
Name: batchit

Owner: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Description: simple jobs submission via command-line for AWS batch

Forked from: base2genomics/batchit

Created: 2017-12-07 20:44:43.0

Updated: 2017-12-07 20:44:45.0

Pushed: 2017-12-09 00:24:11.0

Homepage: null

Size: 28

Language: Go

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batchit is a collection of utilities for working with AWS batch.


hit Version: $version

       : detach and delete a volume by id
ount   : create and mount an EBS volume from an EC2 instance
ount   : EFS drive from an EC2 instance
lmount : RAID and mount local storage
it     : run a batch command


hit submit \
        --image worker:latest \
        --role worker-role \
        --queue big-queue \
        --jobname my-work \
        --cpus 32 \
        --mem 32000
        --envvars "sample=SS-1234" "reference=hg38" "bucket="my-s3-bucket" \
        --ebs /mnt/my-ebs:500:st1:ext4 \

where the image must be present in your elastic container registry, and the role and queue in their respective places (IAM, batch respectively). In this example contains the commands to be run. It will have access to a 500GB st1 volume created with ext4 and mounted to /mnt/my-ebs. This will automatically set docker to run in privileged mode so that it has access to the EBS volume that is attached to /dev in the instance. (We stole this idea from aegea)

The volume will be cleaned up automatically when the container exits.

Note that array jobs are also supported with --arraysize INT parameter. Currently, the user is responsible for specifying the dependency mode (N_TO_N or SEQUENTIAL) to the --dependson parameter.

For this example a simplified might look like:

s3 cp s3://{bucket}/{sample}_r1.fq .
s3 cp s3://{bucket}/{sample}_r2.fq .
s3 sync s3://{bucket}/assets/{reference} .
mem -t {cpus} {reference}.fa {sample}_r1.fq {sample}_r2.fq \
  | samtools sort -o {sample}.bam
ools index {sample}.bam
s3 cp {sample}.bam s3://{bucket}/
s3 cp {sample}.bam.bai s3://{bucket}/

create, attach, format, and mount an EBS volume of the specified size and type to the specified mount-point. If -n is greater than 1, then it will automatically RAID0 (performance, not reliability) the drives. This is used (in shorthand) by the --ebs argument to batchit submit above.

e: batchit [--size SIZE] --mountpoint MOUNTPOINT [--volumetype VOLUMETYPE] [--fstype FSTYPE] [--iops IOPS] [--n N] [--keep]

size SIZE, -s SIZE   size in GB of desired EBS volume [default: 200]
                     directory on which to mount the EBS volume
                     desired volume type; gp2 for General Purpose SSD; io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD; st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD; sc1 for HDD or Magnetic volumes; standard for infrequent [default: gp2]
fstype FSTYPE, -t FSTYPE
                     file system type to create (argument must be accepted by mkfs) [default: ext4]
iops IOPS, -i IOPS   Provisioned IOPS. Only valid for volume type io1. Range is 100 to 20000 and <= 50\*size of volume.
n N, -n N            number of volumes to request. These will be RAID0'd into a single volume for better write speed and available as a single drive at the specified mount point. [default: 1]
keep, -k             dont delete the volume(s) on termination (default is to delete)
help, -h             display this help and exit
version              display version and exit

This is a trivial wrapper around mounting an EFS volume.

e: batchit [--mountoptions MOUNTOPTIONS] EFS MOUNTPOINT

tional arguments:
S                    efs DNS and mount path (
UNTPOINT             local directory on which to mount the EBS volume

                     options to send to mount command
help, -h             display this help and exit

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.