. This project remedies this by providing some Perl scripts (with no dependencies) to do the re-formatting. Included is also a shell script that chains the Perl scripts together and runs NCBI's tbl2asn on the result. This shell script is intended as an example and should be edited or copied to provide the right values.

Intro: What needs to be submitted

NCBI requires that “whole genome shotgunning” (WGS) genomes are submitted as .sqn files (under the new rules of Spring 2013, one file for each scaffold). A sqn file is a file in ASN.1 syntax that contains both the sequence, its features, and the metadata about the submission (i.e. the authors, the publication title, the organism, etc.). sqn files are normally produced by the SeqIn program, which has a graphical user interface and which is therefore not practical for the potentially many thousands of files that comprise an entire genome. It is therefore preferred to use the program tbl2asn (command line), which takes a directory with FASTA files (.fsa) and corresponding files with the gene features in tabular format (.tbl), and a submission template (template.sbt) to produce the sqn files. We therefore need to do some data processing to prepare the inputs for tbl2asn.

Since our starting material is one giant FASTA file that contains the scaffolds and a GFF file with the features, we need to do the following:

  1. use the GenBank web form to create the submission template
  2. explode the GFF3 file into smaller ones, one for each scaffold: wgs2ncbi prepare -conf <config.ini>
  3. split the FASTA file into scaffolds and feature tables: wgs2ncbi process -conf <config.ini>
  4. run tbl2asn on the folder with the intermediate files: wgs2ncbi convert -conf <config.ini>
  5. verify output from tbl2asn, make updates to the protein names. If need be, keep re-running step 4 and updating the names file until there are no warnings in the descrepancy report.
  6. compress .sqn files: wgs2ncbi compress -conf <config.ini>, and upload to NCBI. They will perform a contaminants screen. If there are suspicious sequences (e.g. untrimmed adaptors), mask these using the adaptors file.

In other words, the pipeline mostly consists of invocations of the wgs2ncbi script. Each invocation is followed by a verb (prepare, process, convert, compress), followed by a set of arguments that point to a configuration file, which in turn points to other files. By perusing the examples of these configuration files you should get a pretty good idea how to prepare your own versions of these files. To be able to run the script, you will need to install it locally. One way to do that is as follows:

  1. download the repository
  2. unzip it, open a terminal window, and move into the top-level folder
  3. perl Makefile.PL
  4. sudo make install

Here now follow more details about each of the steps of the pipeline:

Creating the submission template

GenBank provides a web form that produces the sbt file. This form needs to be filled out with the correct metadata, i.e. all the authors of the publication, the publication title, the organism, etc. The included template.sbt file contains an example. The form to create such files is here

Splitting the GFF3 file

The genome annotation file (GFF3 format) may have the following issues that may prevent quick lookups of features for a given scaffold:

To remedy this we “explode” the GFF3 file into separate files, one for each scaffold. This allows us to quickly find the annotations for a given scaffold (i.e. random access) and we can filter out included things we don't want. This is done using the following command:

wgs2ncbi prepare -conf <config.ini>
Splitting the FASTA file

Once the annotations are exploded, we then need to take the big FASTA file and chop it up into multiple FASTA files and tbl files, which need to be written into an output folder. The naive behavior is to write each scaffold (and its features) to a separate FASTA file. This, however, may result in very many files. Therefore, you can provide a parameter to indicate that sequences and feature tables are lumped together with up to chunksize sequences per file, where chunksize may not exceed 10000 according to NCBI guidelines. The default for this is 5000.

wgs2ncbi process -conf <config.ini>

A word of caution: this script produces in some cases tens of thousands of files, each of which have a name that matches the first word in the FASTA definition line (so this should be a unique identifier!) and the *.fsa extension. Generally speaking you want to avoid having to look inside the folder that contains these files because graphical interfaces (like the windows explorer or the mac finder) have a hard time dealing with this. If you use the chunksize parameter (which is the default behaviour) the numberof files will be a lot lower, and each will have a name matching combined_xxx-yyy.(fsa|tbl), where xxx and yyy are the start and end rank of the sequences in the file.

Running tbl2asn

Once the submission template, the FASTA files, and the feature tables are produced, the tbl2asn program provided by NCBI needs to be run on the folder that contains these files. A typical invocation using the wrapper goes like this:

wg2ncbi convert -conf <config.ini>

In other words, this command will run the tbl2asn command for you with the right command line arguments (provided you have installed it on your system and made sure it can be found). Pay attention to the output as this is running, and inspect the discrepancy report.

The Discrepancy Report is an evaluation of a single or multiple ASN.1 files, looking for suspicious annotation or annotation discrepancies that NCBI staff has noticed commonly occur in genome submissions, both complete and incomplete (WGS). A few of the problems that this function was written to find include inconsistent locus_tag prefixes, missing protein_id's, missing gene features, and suspect product names. The function is available in specially configured Sequin, as an argument for tbl2asn, or with the command-line program asndisc.

If you have questions about the Discrepancy Report, please contact us by email at prior to sending us your submission. Source:

The report contains numerous informational messages, warnings, and fatal errors. The latter have to be resolved before your submission is accepted by NCBI. Most (ideally, all) of the fatal errors have to do with bad product names. As you scroll through the discrepancy report, there will be categories of problematic product names (e.g. where a product is called a 'gene', which would be incoherent). Below each category, all the instances of this problem are listed. Each instance will show the problematic description.For these you need to create a mapping. Note that this conversion step may consequently be an iterative process: if the descrepancy report raises issues about names you will need to address and re-run the step.

Uploading to NCBI

Tip: Note that NCBI does accept .tar.gz archives, which means you can prepare your upload as follows:

wgs2ncbi compress -conf <config.ini>

Once you upload the archive, you will get a verdict from whoever is handling this submission at NCBI. It is possible that there will be stretches of sequence in your submission that NCBI will consider contaminants (based on a pipeline they run). One way to deal with those is to blank them out of the data, using a configuration file that specifies the coordinates of stretches to NNN. In addition, NCBI might have additional issues with certain protein names, so you may have to update the names mapping file. Then rerun the convert step, rebuild the archive, and do another upload.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.