
Name: log-cache

Owner: Cloud Foundry

Description: null

Created: 2017-11-14 18:25:08.0

Updated: 2018-05-23 22:47:07.0

Pushed: 2018-05-23 22:47:05.0

Homepage: null

Size: 451

Language: Go

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Log Cache

GoDoc travis

Log Cache persists data in memory from the Loggregator System.


This repository should be imported as:

import logcache ""

Source IDs

Log Cache indexes everything by the source_id field on the Loggregator Envelope. The source ID should distinguish the cluster from other clusters. It should not distinguish a specific instance.

Cloud Foundry

In terms of Cloud Foundry, the source ID can either represent an application guid (e.g. cf app <app-name> --guid), or a component name (e.g. doppler).

Each request must have the Authorization header set with a UAA provided token. If the token contains the doppler.firehose scope, the request will be able to read data from any source ID. If the source ID is an app guid, the Cloud Controller is consulted to verify if the provided token has the appropriate app access.

Shard Groups

Shard groups can be used to split up consumption among multiple readers. With a shard group and set of requester IDs, Log Cache will do its best to evenly spread results among the requesters.

Restful API via Gateway

Log Cache implements a restful interface for getting data.

GET /v1/read/<source-id>

Get data from Log Cache for the given source-id.


Query Parameters:

Response Body

nvelopes": {"batch": [...] }

GET /v1/meta

Lists the available source IDs that Log Cache has persisted.

Response Body


Response fields
GET /v1/shard_group/<group-name>

Reads from the given shard-group. The shard-group's source-ids are merged and sorted.

Query Parameters:

Response Body

nvelopes": {"batch": [...] },
rgs": [...]

PUT /v1/shard_group/<group-name>/

Adds the given source ids to the given shard-group. If the shard-group does not exist, then it gets created. Each shard-group may contain many sub-groups. Each sub-group may contain many source-ids. Each requester (identified by a requester_id) will receive an equal subset of the shard group. A sub-group ensures that each requester receives envelopes for the given source-ids grouped together (and not spread across other requesters). When setting a shard-group, an arg can also be provided. This arg will be returned when reading back from the group. This gives context as to what data has been read.

Request Body

ourceIds": [

rg": "some-arg"

 "http://<log-cache-addr>:8080/v1/shard_group/<group-name>" -XPUT -d'{"sourceIds":["source-id-1","source-id-2"]}'
Response Body

GET /v1/shard_group/<group-name>/meta

Gets meta information about the shard-group.

Response Body

ource_ids": [...],
equester_ids": [...],
rgs": [...]

GET /v1/promql

Issues a PromQL query against Log Cache data.

 -G "http://<log-cache-addr>:8080/v1/promql" --data-urlencode 'query=metrics{source_id="source-id-1"}'
Response Body

ector": {
"samples": [{ "metric": {...}, "point": {...} }]

Cloud Foundry CLI Plugin

Log Cache provides a plugin for the Cloud Foundry command line tool, which makes interacting with the API simpler.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.