
Name: wasabi

Owner: Clever

Description: Wasabi A/B Testing Service is a real-time, enterprise-grade, 100% API driven project.

Forked from: intuit/wasabi

Created: 2017-11-29 19:50:54.0

Updated: 2017-11-29 19:51:00.0

Pushed: 2017-11-28 10:11:51.0


Size: 19188

Language: Java

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Wasabi - A/B Testing Platform

Support: Join the chat at
Documentation: User Guide, JavaDocs
A/B Testing Overview: A/B Testing Overview Blog Meet Wasabi Blog Architecture Behind Wasabi
Continuous Integration: Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central
License: Apache 2


Wasabi A/B Testing Service is a real-time, enterprise-grade, 100% API driven project. Users are empowered to own their own data, and run experiments across web, mobile, and desktop. It?s fast, easy to use, it?s chock full of features, and instrumentation is minimal.

Learn more about how Wasabi can empower your team to move from hunches to actionable, data-driven user insights with our simple, flexible, and scalable experimentation platform.

User Interface
Get Started

The following steps will help you install the needed tools, then build and run a complete Wasabi stack.

Bootstrap Your Environment Mac OS
sr/bin/ruby \
 "$(curl -fsSL"
ew install git
t clone
bin/ bootstrap

Installed tools include: homebrew 0.9, git 2, maven 3, java 1.8, docker 1.12, node 6 and python 2.7.


Bootstrapping on Ubuntu requires sudo privileges to install all the required dependencies. You will be prompted to enter your password. Currently only 16.04 (x64) is supported.

do apt-get install git
t clone
bin/ bootstrap
do reboot

NOTE: A reboot is required after running the bootstrap command on Ubuntu.

For all other processes (build, start etc.) the commands are same for Ubuntu and Mac OS.

Installed tools include: git 2, maven 3, OpenJdk 8, docker 1.12, node 6 and python 2.7

Similar tooling will work for Windows. Contribute a patch :)

Start Wasabi

Now that we have the necessary tools in place, let's move on to build and start Wasabi, followed by issuing a ping command to verify the build:

bin/ build start

bi is operational:

: % open http://localhost:8080     note: sign in as admin/admin
ng: % curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ping
bug: attach to localhost:8180

rl -i http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ping
/1.1 200 OK
: Wed, 25 May 2016 00:25:47 GMT

plication-Id: wasabi-api-20151215171929-SNAPSHOT-development
ent-Type: application/json
sfer-Encoding: chunked
er: Jetty(9.3.z-SNAPSHOT)

  "componentName":"Experiments Cassandra",


Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a newly minted Wasabi instance. :)

Running Wasabi with remote storage
Set Mysql and Cassandra credentials Download Cassandra migration tool Set up your environment variables Set up Cassandra tables
H_VERSION=<version> CQLSH_USERNAME=<username> CQLSH_PASSWORD=<pwd> CQLSH_HOST=<host> bin/docker/
Run Wasabi with env variables for remote storage hosts
L_HOST=<mysql_host> NODE_HOST=<cassandra_host> ./bin/ start:wasabi
Run Wasabi outside of docker with WASABI_CONFIGURATION for remote storage hosts
application.http.port=$PORT" bash usr/local/wasabi-main-*/bin/run
bin/ status

AINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                     NAMES
458057ef        wasabi-main              " wasabi"   25 minutes ago      Up 25 minutes>8080/tcp,>8090/tcp,>8180/tcp    wasabi-main
cc885239        mysql:5.6                ""   26 minutes ago      Up 26 minutes>3306/tcp                                                    wasabi-mysql
a96abdcb        cassandra:2.1            "/docker-entrypoint.s"   27 minutes ago      Up 27 minutes       7000-7001/tcp,>9042/tcp, 7199/tcp,>9160/tcp   wasabi-cassandra
bin/ start:cassandra

bin/ start:wasabi
Call Wasabi

These are the 3 common REST endpoints that you will use to instrument your client application with Wasabi.

Let's assume that you've created and started an experiment, 'BuyButton,' in the 'Demo_App' application with the following buckets:

You can assign a user with a unique ID (e.g. 'userID1') to the experiment by making this HTTP request:

Assign a user to experiment and bucket:

rl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


Now the 'userID1' user is assigned into the 'BucketA' bucket. Let's further record an impression, meaning the user has seen a given experience:

Record an impression:

rl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"events\":[{\"name\":\"IMPRESSION\"}]}" \

If the 'userID1' user performs an action such as clicking the Buy button, you'd record that action with the following request:

Record an action:

rl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"events\":[{\"name\":\"BuyClicked\"}]}" \
Explore Various Resources

The following developer resources are available:

API: Swagger API playground

bin/ resource:api


bin/ resource:doc

Wasabi UI

bin/ resource:ui

Cassandra: cqlsh shell

bin/ resource:cassandra

MySQL: mysql shell

bin/ resource:mysql

Java Debugger: Remote attach configuration

Stop Wasabi

Alas, all good things must come to an end. Let's clean things up a bit stop the newly created Wasabi stack:

At this point in time, we now have all the requisite tools installed, and subsequent invocations of Wasabi will start up much more quickly.

bin/ stop
Get Familiar with

Further, there are a number of additional options available you should become familiar with:

bin/ --help

age: [options] [commands]

-e | --endpoint [ host:port ]          : api endpoint; default: localhost:8080
-v | --verify [ true | false ]         : verify installation configuration; default: false
-s | --sleep [ sleep-time ]            : sleep/wait time in seconds; default: 30
-h | --help                            : help message

bootstrap                              : install dependencies
build                                  : build project
start[:cassandra,mysql,wasabi]         : start all, cassandra, mysql, wasabi
test                                   : test wasabi
stop[:wasabi,cassandra,mysql]          : stop all, wasabi, cassandra, mysql
resource[:ui,api,doc,cassandra,mysql]  : open resource api, javadoc, cassandra, mysql
status                                 : display resource status
remove[:wasabi,cassandra,mysql]        : remove all, wasabi, cassandra, mysql
package                                : build deployable packages
release[:start,finish]                 : promote release
Build and Run Wasabi Server
n package
bin/ start:cassandra,mysql
d modules/main/target; \
WASABI_CONFIGURATION="-DnodeHosts=localhost" ./wasabi-main-*-SNAPSHOT-development/bin/run) &
rl -i http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ping

The runtime logs can be accessed executing the following command in a another shell:

Viewing runtime logs:

il -f modules/main/target/wasabi-main-*-SNAPSHOT-development/logs/wasabi-main-*-SNAPSHOT-development.log
Build and Run Wasabi UI
unt build
unt serve
Stop Wasabi
bin/ stop

Now while that was fun, in all likelihood you will be using an IDE to work on Wasabi. In doing so, you need only add the configuration information above to the JVM commandline prior to startup:

Wasabi runtime configuration:

Run Integration Tests

Code changes can readily be verified by running the growing collection of included integration tests:

bin/ start test stop

Integration tests might fail intermittently due to a time drift issue in docker containers on Mac OSX.

When the Mac sleeps and wakes back up, there is a lag created between the clock in the Mac vs the running docker containers. This is a known issue in Docker for Mac.

This can be fixed by running the following command:

cker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s

The above command will need to be run every time when there is a time drift.

To automatically run this command and update the time each time the Mac wakes up, you could install the following agent:

rl | bash

You can read more about this at: quick-tip-fixing-time-drift-issue-on-docker-for-mac

Package and Deploy at Scale

Wasabi can readily be packaged as installable rpm or deb distributions and deployed at scale as follows:

Package by running integration tests 1st:

bin/ start package

Package without integration tests, if needed:

bin/ -t false package

Find generated package files:

nd . -type f \( -name "*.rpm" -or -name "*.deb" \)

Note: Java 8 is a runtime dependency


Wasabi is readily embeddable via the following maven dependency GAV family:


We greatly encourage contributions! You can add new features, report and fix existing bugs, write docs and tutorials, or any of the above. Feel free to open issues and/or send pull requests.

The master branch of this repository contains the latest stable release of Wasabi, while snapshots are published to the develop branch. In general, pull requests should be submitted against develop by forking this repo into your account, developing and testing your changes, and creating pull requests to request merges. See the Contributing to a Project article for more details about how to contribute in general and find more specific information on how to write code for Wasabi in our user guide.

Extension projects such as browser plugins, client integration libraries, and apps can be contributed under the contrib directory.

Steps to contribute:

  1. Fork this repository into your account on Github
  2. Clone your forked repository (not our original one) to your hard drive with git clone
  3. Design and develop your changes
  4. Add/update unit tests
  5. Add/update integration tests
  6. Add/update documentation on gh-pages branch
  7. Create a pull request for review to request merge
  8. Obtain 2 approval squirrels before your changes can be merged

Thank you for your contribution!

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.