
Name: ember-cli-deploy-index-json

Owner: PeopleDoc

Description: null

Created: 2017-11-15 10:26:25.0

Updated: 2017-11-15 10:39:08.0

Pushed: 2017-11-21 11:11:59.0

Homepage: null

Size: 94

Language: JavaScript

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An Ember CLI Deploy plugin to use a JSON index rather than an HTML one as provided by ember-cli-deploy-s3-index.

This JSON index file is meant to be consumed by some application embedding yours.

ber deploy production
t tmp/deploy-dist/index.json

ssets/dummy.css": "assets/dummy-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css",
ssets/dummy.js": "assets/dummy-f1caa4785f44f7dc0ca9118458c120f8.js",
ssets/vendor.js": "assets/vendor-b3a3b580d0c1bf83382792291e35020b.js",
ssets/vendor.css": "assets/vendor-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css",
rossdomain.xml": "crossdomain.xml",
obots.txt": "robots.txt"

What is an Ember CLI Deploy plugin?

A plugin is an addon that can be executed as a part of the Ember CLI Deploy pipeline. A plugin will implement one or more of the Ember CLI Deploy's pipeline hooks.

For more information on what plugins are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.


You'll first have to setup ember-cli-deploy-s3-index.

ber install ember-cli-deploy-index-json

Edit config/deploy.js so that your configuration looks like the snippet below.

ision-data': {
lePattern: 'index.json'

index': {
lePattern: 'index.json'

In depth: The idea is that revision-data, s3-index and index-json have the same filePattern value. index-json is not present in this example because we're using its default filePattern value.


ember deploy production

ember deploy:list production

ember deploy:activate --revision <revision-key>

Ember CLI Deploy Hooks Implemented

For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

Configuration Options

For detailed information on how configuration of plugins works, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.


Files matching this pattern will be included in the index.

Default: '**/*.{js,css,png,gif,ico,jpg,map,xml,txt,svg,swf,eot,ttf,woff,woff2}'


Files matching this pattern will not be included in the index even if they match filePattern.

Default: null


The JSON index file name. If changed, you should adapt revision-data and s3-index plugins configs accordingly.

Default: 'index.json'


Directory where assets have been written to

Default: the distDir property of the deployment context


The Array of built assets.

Default: the distFiles property of the deployment context


No properties are expected to be present on the deployment context object.

Why ember test doesn't work

Since this is a node-only Ember CLI addon, we use mocha for testing and this package does not include many files and devDependencies which are part of Ember CLI's typical ember test processes.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.