
Name: analysis-py-utils

Owner: Verily Life Sciences

Description: Python utilities for BigQuery analyses.

Created: 2017-10-20 19:11:40.0

Updated: 2018-01-18 18:19:56.0

Pushed: 2017-11-09 19:24:56.0

Homepage: null

Size: 50

Language: Python

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Verily Python Analysis Utilities

  1. Ensure that the tests are run in an environment authenticated to send requests to BigQuery, such as Google Cloud Shell or a local machine with gcloud installed and gcloud auth application-default login executed to configure the credential.

  2. Install this Python package.

    install git+
  3. Set the environment variable for the Cloud Platform project in which the queries will run.

Using BQTestCase

BQTestCase provides an implementation of the Python unittest unit testing framework for testing BigQuery queries. Tests that inherit from it will:

experimental It also provides a mock BigQuery framework for simple unit tests that cuts running time from tens of seconds to less than a second.

Here is a simple example test using BQTestCase:

rt unittest import SchemaField
 verily.bigquery_wrapper import bq_test_case

s SampleTest(bq_test_case.BQTestCase):

# You always have to override this method in your tests that inherit from bq_test_case.
# The constructor of BQTestCase calls this method and will raise a NotImplementedError
# if it doesn't have a method body. You can create tables other places in your test, too,
# but you probably want to create tables here that are across multiple tests.
def create_mock_tables(cls):
    # type: () -> None
    """Create mock tables"""
    cls.src_table_name = cls.client.path('tmp')
        [SchemaField('foo', 'INTEGER'),
         SchemaField('bar', 'INTEGER'),
         SchemaField('baz', 'INTEGER')],
        [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

def setUpClass(cls):
    # type: () -> None
    """Set up class"""
    # By default, the BQTestCase will use BigQuery to back its tests. Setting
    # use_mocks to True will use mock_bq to back its tests. This makes the tests
    # run much faster than they would if they used actual BigQuery. Of course,
    # there are some limitations as to what the mock can handle.
    super(SampleTest, cls).setUpClass(use_mocks=False)

# In your tests, use cls.client as your BigQuery client, and BQTestCase will
# figure out the rest!
def test_load_data(cls):
    # type: () -> None
    """Test bq.Client.get_query_results"""
    result = cls.client.get_query_results(
        'SELECT * FROM `' + cls.src_table_name + '`')
    cls.assertSetEqual(set(result), set([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]))

_name__ == "__main__":
Testing templated queries in external files.

This framework can also be used to test queries in external files.

As a concrete example, suppose you have a query in file data_counts.sql that uses Jinja for templating.


 Count the number of distinct foos and bars in the table.

UNT(DISTINCT foo) AS foo_cnt,
UNT(DISTINCT bar) AS bar_cnt


To test it, you can create file in the same directory with the following contents.

rt unittest import SchemaField
 jinja2 import Template
 verily.bigquery_wrapper import bq_test_case

s QueryTest(bq_test_case.BQTestCase):
f setUpClass(cls):
super(QueryTest, cls).setUpClass(use_mocks=False)

f create_mock_tables(cls):
cls.src_table_name = cls.client.path("data")
    [SchemaField("foo", "STRING"),
     SchemaField("bar", "INTEGER")],
        ["foo1", 0],
        ["foo2", 0],
        ["foo3", 10],
        ["foo1", 10]
f test_data_counts(self):
# Perform the Jinja template replacement.
sql = Template(
    open("data_counts.sql", "r").read()).render(
        {"DATA_TABLE": self.src_table_name})
result = self.client.get_query_results(sql)
self.assertSetEqual(set(result), set([(3, 2),]))

_name__ == "__main__":

By default, BQTestCases will be run against BigQuery or you can explicitly pass use_mocks=False to your superconstructor call.

Mock BQ

To run BQTestCases against a mock BigQuery (implemented in pass use_mocks=True to your superconstructor call. This makes tests run in less than a second instead of the tens of seconds required for accessing actual BigQuery tables.

The mock is backed by an in-memory SQLite database, so there are some caveats.

As you can imagine there is plenty of room for growth here. These are just the functions that have come up in testing so far.

There will be some BigQuery functions that just won't work in SQLite3. In that case pass use_mocks=False in your call to your class's superconstructor so that the query is sent to BigQuery instead of SQLite3.

Whether you use the mock or not, it's a good idea to make sure your tests pass using actual BigQuery.


If you're having problems with your tests running against real BigQuery, it can be kind of tricky to debug because all your tables get deleted after the test is run. To preserve your tables, override the default implementations of the tearDown methods in you test.

f tearDown(self):
"""Disable clean up of tables after a test case is run."""

f tearDownClass(cls):
"""Disable clean up of the dataset after a test suite is run."""

The test tables have an expiration time of one hour so they will be deleted automatically after that time elaspses but the empty datasets will remain, so be sure to delete those manually.

Mock BQ

Probably the most common problem you'll run into is trying to do things in your query that SQLite can't handle. If you try to do that, you'll get a RuntimeException that says:

tried to reformat your query into SQLite, but it still won't work.
k to make sure it was a valid query to begin with, then consider adding the transformation
ed to make it work in the _reformat_query method.
te error: (whatever error SQLite threw)
result query: (your query after we tried to transform it)

From there you can work through whatever solution you choose. There is a flag passed into the _reformat_query function called print_before_and_after that's False by default, but if you set it to True, it will automatically print out your query as it's passed in to the function, then again after we tried to reformat it, so that might be helpful for debugging.

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.