
Name: watson-waste-sorter

Owner: International Business Machines

Description: Create an iOS phone application that sorts waste into three categories (landfill, recycling, compost) using a Watson Visual Recognition custom classifier

Created: 2017-10-20 18:59:26.0

Updated: 2018-05-21 15:44:59.0

Pushed: 2018-04-27 13:34:25.0


Size: 54588

Language: Swift

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Create a custom Visual Recognition classifier for sorting waste

In this developer code pattern, we will create a mobile app, Python Server with Flask, and Watson Visual Recognition. This mobile app sends pictures of waste and garbage to be analyzed by a server app, using Watson Visual Recognition. The server application will use pictures of common trash to train Watson Visual Recognition to identify various categories of waste, e.g. recycle, compost, or landfill. A developer can leverage this to create their own custom Visual Recognition classifiers for their use cases.

When the reader has completed this Code Pattern, they will understand how to:


  1. User interacts with the mobile app and captures an image.
  2. The image on the mobile phone is passed to the server application running in the cloud.
  3. The server sends the image to Watson Visual Recognition Service for analysis and sends back the classification result to the mobile app.
  4. Visual Recognition service classifies the image and returns the information to the server.
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Create an IBM Cloud account and install the Cloud Foundry CLI on your machine.


  1. Create your custom visual recognition model
  2. Deploy the server application
  3. Create the mobile application and connect it to the server
  4. Using the Waste Sorter mobile application
Deploy the Server Application to IBM Cloud

You can either go through Step 1 and 2 to create your application server, or

You can simply click the Deploy to IBM Cloud button and Create the toolchain to provision, train, and run your visual recognition server. Then, go to the IBM Cloud Dashboard to verify your server is running and take note of your server application's endpoint. Once you done that, you can move on to Step 3 and deploy your mobile application.

Deploy to IBM Cloud

1. Create your custom visual recognition model

First, we need to clone this repository


Then, we need to login to the Cloud Foundry CLI.

ogin -a # Please use a different API endpoint if your IBM Cloud account is not in US-South

Next, provision a Free tier Visual Recognition Service and name it visual-recognition-wws. You can provision it using the above link or the command below.

reate-service watson_vision_combined free visual-recognition-wws

Then, either use the Visual Recognition Web UI or Command Line to create your custom model.

Create custom model via Web UI

After you provision the Visual Recognition service, create a new credential under the Service credentials tab on the left side of the Web UI. Now, you should see the api_key for the service. Use it to access the Visual Recognition Tool Web UI and create your own custom visual recognition model.

In the Visual Recognition Tool, click Create classifier. Then, upload the zipped image files from server/resources to the corresponding class as shown below. Make sure you name your classifier waste and the three classes should be Landfill, Recycle, and Compost. (All the names should be case sensitive).


Click Create after you uploaded all the files to the corresponding class. Now the visual recognition should start training the new custom model. The training process should take about 20 to 30 minutes, so you can start deploying the server and mobile app while waiting for it.

Create custom model via command line

After you provision the Visual Recognition service, run the following command to create your Visual Recognition API KEY

reate-service-key visual-recognition-wws waste-sorter
KEY=$(cf service-key visual-recognition-wws waste-sorter | awk ' /api_key/ {print $2;exit}' | tr -d "\",")

Now go to the server directory. Let's create our custom model using the sample zipped image files we have under server/resources

 $API_KEY # Make sure your API_KEY is not empty
 -X POST -F "Landfill_positive_examples=@resources/" -F "Recycle_positive_examples=@resources/" -F "Compost_positive_examples=@resources/" -F "negative_examples=@resources/" -F "name=waste" "$API_KEY&version=2016-05-20"

You can run the following commands to check your model status.

is command will retrieve all your custom models
 -X GET "{$API_KEY}&version=2016-05-20"

place <classifier_id> with the model classifier_id to view its status
 -X GET "<classifier_id>?api_key={$API_KEY}&version=2016-05-20"
2. Deploy the server application

Now in the server repository, push your server application to Cloud Foundry


Once the deployment succeeds, your backend server will be running in the cloud and be able to classify the different kinds of waste once the model finishes training. Please take note of your server application's endpoint as you will need it in the next step. Now let's go ahead and create our mobile app to use this classifier.

3. Create the mobile application and connect it to the server

In order to test the full features for this application, you need to have Xcode 8.0 or above installed and an IOS device to deploy the application.

Now Open your Xcode and select Open another project..., then select the mobile-app/WatsonWasteSorter.xcworkspace file and click Open.

Next, you need to modify the WatsonWasteSorter/Info.plist with the endpoint of the API server you just deployed. Replace the SERVER_API_ENDPOINT's value section with your server endpoint with extension /api/sort.


Next, you will need to sign your application with your Apple account. Go to the mobile app's General section, under Signing's Team select your team or add an account. Now your mobile app is signed and you are ready to deploy your Waste Sorter app.

Note: If you have trouble signing your Mobile app, please refer to

Now, connect your IOS device to your machine and select your device in Xcode. Click the run icon and your mobile app will be installed on your device.

4. Using the Waste Sorter mobile application

Congratulations, at this point you should have a mobile app that can classify waste using your camera. Now you can just simply point your camera to any waste and click the camera icon to take a picture. Then the application should tell you where the waste should go like this.


Now you should have a better idea on how to sort your trash. Note that if you have a result that said unclassified, it means your image is either too blurry or the waste is too far. In that case just simply point your camera closer and retake a new picture.

If you want to classify another waste item, simply click the center of the screen.



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Apache 2.0

This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number U24TR002306. This work is solely the responsibility of the creators and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.